Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate for Homosexual Adoptions?

Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate For Homosexual Adoptions?

  • Yes, if they hold general public accomodation they will have to adopt to gay couples

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 24 82.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
Maybe Kevin Jennings could help find out? When he isn't busy teaching "fisting" to public school students..

Sorry, I don't know your close and personal friend "Kevin Jennings" but perhaps when you two aren't busy you can provide a relevant response?

You don't know how to use google to discover that Kevin Jennings is Obama's gay education czar? .

Never heard of him- and while I do use Google often, just to point out that what you post is usually pulled out of your posterior- why would I look up your close and personal friend "Kevin Jennings"?

Even more now that I find out that whoever he is has nothing to do with forcing churches to allow adoptions(churches don't handle adoption) or why you don't want adoptable children adopted.
Maybe Kevin Jennings could help find out? When he isn't busy teaching "fisting" to public school students..

Sorry, I don't know your close and personal friend "Kevin Jennings" but perhaps when you two aren't busy you can provide a relevant response?

You don't know how to use google to discover that Kevin Jennings is Obama's gay education czar? .

Never heard of him- and while I do use Google often, just to point out that what you post is usually pulled out of your posterior- why would I look up your close and personal friend "Kevin Jennings"?

Even more now that I find out that whoever he is has nothing to do with forcing churches to allow adoptions(churches don't handle adoption) or why you don't want adoptable children adopted.

And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?

Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.

Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.

Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference- those children have a better chance of completing high school and of going to college. Those children have a better chance of not being homeless or on drugs.

So why do you hate orphans so much?
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?

Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.

Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.

Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference- those children have a better chance of completing high school and of going to college. Those children have a better chance of not being homeless or on drugs.

So why do you hate orphans so much?

Then it makes absolutely no sense at all to force the largest adoption organization to close with this new law if that many children go unadopted.
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?
Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.
Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.
Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference-...

It would be better to have 200,000 children supervised in group homes by church groups and public oversight than it would be to throw them in the mouth of a volcano so they can feel warmer. Going from bad to worse is not the answer. So far, 0.000% of the LGBT community has come out to denounce acts like this in public pride parades where children are invited to attend, and even participate...


Sil, like a dog that goes back to its vomit, goes back to the images that mean nothing in terms of marriage equality.

Sil is like Alan Keys after the election still yammering away.
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?

Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.

Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.

Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference- those children have a better chance of completing high school and of going to college. Those children have a better chance of not being homeless or on drugs.

So why do you hate orphans so much?

Then it makes absolutely no sense at all to force the largest adoption organization to close with this new law if that many children go unadopted.

Is there a court order forcing them to close?
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?
Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.
Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.
Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference-...

It would be better to have 200,000 children supervised in group homes by church groups and public oversight than it would be to throw them in the mouth of a volcano so they can feel warmer. Going from bad to worse is not the answer. So far, 0.000% of the LGBT community has come out to denounce acts like this in public pride parades where children are invited to attend, and even participate... really hate children don't you Silhouette? You really despise children.

First of all- who are the children going into the foster care system? They are children abused and abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Each week, nearly 60,000 children in the United States are reported as abused or neglected, with nearly 900,000 confirmed abuse victims in 2004. About 520,000 of those children end up in foster care each year -- double the number 25 years ago. Approximately 800,000 children every year come in contact with the foster care system.

And how safe are children who end up in foster care

Once placed in foster care, a child is not always guaranteed to be safe from abuse. In fact, cites a troubling statistic from one study, claiming that over 28% of children in state care are abused while in "the system." However, former foster children I've worked with believe that the incidents of in-foster-care abuse are much higher. Amy (name altered), an adult client who spent over seven years in the foster care system, told me that roughly nine out of ten fellow foster children she crossed paths with claimed that they had been abused by their foster parents.

The occurrence of child abuse in group homes is not uncommon, even though staff there are trained and educated to help children. In the New York Times article "Learning to Cope With a Mind's Taunting Voices," Joe Holt describes the church-sponsored residential facility in Alabama, Childhaven, where he grew up:

"There were regular beatings, sometimes with a board, sometimes with a Ping-Pong paddle, sometimes with a razor strap," Mr. Holt said. "You had to memorize a portion of the Bible, and if you didn't, you'd get a beating. Once I got beaten so badly I thought I was going to pass out."

According to the New York Times article, at least two staff members at Childhaven eventually pleaded guilty to child abuse, and the staff has "long since turned over," but have other facilities like Childhaven instituted similar safeguards?

The Foster Care System and Its Victims Part 2 Psychology Today

Why do you hate children so much Silhouette- so much that you would condemn them to a live of abuse in the system- or abandon them to the streets when they age out- rather than be adopted by a loving couple- who happens to be homosexual?
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?
Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.
Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.
Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference-...

It would be better to have 200,000 children supervised in group homes by church groups and public oversight than it would be to throw them in the mouth of a volcano so they can feel warmer. Going from bad to worse is not the answer. So far, 0.000% of the LGBT community has come out to denounce acts like this in public pride parades where children are invited to attend, and even participate...

