Should Barr Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe?

But you said that Congress already has the truth.

If they have the truth, its time for them to take action. Vote impeachment, Aye or Nay.
They do. All they're doing is going through the motions of checking the I's and dotting all the T's.

If they need Mr. Barr's help, they don't have everything. And since he is one of the accused, he is under no obligation to cooperate with his persecutors.
We'll, that is grounds for impeachment then. You can either testify and get caught lying, or you can obstruct by not testifying. It happened in Watergate, and they got rid of the miserable piece of shit.

It happened in Watergate,

Watergate? Wasn't that where someone connected to the government spied
on an opposing party's presidential campaign?

and they got rid of the miserable piece of shit.

Can't get rid of Obama, he's already out of office.
You talk stupid silly shit. Impeach Trump now.
You'd better make sure those who can actually do that know how bad you want it done, because they don't seem interested in doing that at all.
"Untrustworthy" and "biased" is worthy of prosecution? Do you really want to go down that road? If so, I'd like to add one, "Extremely careless".
No. Actions are. Barr has acted on his biases and proven himself to be untrustworthy.

And if you wanna talk about extremely careless let's not forget tRump letting classified info out to the Russians right there in the White House.

You're kind of all over the place. Name a few of Barr's actions that are worthy of prosecution. And yes, "extremely careless" applies to actions.

Barr covered up Iran Contra with pardons because investigators were closing in on Bush. That is criminal.
Barr could not pardon anyone as he was not president. But you knew that.
Don't be deliberately obtuse.
Why did you post something so blatantly false? I mean, you knew that, right?
No. Actions are. Barr has acted on his biases and proven himself to be untrustworthy.

And if you wanna talk about extremely careless let's not forget tRump letting classified info out to the Russians right there in the White House.

You're kind of all over the place. Name a few of Barr's actions that are worthy of prosecution. And yes, "extremely careless" applies to actions.

Barr covered up Iran Contra with pardons because investigators were closing in on Bush. That is criminal.
Barr could not pardon anyone as he was not president. But you knew that.
Don't be deliberately obtuse.
Why did you post something so blatantly false? I mean, you knew that, right?
A. I didn't post that and

2. Everyone knows what he meant except you.
Well, if that's true, Barr won't find anything but we both know he will find find Obama officials conspired with the Clinton campaign to invent the collusion nonsense and now the question is how much of what they did is criminal and how much of it is just corrupt but not criminal. By the time the FBI starts interrogating Obama under oath, we will know.
Lol! Not in a thousand lifetimes. You believe in fairy dust and Republican lies. So sad.
So you are saying Obama is above the law?
You know what, stop asking stupid questions. You aren't insulting my intelligence, you're insulting your own. Do you have anything to debate concerning the thread? If not, you and I are done here.
lol How can I insult your intelligence since no sign of intelligence is to be found in your posts? If you had any intelligence you would know there is a serious criminal investigation going on led by the US Attorney for Connecticut into the origin of the Russia collusion hoax, the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department, and it is clear many people from the Clinton campaign, the Justice Department and the Obama WH will be questioned and some are likely to be charged. The evidence of corruption is overwhelming, but the question of criminality is yet to be determined. It is difficult to imagine that Obama won't be questioned under oath at some point.
LOl! ReallY? What evidence is that? The evidence the fairy told you about? You folks are so corrupt and pathetic.
lol The level of your ignorance continues to astound. One lawyer in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, has already been demoted because of facilitating access from Fusion gps, which was working for the Clinton campaign and lawyers and investigators in the Justice Department and this and the unverified statements from Fusion gps were used to obtain warrants. Ohr's wife, who worked for fusion gps was caught trying to delete incriminating emails. The FISA court was fed propaganda from Fusion gps to get warrants, which means lawyers and FBI agents swore to the truth of unverified documents from the Clinton campaign.
They do. All they're doing is going through the motions of checking the I's and dotting all the T's.

If they need Mr. Barr's help, they don't have everything. And since he is one of the accused, he is under no obligation to cooperate with his persecutors.
We'll, that is grounds for impeachment then. You can either testify and get caught lying, or you can obstruct by not testifying. It happened in Watergate, and they got rid of the miserable piece of shit.

