Should atheists or progressives be allowed to hold office?

Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide......

You can always tell when someone is in over their head........they start making shit up.
His life is a lie so there's no reason for him not to lie about the Father of Liberalism, the same philosophy that founded this fucking nation and granted him his rights to be a fucking moron.
He is a good guy, confused at times, but then aren't we all. Take your post for example, you are confusing Mills with John Locke. Does that make you a fucking moron?
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

This guy is on a row....
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.
Speaking of which, if atheism isn't a religion how is it protected under the 1st Amendment to begin with?
Freedom of religion is also freedom FROM religion!

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government from both promoting religion and seeking to disadvantage those free from faith; the Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause ensures citizens may practice whatever faith they so desire, or be free from faith altogether:

“The First Amendment leaves the Government in a position not of hostility to religion but of neutrality. The philosophy is that the atheist or agnostic - the nonbeliever - is entitled to go his own way. The philosophy is that if government interferes in matters spiritual, it will be a divisive force. The First Amendment teaches that a government neutral in the field of religion better serves all religious interests.”

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Some on the right have attempted to advance the wrongheaded notion that the First Amendment protects religious liberty only, and that those free from faith are entitled to no such protections, where the text, history, and case law of the First Amendment clearly demonstrates that to be completely untrue.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
I think every one of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me except for Thomas Paine.

Athiests are morons and deranged narcissists. They do not have the right to be put in charge of public office anymore than a deranged sociapath would be.

But hey, you'll get lots of pats on the backs from libtards, Marxists and other ass holes, so you can feel warm fuzzies about it.
Believing that requires that you reject what they wrote and stood for.

Religious requirements are specifically prohibited and here you are claiming that they meant the exact opposite (and ignoring every valid point brought up against this).

With such representations, I could make a far better argument that religious believers such as yourself should be barred from office long before atheists should.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
I think every one of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me except for Thomas Paine.

Athiests are morons and deranged narcissists. They do not have the right to be put in charge of public office anymore than a deranged sociapath would be.

But hey, you'll get lots of pats on the backs from libtards, Marxists and other ass holes, so you can feel warm fuzzies about it.
Actually YOU are the moron and the one who is deranged.
Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide......

You can always tell when someone is in over their head........they start making shit up.
Utilitarianism (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Stuart Mill's book Utilitarianism is a classic exposition and defence of utilitarianism in ethics.

Utilitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the best moral action is the one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, but is usually related to the well-being of sentient entities. Originally, Jeremy Bentham, the founder of Utilitarianism, defined utility as the aggregate pleasure after deducting suffering of all involved in any action. John Stuart Mill expanded this concept of utility to include not only the quantity, but quality of pleasure, while focusing on rules, instead of individual moral actions....
Marx's accusation is twofold. In the first place, he says that the theory of utility is true by definition and thus does not really add anything meaningful.

Mills utilitarianism separated morality from an individual perspective and looked at the over all benefit of society if some actions were taken. Marx simply takes this as an assumption and goes further applying a dynamic analysis to utility.

Hence Stalins justification of his purges and mass slaughter by saying that to make an omlette one must break a few eggs.

You are in over your head, dude. Not me.
Believing that requires that you reject what they wrote and stood for.

Religious requirements are specifically prohibited and here you are claiming that they meant the exact opposite (and ignoring every valid point brought up against this).

With such representations, I could make a far better argument that religious believers such as yourself should be barred from office long before atheists should.
The religious tests that were banned were intra-denominational tests. They simply assumed that anyone under consideration would be Judeo-Christian and believed in God.
Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide......

You can always tell when someone is in over their head........they start making shit up.
His life is a lie so there's no reason for him not to lie about the Father of Liberalism, the same philosophy that founded this fucking nation and granted him his rights to be a fucking moron.
lol, my life is a lie?

You are on some rotten shit.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
I think every one of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me except for Thomas Paine.

Athiests are morons and deranged narcissists. They do not have the right to be put in charge of public office anymore than a deranged sociapath would be.

But hey, you'll get lots of pats on the backs from libtards, Marxists and other ass holes, so you can feel warm fuzzies about it.
It is sad that you think you can degenerate an entire group of people because they do not agree with your worldview.

Everything you just said applies directly to you - the one acting like the deranged narcissist. Not only have you miserably failed to address a single point - including the fact the founders own words show that you are incorrect - but you have resulted to pointless name calling.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.
The Constitution clearly says there is to be no religious test for elected officials, dumbass.

It always cracks me up that you poser dipshits who feign a love of the Constitution have never read it, and propound ideas in direct opposition to it.
Article VI, Clause 3:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Believing that requires that you reject what they wrote and stood for.

Religious requirements are specifically prohibited and here you are claiming that they meant the exact opposite (and ignoring every valid point brought up against this).

