Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Churches tend to teach that sex outside of marriage is a sin, but marriage removes the sin from the sex.

Common sense would suggest that if churches logically applied that thinking to gay sex,

then gay sex would be a sin outside of marriage, but gay marriage would remove the sin from the sex.

Well even God and primitive man knew that homosexuality spreads disease and social dysfunction.

Syphilis has killed more heterosexuals in history than AIDs has killed gays.
Doesn't matter.

AIDS is deeply embedded in the collective psyche as connected to AIDS, given that that plague first manifested broadly in the tiny sliver of the population that comprises the homosexual population in this country.

In the public mind, Homosexual = AIDS carrier, with exceptions and variations on the theme; CDC stats notwithstanding.


It's bad enough that their brains are wired the wrong way...

Homosexuals also have to carry the Typhoid Mary burden.
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Churches tend to teach that sex outside of marriage is a sin, but marriage removes the sin from the sex.

Common sense would suggest that if churches logically applied that thinking to gay sex,

then gay sex would be a sin outside of marriage, but gay marriage would remove the sin from the sex.
The trouble is, most religions, and their various branches and sects, have a multi-millennia -long tradition of teaching that homosexuality is a grievous sin far more onerous than adultery.

Well, if you're beheading people for adultery, what's the worse fate for homosexuals.
If a church holds itself out as a public service for weddings, then, certainly yes.

If it does not, then certainly not.

It doesn't hold itself out as a public service, adult diaper lord. Even if it did, where does the Constitution say they are forced to perform weddings for whoever asks them to?

:lol: Such a tall tiny human intellect for a anarcho-commie

You understand public accommodation law, and you don't like it.

No one cares.
Churches tend to teach that sex outside of marriage is a sin, but marriage removes the sin from the sex.

Common sense would suggest that if churches logically applied that thinking to gay sex,

then gay sex would be a sin outside of marriage, but gay marriage would remove the sin from the sex.
The trouble is, most religions, and their various branches and sects, have a multi-millennia -long tradition of teaching that homosexuality is a grievous sin far more onerous than adultery.

Well, if you're beheading people for adultery, what's the worse fate for homosexuals.


Both far more painful and potentially long-lasting than a split-second encounter with a blade.
The trouble is, most religions, and their various branches and sects, have a multi-millennia -long tradition of teaching that homosexuality is a grievous sin far more onerous than adultery.

Well, if you're beheading people for adultery, what's the worse fate for homosexuals.


Both far more painful and potentially long-lasting than a split-second encounter with a blade.

Ok, so you assert that societies tend to have an ingrained irrational bias against homosexuals.

Does that make it right, or does that simply mean that it is one more problem in the fabric of human civilization that we need to remedy?
babies born with social diseases .. a sure sign of homosexuality

Syphillis is spread between homos as well.

And one of the distinguishing characteristics of homo love is infidelity. Within or outside marriage. As I'm sure you're aware.
Deadliest diseases:
Syphillis is #10
Aids is #2
Well, if you're beheading people for adultery, what's the worse fate for homosexuals.


Both far more painful and potentially long-lasting than a split-second encounter with a blade.

Ok, so you assert that societies tend to have an ingrained irrational bias against homosexuals...

I assert that societies tend to have an ingrained bias against homosexuals.

We differ with respect to the rationality that may be attributed to such a bias.

I see that bias as entirely rational, and justified, by both historical and contemporary analysis.

Does that make it right, or does that simply mean that it is one more problem in the fabric of human civilization that we need to remedy?

That does not make it right.

Even though it IS right.


That does not simply mean that it is one more problem.

Because it is NOT a problem.

It is part-and-parcel of any sane, vigorous society, interested in self-preservation and avoiding a decades- or centuries -long slide into debauchery and a weakening and poisoning of the nation.

This inherent bias is NOT a problem.

This inherent bias is part our built-in Collective Survival Instincts.

Phukk with those at your (collective) long-term peril.

It ain't broke.

It ain't broke, don't fix it.
Any wedding performed by a religious institution should not be recognized by the state.

There should be a required civil ceremony to make a marriage legal.
When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

Isn't making life fair at all times with all people in the Bill of Rights?

No private or institution should be forced by government guns to do anything that doesn't harm anyone else. I'm in a 25+ year mixed marriage, why would I have wanted a marriage in a church that was forced to do it anyway?
Any wedding performed by a religious institution should not be recognized by the state.

There should be a required civil ceremony to make a marriage legal.
I'm pretty sure that the laws of most jurisdictions, world-wide, disagree with you.
10 years ago if you told me that Churches would have to sue the Government because the Government, when controlled by Democrats, tried to force them to provide abortion coverage, I would have told you that you were crazy.

Since Obama, Pelosi, and Reid tried to do exactly that, why would a future group of Democrats try to force Churches to perform Gay Marriages or lose their tax exempt status? Even Colleges today are trying to force Christian groups to accept non-Christians as leaders of their group or lose their Official Status on that campus.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

No, of course not. All they have to do is give up their non-profit status and start paying taxes like any other business.

Syphillis is spread between homos as well.

And one of the distinguishing characteristics of homo love is infidelity. Within or outside marriage. As I'm sure you're aware.
Deadliest diseases:
Syphillis is #10
Aids is #2

Top Ten Deadliest Diseases in the World - Crunkish

That's worldwide, idiot.

Here's the US:

HowStuffWorks "15 Most Common Causes of Death in the United States"

Where you live has a good deal to do with how you will die. In the United States, the top two causes of death are responsible for more than 50 percent of the annual death toll. In the world at large, there's a lot more variety in how you meet your Maker. Here is our list of the 15 most common causes of death in the United States:

Percent of Total
1. Diseases of the heart
2. Malignant tumors 22.8
3. Cerebrovascular diseases 6.7
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 5.1
5. Accidents (unintentional injuries) 4.4
6. Diabetes mellitus 3.0
7. Influenza and pneumonia 2.7
8. Alzheimer's disease 2.4
9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 1.7
10. Septicemia (blood poisoning) 1.4
11. Suicide 1.3
12. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1.1
13. Primary hypertension and hypertensive renal disease 0.8
14. Parkinson's disease (tied) 0.7
15. Homicide (tied) 0.7

Source: CDC/NHS, National Vital Statistics System

Fortunately for you, stupid isn't on the list.
And really, [MENTION=42632]Kosh[/MENTION]ergirl "Crunkish"?????

from 2008??????
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

No, of course not. All they have to do is give up their non-profit status and start paying taxes like any other business.


This is why you're an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. No one is free to do anything you don't approve of. And you're an idiot to want to force someone who doesn't want to marry you to do so. There are plenty of churches who will. What is gained by going to a police State?
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Religious freedom and civil rights would prevent forcing religious institutions from performing any marriage that would go against their conscience or the their religious beliefs. You can always go to a judge.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Religious freedom and civil rights would prevent forcing religious institutions from performing any marriage that would go against their conscience or the their religious beliefs. You can always go to a judge.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

As long as any freedom to chose anything on our own remains, it will be under attack from the Left.
Any wedding performed by a religious institution should not be recognized by the state.

There should be a required civil ceremony to make a marriage legal.

They don't need a ceremony, just getting a license and having it signed by a judge should be sufficent.

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