It happened in Watergate,

Watergate? Wasn't that where someone connected to the government spied
on an opposing party's presidential campaign?

and they got rid of the miserable piece of shit.

Can't get rid of Obama, he's already out of office.
You talk stupid silly shit. Impeach Trump now.
You'd better make sure those who can actually do that know how bad you want it done, because they don't seem interested in doing that at all.
They have to now. The survival of this countries Democracy is at stake. Without a Constitution and a rule of law, we are nothing but people under a crazy dictator. He has to go. Impeach now.
Lol! Not in a thousand lifetimes. You believe in fairy dust and Republican lies. So sad.
So you are saying Obama is above the law?
You know what, stop asking stupid questions. You aren't insulting my intelligence, you're insulting your own. Do you have anything to debate concerning the thread? If not, you and I are done here.
lol How can I insult your intelligence since no sign of intelligence is to be found in your posts? If you had any intelligence you would know there is a serious criminal investigation going on led by the US Attorney for Connecticut into the origin of the Russia collusion hoax, the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department, and it is clear many people from the Clinton campaign, the Justice Department and the Obama WH will be questioned and some are likely to be charged. The evidence of corruption is overwhelming, but the question of criminality is yet to be determined. It is difficult to imagine that Obama won't be questioned under oath at some point.
LOl! ReallY? What evidence is that? The evidence the fairy told you about? You folks are so corrupt and pathetic.
lol The level of your ignorance continues to astound. One lawyer in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, has already been demoted because of facilitating access from Fusion gps, which was working for the Clinton campaign and lawyers and investigators in the Justice Department and this and the unverified statements from Fusion gps were used to obtain warrants. Ohr's wife, who worked for fusion gps was caught trying to delete incriminating emails. The FISA court was fed propaganda from Fusion gps to get warrants, which means lawyers and FBI agents swore to the truth of unverified documents from the Clinton campaign.
Four judges approved the FISA orders. You are grasping at thin air.
Its not up to Mr. Barr, or any accused, to incriminate themselves.

If this is so important, the Democrat National Committee should buy and run ads with the information they already have. Maybe they can get the Liberal Media to run the ads for free?
It's up to Congress to get the truth. That is their job. That is what they are there for.

But you said that Congress already has the truth.

If they have the truth, its time for them to take action. Vote impeachment, Aye or Nay.
They do. All they're doing is going through the motions of checking the I's and dotting all the T's.

If they need Mr. Barr's help, they don't have everything. And since he is one of the accused, he is under no obligation to cooperate with his persecutors.
And meanwhile, he goes about doing his job, ferreting out the corruption at the source of the Muller investigation.
Yea right. Trump is really ferreting out the corruption. Lol! What a joke. Trump is the corruption you fools; ttps://
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.

Manafort gave a thing of value to his Russian buddy.....bad Manafort.

So you won't post the anti-collusion statute?
Because I don't post silly shit. I left that for you.
Sounds a lot like you just said the actual law is silly shit, which means what, that your feelz are more important?
You trying to talk stupid too?
So you are saying Obama is above the law?
You know what, stop asking stupid questions. You aren't insulting my intelligence, you're insulting your own. Do you have anything to debate concerning the thread? If not, you and I are done here.
lol How can I insult your intelligence since no sign of intelligence is to be found in your posts? If you had any intelligence you would know there is a serious criminal investigation going on led by the US Attorney for Connecticut into the origin of the Russia collusion hoax, the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department, and it is clear many people from the Clinton campaign, the Justice Department and the Obama WH will be questioned and some are likely to be charged. The evidence of corruption is overwhelming, but the question of criminality is yet to be determined. It is difficult to imagine that Obama won't be questioned under oath at some point.
LOl! ReallY? What evidence is that? The evidence the fairy told you about? You folks are so corrupt and pathetic.
lol The level of your ignorance continues to astound. One lawyer in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, has already been demoted because of facilitating access from Fusion gps, which was working for the Clinton campaign and lawyers and investigators in the Justice Department and this and the unverified statements from Fusion gps were used to obtain warrants. Ohr's wife, who worked for fusion gps was caught trying to delete incriminating emails. The FISA court was fed propaganda from Fusion gps to get warrants, which means lawyers and FBI agents swore to the truth of unverified documents from the Clinton campaign.
Four judges approved the FISA orders. You are grasping at thin air.
They were deceived by the corrupt Obama Justice Department.
Funny? Not really! Time to impeach now.

