Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

Race isn't comparable to sexuality. It's a forced comparison, one I don't choose to make, but there it is. Broken minds and/or dysfunctional sexuality especially is not comparable to race. A handicap like homosexuality isn't the same as an able bodied healthy heterosexual and hence, needs no protection under the constitution as a class of people that is protected and has civil rights. Actually, homosexuals have the same rights as anyone, period. Not more, and not less. THE SAME. But it's not enough, that tells you something right there.

Homosexuality is not dysfunctional sexuality. You're retarded, which, ironically, IS a handicap.

Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.
Race isn't comparable to sexuality. It's a forced comparison, one I don't choose to make, but there it is. Broken minds and/or dysfunctional sexuality especially is not comparable to race. A handicap like homosexuality isn't the same as an able bodied healthy heterosexual and hence, needs no protection under the constitution as a class of people that is protected and has civil rights. Actually, homosexuals have the same rights as anyone, period. Not more, and not less. THE SAME. But it's not enough, that tells you something right there.

Homosexuality is not dysfunctional sexuality. You're retarded, which, ironically, IS a handicap.

are you claiming that homosexuality is a normal human condition? :cuckoo: If so, I suggest a biology 101 course for you.

Sure it is. Just because only a minority of people engage in certain behaviour doesn't mean that it isn't normal. It is very normal for a minority of humans to be homosexual.
Race isn't comparable to sexuality. It's a forced comparison, one I don't choose to make, but there it is. Broken minds and/or dysfunctional sexuality especially is not comparable to race. A handicap like homosexuality isn't the same as an able bodied healthy heterosexual and hence, needs no protection under the constitution as a class of people that is protected and has civil rights. Actually, homosexuals have the same rights as anyone, period. Not more, and not less. THE SAME. But it's not enough, that tells you something right there.

Homosexuality is not dysfunctional sexuality. You're retarded, which, ironically, IS a handicap.

Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.

Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?
If churches have a 1st amendment right to determine what is or isn't a marriage, doesn't that make laws against polygamy unconstitutional?

Islam recognizes plural marriage.
Homosexuality is not dysfunctional sexuality. You're retarded, which, ironically, IS a handicap.

are you claiming that homosexuality is a normal human condition? :cuckoo: If so, I suggest a biology 101 course for you.

Sure it is. Just because only a minority of people engage in certain behaviour doesn't mean that it isn't normal. It is very normal for a minority of humans to be homosexual.

Do you understand what the word "normal" means? What is a "norm" ?

homosexuality is an aberation of the human norm. It is not "normal" for human beings to desire sex with members of the same sex.
If churches have a 1st amendment right to determine what is or isn't a marriage, doesn't that make laws against polygamy unconstitutional?

Islam recognizes plural marriage.

Islam also beheads gays. what's your point?
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

no. and they won't be. the first amendment would prohibit that.

you're not really wondering that, are you?

Excellent point. They won't be, but pretending they will be is the strawman that the anti-gay rights crowd has constructed in lieu of a good argument against same sex marriage.

No, one would be forced to bake a cake or go out of business either.
Homosexuality is not dysfunctional sexuality. You're retarded, which, ironically, IS a handicap.

Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.

Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.
Actually, you mean just the opposite.

The fictional character, "Jesus" would not turn them away but fake christian churches would.

By the way, I notice that this thread started out asking if "churches should be forced" but now its changed to "allowed". Do the anti-Constitution RWs know the difference?

Jesus wouldn't turn them away from his person..but he might turn them away from the steps of the church, if he believed they were there for some other purpose than to glorify God. He wasn't very accommodating to people who exploited the church

He turned away the money lenders, but accepted the prostitute, remember?

....go and sin no more. Jesus never accepted sin.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.

Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

If homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, and heterosexual sex is the function for human reproduction,

why do humans put so much effort into preventing pregnancy?

Is that in their nature, or is it a form of deviancy, or dysfunction?
Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

If homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, and heterosexual sex is the function for human reproduction,

why do humans put so much effort into preventing pregnancy?

Is that in their nature, or is it a form of deviancy, or dysfunction?

It's every woman's right to make a choice on pregnancy.
Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

If homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, and heterosexual sex is the function for human reproduction,

why do humans put so much effort into preventing pregnancy?

Is that in their nature, or is it a form of deviancy, or dysfunction?

It's every woman's right to make a choice on pregnancy.

That wasn't the question.

Sex for purposes other than reproduction is NORMAL in humans. That makes homosexuality NORMAL.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.

Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

Human females are also (at least theoretically lol) receptive to sexual intercourse at all times,

not just during or near ovulation, as in most other species,

which makes sex a human behaviour designed by nature to be for more than reproduction.

If sex for non-reproductive purposes is a natural, normal human behaviour, then homosexual sex has to considered normal, all else being equal.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.

Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

where do you get this stuff?

your making things up in your head don't give them a scientific basis
If homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, and heterosexual sex is the function for human reproduction,

why do humans put so much effort into preventing pregnancy?

Is that in their nature, or is it a form of deviancy, or dysfunction?

It's every woman's right to make a choice on pregnancy.

That wasn't the question.

Sex for purposes other than reproduction is NORMAL in humans. That makes homosexuality NORMAL.

Uhhh, no. heterosexual sex for pleasure does not make homosexual sex normal.
If homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, and heterosexual sex is the function for human reproduction,

why do humans put so much effort into preventing pregnancy?

Is that in their nature, or is it a form of deviancy, or dysfunction?

It's every woman's right to make a choice on pregnancy.

That wasn't the question.

Sex for purposes other than reproduction is NORMAL in humans. That makes homosexuality NORMAL.

Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature, so heterosexual behavior would be NORMAL.
Are they brown-eyed by nature? Righthanded by nature?

Of course. Eye color is genetic, and I believe left or right handed is determined as an embryo. Did you know that a female is born with all the eggs in her lifetime? I think that would make her heterosexual by nature.

where do you get this stuff?

your making things up in your head don't give them a scientific basis

If you disagree then present your points. Reading books is a good thing.
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

The ignorance and stupidity of the premise of this thread is truly multifaceted.

For example, who, and by what ‘authority,’ would ‘force’ churches to accommodate same-sex couples, even if there were a 'consensus' to do so.
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

The ignorance and stupidity of the premise of this thread is truly multifaceted.

For example, who, and by what ‘authority,’ would ‘force’ churches to accommodate same-sex couples, even if there were a 'consensus' to do so.

That would be the authority of the state. The force would be to deny the church tax exempt status. Close them as an unlawful assembly. Use zoning laws to seize Church property. Arrest and prosecute every clergyman for hate speech. Then move on to the individual congregants.

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