Why does Silhouette hate homosexuals so much that she would tell this boy that he could never be adopted?

From Respite to Guardianship to Foster Care to Adoption

I met my son 9 years ago while I was working at a skilled care facility and we had a unit for special needs adults. Minors were not usually placed there but the state allowed this for one week until a foster placement could be arranged.

Foster care could not be found and he was given a two week extension. Then I agreed to him home and provide respite until his mother could resume care. He could not walk or feed himself, and was not toilet trained. He was 7 years old at the time, primarily strapped in a wheelchair and had all care provided to him. He has cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. I am a nurse by background so I had a tendency to see his potential.

It was tough the first year, but he accomplished self feeding, walking. Using the bathroom has also improved greatly. Our relationship changed from respite to guardianship to foster care to adoption.

He arrived at my house on July 3, 1998 and we have been a family since. He is absolutely my best gift ever in the whole world! He doesn't say many words although one he does say is "Dad".

I have always wanted a family which included a husband and children. I have been a foster parent and have decided that even though I have not found the right guy I want my own family. I have been approved to adopt again. This time I will have a sibling group of 2-3 children. I never really thought I could be so fortunate to have sons and daughters, but I will soon. And maybe then the right guy will find us.

Tim Dietzen
Appleton, Wisc.
Sil is simply not coherent on the subject, and we all know why though Sil can't permit self healing.

wherermykeys is simply an obscurantist from the natural morality society.
I met my son 9 years ago while I was working at a skilled care facility and we had a unit for special needs adults. Minors were not usually placed there but the state allowed this for one week until a foster placement could be arranged....
He could not walk or feed himself, and was not toilet trained. He was 7 years old at the time, primarily strapped in a wheelchair and had all care provided to him. He has cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. I am a nurse by background so I had a tendency to see his potential....

...He arrived at my house on July 3, 1998 and we have been a family since. He is absolutely my best gift ever in the whole world! He doesn't say many words although one he does say is "Dad".

So a gay guy found a 7 year old CP boy strapped in a wheelchair and agreed to foster him while the mom got her act together. Hmm... Sounds familiar to another story I've heard about a local gay couple near me. They constantly offered to babysit ...oddly...just homes with boys with parents split up, overwhelmed or single moms. I've met one of the boys they babysat. By the age of 14 he spent all day long looking at gay porn and gay child porn on the internet. He was so compulsive and hypersexual in this way [signs of molestation] that his friends dropped away one by one just in abject shock at his obvious mental issues. Other boys who were babysat at that home sport an unbelievable rate of homosexual tendencies. I think 5 of the 6 boys they babysat were "born gay"...apparently.

Maybe this one guy you cite is the exception to that crazy statistic. Let's hope so for the boy's sake... Did you hear that HIV in young boys ages 13-24 is on an exponential increase in the last decade? And I'm pretty sure virginal boys aren't giving each other HIV from anal sex...
it sounds like the hetero fascist grooming stories far outnumbering the LGBT such stories

you know: the giving attention, gaining trust and love, the promises to not tell anyone
I met my son 9 years ago while I was working at a skilled care facility and we had a unit for special needs adults. Minors were not usually placed there but the state allowed this for one week until a foster placement could be arranged....
He could not walk or feed himself, and was not toilet trained. He was 7 years old at the time, primarily strapped in a wheelchair and had all care provided to him. He has cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. I am a nurse by background so I had a tendency to see his potential....

...He arrived at my house on July 3, 1998 and we have been a family since. He is absolutely my best gift ever in the whole world! He doesn't say many words although one he does say is "Dad".

So a gay guy found a 7 year old CP boy strapped in a wheelchair and agreed to foster him while the mom got her act together. Hmm... Sounds familiar to another story I've heard about a local gay couple near me. They constantly offered to babysit ...oddly...just homes with boys with parents split up, overwhelmed or single moms. I've met one of the boys they babysat. By the age of 14 he spent all day long looking at gay porn and gay child porn on the internet. He was so compulsive and hypersexual in this way [signs of molestation] that his friends dropped away one by one just in abject shock at his obvious mental issues. Other boys who were babysat at that home sport an unbelievable rate of homosexual tendencies. I think 5 of the 6 boys they babysat were "born gay"...apparently.

Maybe this one guy you cite is the exception to that crazy statistic. Let's hope so for the boy's sake... Did you hear that HIV in young boys ages 13-24 is on an exponential increase in the last decade? And I'm pretty sure virginal boys aren't giving each other HIV from anal sex...

Once again you just didn't read the article- and its because you despise children.

Because you would prefer that this boy, abandoned by his biological parents, to never have a home, never have a father- rather than have a gay father.

I met my son 9 years ago while I was working at a skilled care facility and we had a unit for special needs adults. Minors were not usually placed there but the state allowed this for one week until a foster placement could be arranged....
He could not walk or feed himself, and was not toilet trained. He was 7 years old at the time, primarily strapped in a wheelchair and had all care provided to him. He has cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. I am a nurse by background so I had a tendency to see his potential....

