Should atheists or progressives be allowed to hold office?

Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

How naive can somebody get? Congress has something like a 12% approval rating because Americans feel they are being lied to constantly. The 12% are a bunch of billionaires and millionaires who own them.

Not very Christian to lie or whore for someone, yet they all took the oath of office and swear to uphold the Constitution.

Since there are no atheists holding office, how the phuck do you know they wouldn't do a better job?
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

How naive can somebody get? Congress has something like a 12% approval rating because Americans feel they are being lied to constantly. Not very Christian to lie, yet they all took the oath of office and swear to uphold the Constitution. Since there are no atheists holding office, how the phuck do you know they wouldn't do a better job?
And you run cover for them by kicking up a dust storm of nonsense to obfuscate every attempt to bring these lying bastards to justice.
A religious standard for office holders. Who here claims to be constitutional literalists?
No one is claiming that, genius.

We are talking a moral standard that atheists by definition cannot meet because they have no basis whatsoever for an objective moral standard, as not allowing pedophiles to hold office would not be a religious standard.

lol, you libtards are just too fucking stupid.
One must be a faithful adherent to an organized religion in order to develop a moral code? Without a professed faith, people cannot have have morality?
More Thomas Jefferson
Our civil rights have no dependence upon our religious opinions more than our opinions in physics or geometry.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779. Papers, 2:545
And yet I am sure that Jefferson would agree that we should not vote for idiots that deny Newtonian physics or Euclidian geometry.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.

Yep. O/P is too stoopid to realize that the Constitution protects a citizen from being prejudged by religion or race, or lack of religion. It's called the First Amendment. (First Amendment)
A religious standard for office holders. Who here claims to be constitutional literalists?
No one is claiming that, genius.

We are talking a moral standard that atheists by definition cannot meet because they have no basis whatsoever for an objective moral standard, as not allowing pedophiles to hold office would not be a religious standard.

lol, you libtards are just too fucking stupid.
One must be a faithful adherent to an organized religion in order to develop a moral code? Without a professed faith, people cannot have have morality?
I didnt say that, dude.

One must agree that there is a Creator and that the universe reflects His ordered Mind in order to adhere to the concept of a universe run by Laws based on Reason.

That is how modern science got tis start. It wasnt a matter of government edict, it was based on Monotheistic views of the Creation.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.

Yep. O/P is too stoopid to realize that the Constitution protects a citizen from being prejudged by religion or race, or lack of religion. It's called the First Amendment. (First Amendment)
Lol, now the atheistic cretins are engaging in back slapping ataboys to encourage each other. Pretty much signals that they realize they lost the debate.

Atheism is no more protected by the First Amendment than is pedophilia.
A religious standard for office holders. Who here claims to be constitutional literalists?
No one is claiming that, genius.

We are talking a moral standard that atheists by definition cannot meet because they have no basis whatsoever for an objective moral standard, as not allowing pedophiles to hold office would not be a religious standard.

lol, you libtards are just too fucking stupid.

How many politicians holding office are Catholics?
How many men and boys in this country have filed law suits after being molested by a Catholic priest?

(Thanks for stepping in it. I can smell it from here.
And your double negative in your sentence cancels your statement out completely.)

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Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.

Yep. O/P is too stoopid to realize that the Constitution protects a citizen from being prejudged by religion or race, or lack of religion. It's called the First Amendment. (First Amendment)
Lol, now the atheistic cretins are engaging in back slapping ataboys to encourage each other. Pretty much signals that they realize they lost the debate.

Atheism is no more protected by the First Amendment than is pedophilia.

WTF? You're trying to compare a belief system to a criminal act? You know someone has lost the debate when they go to such illogical extremes.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.

Yep. O/P is too stoopid to realize that the Constitution protects a citizen from being prejudged by religion or race, or lack of religion. It's called the First Amendment. (First Amendment)
Lol, now the atheistic cretins are engaging in back slapping ataboys to encourage each other. Pretty much signals that they realize they lost the debate.

Atheism is no more protected by the First Amendment than is pedophilia.

WTF? You're trying to compare a belief system to a criminal act? You know someone has lost the debate when they go to such illogical extremes.

Atheism is not a belief system. It is an act of stupidity and nothing more.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?


"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
-- from U.S. Constitution; Article VI
A religious standard for office holders. Who here claims to be constitutional literalists?
No one is claiming that, genius.

We are talking a moral standard that atheists by definition cannot meet because they have no basis whatsoever for an objective moral standard, as not allowing pedophiles to hold office would not be a religious standard.

lol, you libtards are just too fucking stupid.

How many politicians holding office are Catholics?
How many men and boys in this country have filed law suits after being molested by a Catholic priest?

(Thanks for stepping in it. I can smell it from here)
I would be perfectly happy if we took those priests and put them against a wall and shot their brains out. It would be doing the Catholic church a huge favor.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?


"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
-- from U.S. Constitution; Article VI

How does an atheist that believes in no God take an oath in all seriousness that entails swearing to the God that they do not believe in?

They cannot possibly do so and therefore they are unfit for any office that requires such an oath be administered.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?


"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
-- from U.S. Constitution; Article VI

How does an atheist that believes in no God take an oath in all seriousness that entails swearing to the God that they do not believe in?

They cannot possibly do so and therefore they are unfit for any office that requires such an oath be administered.

I would assume they give an Affirmation
I would assume they give an Affirmation
Which means bullshit. These cretins have no moral basis for considering blatant lies to be anything more than clever social camouflage.

So... no difference one way or the other?
Not for atheists, no.

Look, religious politician don't exactly have a spotless record of their own, and besides, "If the impulse and the opportunity be suffered to coincide, we well know that neither moral nor religious motives can be relied on as an adequate control. They are not found to be such on the injustice and violence of individuals, and lose their efficacy in proportion to the number combined together"
A religious standard for office holders. Who here claims to be constitutional literalists?
No one is claiming that, genius.

We are talking a moral standard that atheists by definition cannot meet because they have no basis whatsoever for an objective moral standard, as not allowing pedophiles to hold office would not be a religious standard.

lol, you libtards are just too fucking stupid.

How many politicians holding office are Catholics?
How many men and boys in this country have filed law suits after being molested by a Catholic priest?

(Thanks for stepping in it. I can smell it from here)
I would be perfectly happy if we took those priests and put them against a wall and shot their brains out. It would be doing the Catholic church a huge favor.
And yet those priests have a faith. Where did their moral code spring from?
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?


"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
-- from U.S. Constitution; Article VI

How does an atheist that believes in no God take an oath in all seriousness that entails swearing to the God that they do not believe in?

They cannot possibly do so and therefore they are unfit for any office that requires such an oath be administered.
please show us where an oath to a god is in the constitution? or using a bible?

Non-religious North Carolina mayor takes his oath while holding a copy of the Constitution

Non-religious North Carolina mayor takes his oath while holding a copy of the Constitution – DeadState

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