If its "time to impeach now", then put it up for a vote now. No need for any testimony as you have already made up your mind. The witness has rights, in fact he shouldn't be permitted to testify
You have to have hearings to get it all out. Get them started immediately.

Hearings aren't needed at all, the libs have already made up their minds. Nothing Mr. Barr can possibly say will dissuade them
It's up to Congress to get the truth. That is their job. That is what they are there for.

But you said that Congress already has the truth.

If they have the truth, its time for them to take action. Vote impeachment, Aye or Nay.
They do. All they're doing is going through the motions of checking the I's and dotting all the T's.

If they need Mr. Barr's help, they don't have everything. And since he is one of the accused, he is under no obligation to cooperate with his persecutors.
And meanwhile, he goes about doing his job, ferreting out the corruption at the source of the Muller investigation.
Yea right. Trump is really ferreting out the corruption. Lol! What a joke. Trump is the corruption you fools; ttps://

Are you sure you're actually following the conversation? Barr is the subject.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is????
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."

How about the current Durham investigation into whether the entire Russian Collusion investigation was well predicated in the first place? How do you see that coming out? If it wasn't legitimate,everything in the Mueller report is Fruit from the Poisoned Tree and it really doesn't matter what any of these subpoena recipients says or doesn't say.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is????
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is???

Will you SOB like a little bi*ch when Trump goes to prison?
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is????
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is???

Will you SOB like a little bi*ch when Trump goes to prison?
On what charges?????
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is????
Hey Dumb-ass. WTF do you think a summary is???

Will you SOB like a little bi*ch when Trump goes to prison?
On what charges?????
On what charges?????

Impeachment Archives - Property of the People
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."

How about the current Durham investigation into whether the entire Russian Collusion investigation was well predicated in the first place? How do you see that coming out? If it wasn't legitimate,everything in the Mueller report is Fruit from the Poisoned Tree and it really doesn't matter what any of these subpoena recipients says or doesn't say.
If it wasn't legitimate,everything in the Mueller report is Fruit from the Poisoned Tree and it really doesn't matter what any of these subpoena recipients says or doesn't say.
Are you saying Mueller's convictions are fruit from a poisoned tree?

Should those currently serving time in prison be released?
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
I think anyone who has ever seen Doctor Zhivago should recuse themselves.
The Mueller Report is just the beginning | Opinion

"Anyone who thinks the Trump-Russia investigation can be in any sense summarized by a two-topic 300- or 400-page report that is missing a quarter of its pages has not been following the Trump-Russia story from the start."

How about the current Durham investigation into whether the entire Russian Collusion investigation was well predicated in the first place? How do you see that coming out? If it wasn't legitimate,everything in the Mueller report is Fruit from the Poisoned Tree and it really doesn't matter what any of these subpoena recipients says or doesn't say.
How about the current Durham investigation into whether the entire Russian Collusion investigation was well predicated in the first place? How do you see that coming out?
At this point I suspect "predication" is just another fishing expedition designed to cover up the criminality of the most corrupt POTUS in US history:

Brennan: Barr Is Fishing For Something In FISA Warrant To "Misrepresent" As A Deep State Plot Against Trump

"OHN BRENNAN: Well, I think they are trying to imply and to really indicate there was a misuse of authorities. That was not the case. Does CIA spy? Yes. Against our foreign adversaries?


"Do we spy against domestic individuals?

"No, we do not.

"We work very closely with the FBI. And when the Russians were trying to interfere in that election, and change the outcome of it in their favor, we, CIA and FBI, worked very collaboratively so we could have the ability to see what the Russians were doing and who they were working with.

"When William Barr said spying, it clearly indicated there was something inappropriate if not illegal.

"Nobody used the term spying when they are referring to a legitimate predicated authorized investigative action on the part of the FBI."

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