...He arrived at my house on July 3, 1998 and we have been a family since. He is absolutely my best gift ever in the whole world! He doesn't say many words although one he does say is "Dad".
Sil is one track minded and that's the end of Sil's story

founded on emotion and feeling
And Silhuoette- why do you hate children so much?

Approximately 200,000 children a year in the United States who are adoptable, are not adopted.

Children who don't get adopted age out of the system(20,000 a year) and exit without any family- and any support system.

Now- contrast that to children who are adopted by loving parents who pass the required background checks- regardless of gender or sexual preference- those children have a better chance of completing high school and of going to college. Those children have a better chance of not being homeless or on drugs.

So why do you hate orphans so much?

Then it makes absolutely no sense at all to force the largest adoption organization to close with this new law if that many children go unadopted.

Is there a court order forcing them to close?

I have answered this exact question at least twice already. The church cannot violate one of its most basic of faiths so they are forced to close because of that.
I have answered this exact question at least twice already. The church cannot violate one of its most basic of faiths so they are forced to close because of that.

And that is just one of several ways that gay marriage hurts children in a real and tangible way. Here are others:




Suppose there are real and compelling reasons why church orphanages/homes would completely refuse to participate in adopting kids to "married couples" if gay marriage becomes federally protected without the permission of the states they operate in?
Does your agency take public money? Then your agency does not win the ability to discriminate. Period. Don't like it? Get out of the adoption business. AND it is a business.
Since churches run most of the adoption charities, who would you have run orphanages? Maybe these nice folks?...putting children at risk..



Or would you force them to close their doors to the general public, putting children at risk from having few people available to adopt them?

There are no orphanages in America.

They were outlawed years ago.

We now have the foster child program where kids are put in a real home and not an orphanage.

Not all agencies that handle adoption are religious. A lot of adoptions in America are private and handled by a facilitator and a lawyer.
Does your agency take public money? Then your agency does not win the ability to discriminate. Period. Don't like it? Get out of the adoption business. AND it is a business.
Since churches run most of the adoption charities, who would you have run orphanages? Maybe these nice folks?...putting children at risk..



Or would you force them to close their doors to the general public, putting children at risk from having few people available to adopt them?

There are no orphanages in America.

They were outlawed years ago.

We now have the foster child program where kids are put in a real home and not an orphanage.

Not all agencies that handle adoption are religious. A lot of adoptions in America are private and handled by a facilitator and a lawyer.
Good luck with that. Several of us have repeated the exact same thing.
There are no orphanages in America. They were outlawed years ago. We now have the foster child program where kids are put in a real home and not an orphanage. Not all agencies that handle adoption are religious. A lot of adoptions in America are private and handled by a facilitator and a lawyer.

But the agencies who are religious ones handling adoptions (the majority of them) cannot adopt children into unfit homes according to their faith and common sense BTW. So they are closing their doors to these poor kids.

Don't worry. I'm sure soon the LGBT community will start opening up group homes to fill that aching void for kids called the "Harvey Milk Memorial Child-Outreach" charities...
... it isn't Texas authorities, it isn't some unseen magical cult, it's a nutcase mayor. And she was forced to withdraw her subpoenas. Obviously, the religion is protected by the first amendment .
One nutcase mayor and how many nutcase federal appeals court judges giving the cult all they want, including the right to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters across the US? You think they'll stop eh? Just check themselves short when the only get "so far" legally?

I forgot, everything not going your way 100% of the time means there it's some clandestine super power out to get you.

Forgive me, I forgot.
Government shouldn't be telling religion anything. ...Well, building codes are ok. :) Probably some other things. :)
How do you feel about the Texas authorities attempting to call in preacher's sermons to redact them for favoritism towards the LGBT CULTure?
Like laughing, first it isn't Texas authorities, it isn't some unseen magical cult, it's a nutcase mayor. And she was forced to withdraw her subpoenas. Obviously, the religion is protected by the first amendment.

Just the fact that she caused so much alarm in the religious community there, with her subpoenas, for quite awhile, shows she is not only crazy, but that she has tremendous ideological backing. She could not have done such a thing by herself. It is the same backing that has allowed the discrimination against Catholic Charities in adoption to occur. Without that narrow but powerful influence, such an unreasonable requirement would never have been considered to be placed upon a church in either case.
Yeah, one person can't do anything without there being some conspiracy agenda bent to take down religion.

The subpoenas she issued were also backed by four of the most powerful law firms in the United states. The pastors hired one lawyer. They won. The subpoenas were recalled. It just isn't an issue, the constitution protects that.

I know you want to pretend that there is an entire world against you so you stomp your feet and say "it's not fair" but this wasn't an issue.

Get your panties out of a bunch and wine and cry about something that actually does do harm, say ACA perhaps. And the pathetic republicans that we elected that won't do a damned thing about it.

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