With such representations, I could make a far better argument that religious believers such as yourself should be barred from office long before atheists should.
The religious tests that were banned were intra-denominational tests. They simply assumed that anyone under consideration would be Judeo-Christian and believed in God.
No. That's a lie.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I happen to be a Progressive Conservative. MOST people are. Your definition of a "Conservative" fits more of a Fascist than anything else. And we even let Fascists in office these days. If we do that then anyone can serve.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

This probably resonates with you also:

Manning: Obama Will Stay In Power By Stoking Race War Submitted by Nabi Dressler on Friday, 6/3/2016 3:07 pm

Notorious Harlem hate pastor James David Manning joined conservative radio host Alex Jones on Wednesday to discuss his theory that President Obama will try to stay in power beyond the end of his second term in office by releasing anti-American, Muslim inmates from prison, who will then serve as his personal Brownshirts. “Black men that go to prison learn about Islam,” Manning said. “It’s very pervasive in the prisons.” He claimed that criminal justice reform, which he said will empty the prisons of violent, America-hating criminals, and the remake of the miniseries “Roots,” which Jones criticized for “hyping” slavery even though “everybody’s done it,” will stoke anti-American sentiment and violence. Manning suggested that the original “Roots” series “stirred the hearts of young men” and “sent men to prison in large numbers” in the 1970s, while Jones said that Obama wants to empty the prisons because he’s making room to imprison “the libertarians, the patriots and the Christians,” and make sure the “Viacom, CIA-run weapons system is activating the Beyoncés and all the rest of the folks to say, ‘Go out and kill the pigs.’” - See more at: Manning: Obama Will Stay In Power By Stoking Race War
Believing that requires that you reject what they wrote and stood for.

Religious requirements are specifically prohibited and here you are claiming that they meant the exact opposite (and ignoring every valid point brought up against this).

With such representations, I could make a far better argument that religious believers such as yourself should be barred from office long before atheists should.
The religious tests that were banned were intra-denominational tests. They simply assumed that anyone under consideration would be Judeo-Christian and believed in God.


That is your assumption.

Why do you despise the actual words of the Constitution? Or is it you fear them?
It is sad that you think you can degenerate an entire group of people because they do not agree with your worldview.

I did not degenerate them, they degenerate themselves with their simplistic and foolish values systems based on the nonsense of a godless universe..

Everything you just said applies directly to you - the one acting like the deranged narcissist. Not only have you miserably failed to address a single point - including the fact the founders own words show that you are incorrect - but you have resulted to pointless name calling.

The Founding Fathers did not consider atheism to be a religion, dumbass.
The OP has demonstrated his profound ignorance of the Constitution- and his basic dislike of the very principles of what it is to be an American.
Believing that requires that you reject what they wrote and stood for.

Religious requirements are specifically prohibited and here you are claiming that they meant the exact opposite (and ignoring every valid point brought up against this).

With such representations, I could make a far better argument that religious believers such as yourself should be barred from office long before atheists should.
The religious tests that were banned were intra-denominational tests. They simply assumed that anyone under consideration would be Judeo-Christian and believed in God.


That is your assumption.

Why do you despise the actual words of the Constitution? Or is it you fear them?
Hahah, nice but silly try.

Todays interpretation of what the First Amendment means to protect the right to burn the flag or allow communists, atheists and such filth to hold high office would not be recognised by them as anything other than insanity and mass delusion, which it is.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

This probably resonates with you also:

Manning: Obama Will Stay In Power By Stoking Race War Submitted by Nabi Dressler on Friday, 6/3/2016 3:07 pm

Notorious Harlem hate pastor James David Manning joined conservative radio host Alex Jones on Wednesday to discuss his theory that President Obama will try to stay in power beyond the end of his second term in office by releasing anti-American, Muslim inmates from prison, who will then serve as his personal Brownshirts. “Black men that go to prison learn about Islam,” Manning said. “It’s very pervasive in the prisons.” He claimed that criminal justice reform, which he said will empty the prisons of violent, America-hating criminals, and the remake of the miniseries “Roots,” which Jones criticized for “hyping” slavery even though “everybody’s done it,” will stoke anti-American sentiment and violence. Manning suggested that the original “Roots” series “stirred the hearts of young men” and “sent men to prison in large numbers” in the 1970s, while Jones said that Obama wants to empty the prisons because he’s making room to imprison “the libertarians, the patriots and the Christians,” and make sure the “Viacom, CIA-run weapons system is activating the Beyoncés and all the rest of the folks to say, ‘Go out and kill the pigs.’” - See more at: Manning: Obama Will Stay In Power By Stoking Race War
I remember worrying bush would use the Iraq war to cancel the 2004 elections. Lol
The Founding Fathers did not consider atheism to be a religion, dumbass.

Atheism isn't a religion. But the Constitution didn't say that office holder's must have a religion- or even believe in some god(apparently any god)
The brilliant writers of our Constitution knew about religious fanatics who wanted to dictate religion to everyone- you know- like you do.

So they put into the Constitution protections against people like you:

shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

These are the words you want to ignore- whether it is because you despise the Constitution, or fear it- I don't know

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