Should atheists or progressives be allowed to hold office?

Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.
Speaking of which, if atheism isn't a religion how is it protected under the 1st Amendment to begin with?

Have you ever even read the Constitution?

"Atheism" is not protected.

My religious freedom as an American is protected. And that includes my right not to be forced to believe in your fairy tales.
Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.

It's no big deal. it is like Texans pledging Allegiance to the flag, " nation, indivisible..." and then going to their RW group meeting to plan for their strategy to secede from the union.
We should bar fundamentalist Christian conservatives from public office, since they put God before country, and God before our Constitution.
How so; the Constitution was founded on the notion of people being endowed by their creator with inalienable rights.

If atheists reject a creator (and consequentially the rights) how can they uphold the Constitution?

God(and yes I am being ironic by saying that) you are ignorant.

"endowed by their creator with inalienable rights' is from the Declaration of Independence- not the Constitution.

I uphold the Constitution be actually knowing what it says.

You think you uphold the Constittion merely by believing in some God.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.

So you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot.

See- atheists can be just like Christians.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
I think every one of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me except for Thomas Paine.

Athiests are morons and deranged narcissists. They do not have the right to be put in charge of public office anymore than a deranged sociapath would be.

But hey, you'll get lots of pats on the backs from libtards, Marxists and other ass holes, so you can feel warm fuzzies about it.

And of course you ignore Thomas Paine- because- well its convenient.

Most of the rest were deists- not particularly Christians and I think all of them would have rejected the idea that someone needed to believe in some God(oddly any god apparently will do) in order to care about the U.S. Constitution.

How do we know this? Because they put this very specific clause in the Constitution. A clause which anti-Constitution fascists like yourself want to ignore.

.; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.

So you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot.

See- atheists can be just like Christians.

Saying that lying is not okay makes you partisan?

Well of course to a lib. They always lie.
Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.

Hitler and Stalin were both raised Christians- what was it about being raised Christians that turned them into such killers?

Good Christians between between the years 500 to the 1800's killed millions of persons just because they were the wrong faith- or even worse- the wrong kind of Christian.

Really your argument comes down to that 'Atheism is bad because Atheists have killed more millions of people than Christians have killed millions of people"- which is really a stupid argument.

And the lazy kind intellectually vapid argument that Christians often make
Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.

There is no requirement to swear in with a Bible or use the statement 'So help me God"
Our homegrown christer taliban are no different in mentality as their Islamic Taliban brethren, both should be put down as they are the opposite of a free and opened society

Christian Taliban


Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church Inquisition | Crusades

Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.

So you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot.

See- atheists can be just like Christians.

Saying that lying is not okay makes you partisan?

Well of course to a lib. They always lie.

No I am saying that
you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot and also a liar.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I wish people would stop pegging all atheist as communist. Communist did not believe in God but not all atheist were communist.

Stop bringing facts and rationality into this thread!
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.

So you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot.

See- atheists can be just like Christians.

Saying that lying is not okay makes you partisan?

Well of course to a lib. They always lie.

No I am saying that
you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot and also a liar.


Do you have any other points besides your endless liberal regressive insults?
Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814, responding to the claim that Chritianity was part of the Common Law of England, as the United States Constitution defaults to the Common Law regarding matters that it does not address. This argument is still used today by "Christian Nation" revisionists who do not admit to having read Thomas Jefferson's thorough research of this matter.

Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp July 30, 1816, denouncing the doctrine of the Trinity and suggesting it to be so riddled in falsehood that only an authoritarian figure could decipher its meaning and, with a firm grip on people's spiritual and mental freedoms, thus convince the people of its truthfulness

The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites.- Thomas Jefferson

“And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors.”
Jefferson’s letter to John Adams, April 11 1823

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity.”
John Adams
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Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.

So you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot.

See- atheists can be just like Christians.

Saying that lying is not okay makes you partisan?

Well of course to a lib. They always lie.

No I am saying that
you are an atheist- and an ignorant partisan idiot and also a liar.


Do you have any other points besides your endless liberal regressive insults?

My point is that you are an ignorant partisan hater.

Glad to remind everyone again.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.
Speaking of which, if atheism isn't a religion how is it protected under the 1st Amendment to begin with?
Freedom of religion is also freedom FROM religion!
Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide......

You can always tell when someone is in over their head........they start making shit up.

Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide......

You can always tell when someone is in over their head........they start making shit up.
His life is a lie so there's no reason for him not to lie about the Father of Liberalism, the same philosophy that founded this fucking nation and granted him his rights to be a fucking moron.
says it all



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Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

You obviously don't know jack shit about Atheists - or the Constitution which doesn't require a religious test or even mention God (our Constitution is a secular document). Would you prefer religious zombies who believe in a supernatural Sky Daddy - even though they have absolutely no proof of such an entity?
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Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
This is all a major load of inane equine excrement! Who are you to presume that you know what all progressives and atheists believe?

Humans have no inherent rights? seriously bubba?

Don't believe in the Constitution? We don't believe in your bastardized interpretation of it. Most conservatives haven't even read the Constitution while claiming to love it, but really wanting to go back to the Articles of Confederation.

If you think that there can be or should be a religious or political test for running for office, it only proves my point about your loyalty to and appreciation for the Constitution.
The First Amendment bars all laws “respecting an establishment of religion” and protects “the free exercise thereof.” Nothing here indicates that the latter provision applies only to Christian faiths.Finding no support for their ideas in the body of the Constitution, Christian-nation advocates are left to point to other documents, including the Declaration of Independence. This also fails. The Declaration’s reference to “the Creator” is plainly deistic. More obscure documents such as the Northwest Ordinance or personal writings by various framers are interesting historically but do not rise to the level of governance documents. When it comes to determining the manner of the U.S. government, only the Constitution matters. The Constitution does not declare that the United States is a Christian nation

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