Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Completely aside from the fact that churches are protected by the religious provisions of the First Amendment, I don't think ANY privately-owned business or organization should be forced to accommodate anyone.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Why is it that so many people cannot differentiate between "That is bad behavior" and "Therefore, it should be illegal"?
Did you take biology in school? The asshole is not a sex organ.

Boobs aren't either. :D

I beg to differ.

When I see incredible boobs, I wanna have sex.

That makes them sexual organs, thank you very much! :D
Heck, any cartoonist worth his salt knows that... :eusa_angel:

It has been tried many times before.

Historically, when the state has sought authority over the church, the leaders will do it in the name of this religion or that..but it is always the state that is exerting the authority. Thus the horrific bloody persecutions of the past are a result not of Christianity attempting to establish itself (this is what our school children come out of school believing, based on the half-formed claptrap they hear from their illiterate teachers) but have been a result of a state body exerting force over the church.

", Soviet authorities suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on the particular era. Soviet policy, based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, made atheism the official doctrine of the Soviet Union. Marxism-Leninism has consistently advocated the control, suppression, and the elimination of religious beliefs.[1]

The state was committed to the destruction of religion,[2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, and generally promoted atheism as the truth that society should accept.[4][5] The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 millions.[6][7][8]

Religious beliefs and practices persisted among the majority of the population,[4] in the domestic and private spheres but also in the scattered public spaces allowed by a state that recognised its failure to eradicate religion and the political dangers of an unrelenting culture war."

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, nobody has ever done it so well as atheists.

Throughout history, tyrants and would-be tyrants have never been able to comprehend the fact that humanity will not give up its sovereign right to believe and act in accordance with the dictates of individual conscience. The instant the state tries to intrude into the reaches of mankind's heart and soul, it creates the authors of its own downfall.
When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

You say that as if you think, "Ah hah, but RACE!" is some sort of universal trump card to play, a boundary over which nothing can EVER be allowed to cross and the defense of which is sacrosanct.

Let me advance what is probably a radical notion to you. It is completely legal for someone to be an asshole, and even a racist asshole, and while it is repugnant and immoral behavior for one to be such, it is far more repugnant and immoral for someone to try to impose by law their own preferred behaviors onto said racist asshole.

I would rather live in a society where people have the freedom to be ignorant bigots than one where everyone is a well-behaved slave.
When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

You say that as if you think, "Ah hah, but RACE!" is some sort of universal trump card to play, a boundary over which nothing can EVER be allowed to cross and the defense of which is sacrosanct.

Let me advance what is probably a radical notion to you. It is completely legal for someone to be an asshole, and even a racist asshole, and while it is repugnant and immoral behavior for one to be such, it is far more repugnant and immoral for someone to try to impose by law their own preferred behaviors onto said racist asshole.

I would rather live in a society where people have the freedom to be ignorant bigots than one where everyone is a well-behaved slave.

You would rather live in the segregated south than modern day America.

No surprise there. You're an excellent representative of modern day conservatism.
So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Its understanadable that some churches may feel they are following their concience by not allowing Homosexual marriage.Because there are scriptures that says that is a sin , whether or not I agree with that, I think they should be allowed to choose to marry them or not. There are plenty of churches and other places they can get married if they get turned down by one.

Where inthe bible does it say to discriminate by race ? If a church discriminates by race I dont see how that is the same thing.

What follows is everything that Jesus had to say about homosexuality:

The End

Well, when you start your very own First Church of Only The Red Quotes, feel free to adhere to that doctrine. Those churches which know there's more to the teachings of Christianity than just the rather brief direct quotes of Christ's ministry on Earth will continue to not give a flying fuck about the limitations you attempt to impose upon their beliefs, just as though anyone asked you to vet and approve them.

I do hope this has cleared up for you how very much your understanding of Christianity does NOT mean to anyone.
IT IS THE FOOL THAT SAYS THERE IS NO GOD!!!!and you??????????The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9

Such an angry person you are after reading the bible. What's your real problem? You're attracted to the same sex but you're fighting it is my guess. Read what Jesus said about not being judgemental in the meantime.

Jesus said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus judgmental?
If you read Matthew 19 further, He also talks about eunuchs, which in the Greek is translated to homosexuals.
The leftist agenda has nothing to do with equality and rights. Those are just buzz words to make the useful Idiots believe they are part of a righteous cause. It's about submission and silencing the opposition.

There is a leftist agenda in our government schools, yes.

Interesting. Do you know any leftists?

What is the leftist agenda in schools?

Homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality.

Which is your opinion, and in no way invalidates the rights of others to disagree, or conveys upon you the right to impose your opinion on them as some sort of objective moral standard.
10 years ago if you told me that Churches would have to sue the Government because the Government, when controlled by Democrats, tried to force them to provide abortion coverage, I would have told you that you were crazy.

My understanding is that Churches are exempt from abortion and contraceptive coverage.

Hospitals, education organizations, etc. - which are not Churches - are not.

Since Obama, Pelosi, and Reid tried to do exactly that, why would a future group of Democrats try to force Churches to perform Gay Marriages or lose their tax exempt status? Even Colleges today are trying to force Christian groups to accept non-Christians as leaders of their group or lose their Official Status on that campus.

Please state it correctly, groups cannot base membership on religious beliefs thereby excluding participation based on religious beliefs. It is still up to the membership to elect members into leadership positions. If the members of a group don't want to elect a non-Chrisitian, they are not required to. If they do, then the majority of the group did - so what is the complaint?

Two different things.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

You say that as if you think, "Ah hah, but RACE!" is some sort of universal trump card to play, a boundary over which nothing can EVER be allowed to cross and the defense of which is sacrosanct.

Let me advance what is probably a radical notion to you. It is completely legal for someone to be an asshole, and even a racist asshole, and while it is repugnant and immoral behavior for one to be such, it is far more repugnant and immoral for someone to try to impose by law their own preferred behaviors onto said racist asshole.

I would rather live in a society where people have the freedom to be ignorant bigots than one where everyone is a well-behaved slave.

You would rather live in the segregated south than modern day America.

No surprise there. You're an excellent representative of modern day conservatism.

Speaking of segregation........Tell us all about the inner city black ghettos in big northern democrat run cities.
IT IS THE FOOL THAT SAYS THERE IS NO GOD!!!!and you??????????The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9

Such an angry person you are after reading the bible. What's your real problem? You're attracted to the same sex but you're fighting it is my guess. Read what Jesus said about not being judgemental in the meantime.

Jesus said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus judgmental?

I doubt it. Not His style.

Post the scripture please, and who supposedly wrote it.

And The Bible is not The Constitution.

The far right evangelical entitlement to legislate how people live has ended in this country.

Do notice those who reject the far right are not telling them how to live their personal lives.
Interesting. Do you know any leftists?

What is the leftist agenda in schools?

Homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality.

Which is your opinion, and in no way invalidates the rights of others to disagree, or conveys upon you the right to impose your opinion on them as some sort of objective moral standard.

I'm not. The queers are demanding we accept their behavior as normal. You're confused.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Completely aside from the fact that churches are protected by the religious provisions of the First Amendment, I don't think ANY privately-owned business or organization should be forced to accommodate anyone.

SCOTUS and the Rule of Law determine that.
Countries like France have it right. France only recognizes civil marriages performed by certain civil authorities;

religious marriages are optional and only ceremonial.

The same is true here in the US.

Yes and no, I think the difference is that in Europe the church guys aren't given the legal authority to perform the civil marriage.

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