Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Over 40,000,000 dead from aids another 40 million plus hiv positive and countless millions with other std's and ruined lives of shame and guilt!!! For what your sick burning lust for the abomination of sexual perversion. God loves you and wants you to live but your choice!!!
babies born with social diseases .. a sure sign of homosexuality

Syphillis is spread between homos as well.

And one of the distinguishing characteristics of homo love is infidelity. Within or outside marriage. As I'm sure you're aware.
Deadliest diseases:
Syphillis is #10
Aids is #2

And both are spread between heterosexuals in far, far greater numbers.

Stop the silliness, please.

Homosexuals have a much higher incidence of venereal disease than heterosexuals because they are much more promiscuous.
I understand that the Constitution doesn't authorise "public accommodation law."

You realize that pretty much every State has a Public Accommodation law, are you saying States don't have the power under the 10th Amendment to regulate commerce inside the State?

When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

You say that as if you think, "Ah hah, but RACE!" is some sort of universal trump card to play, a boundary over which nothing can EVER be allowed to cross and the defense of which is sacrosanct.

Let me advance what is probably a radical notion to you. It is completely legal for someone to be an asshole, and even a racist asshole, and while it is repugnant and immoral behavior for one to be such, it is far more repugnant and immoral for someone to try to impose by law their own preferred behaviors onto said racist asshole.

I would rather live in a society where people have the freedom to be ignorant bigots than one where everyone is a well-behaved slave.

Good response.

Awesome post, great job. I agree 100%, finally someone gets it.

All I was trying to do is get someone to be consistent and and not ignore the question, because the issues are interconnected. This is a question of free association and property rights.

It is not a question of "my FEELINGS!" or "I am owed goods and services by merely existing(public accommodations)" in regards to liberal, or in the case of so called conservatives who say "race and sexual orientation are two different things, how could you compare them, btw did I tell you I would love for my kids to get mixed race married".

Glad there is someone on the boards that actually believes in the novel idea of freedom and negative liberties.
GOD'S WORD SAYS==◄ Hebrews 13:4 ►
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. WE ARE TO LIVE HIGHER THAN BITCH dogs!!!

Does the bible really refer to "BITCH dogs"?!?!?!?!?


Notice how the latent homosexuals on the far right get all hwat emotionally when they discuss this. :lol:

Pop23, LockeJaw, and so on. Wannabee faggots, you know.

Calling someone who is debating so-called "gay marriage" a homosexual is standard operating procedure for libturds, diaper lord.
Homosexuals have a much higher incidence of venereal disease than heterosexuals because they are much more promiscuous.

True, which is why supporting Same-sex Civil Marriage is a good thing as it supports monogamy for those that are married.

Good point.

The leftist agenda is equality as is guaranteed by our Constitution.

The right wing agenda is to deny equality, as guaranteed by our Constitution.

The left has always won this battle.

The left will always win this battle.

The leftist agenda has nothing to do with equality and rights. Are you going to allow children in your government schools to speak out freely if they oppose homosexuality? Nope. You're going to tell that child that opposing homosexuality is bigotry and hate.

It is bigotry. You want it to not be.....but it is.

Time for you to catch up. The rest of us have waited long enough.

You don't understand. The question isn't whether something is or isn't bigotry. The question is whether or not you have the right to force people to adhere to YOUR personal moral standards. You don't, nor should you.
GOD'S WORD SAYS==◄ Hebrews 13:4 ►
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. WE ARE TO LIVE HIGHER THAN BITCH dogs!!!

Does the bible really refer to "BITCH dogs"?!?!?!?!?


Notice how the latent homosexuals on the far right get all hwat emotionally when they discuss this. :lol:

Pop23, LockeJaw, and so on. Wannabee faggots, you know.

Indeed, some do get their "lather" all up about it...
So if churches should be allowed refuse to marry homosexuals couples, should they be allowed to refuse to marry mixed race couples if it goes against their doctrine?

You say that as if you think, "Ah hah, but RACE!" is some sort of universal trump card to play, a boundary over which nothing can EVER be allowed to cross and the defense of which is sacrosanct.

Let me advance what is probably a radical notion to you. It is completely legal for someone to be an asshole, and even a racist asshole, and while it is repugnant and immoral behavior for one to be such, it is far more repugnant and immoral for someone to try to impose by law their own preferred behaviors onto said racist asshole.

I would rather live in a society where people have the freedom to be ignorant bigots than one where everyone is a well-behaved slave.

You would rather live in the segregated south than modern day America.

No surprise there. You're an excellent representative of modern day conservatism.

The South was segregated by law, penis wrinkle. No one endorses government enforced discrimination.

You're an excellent representation of a jackass.
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The leftist agenda has nothing to do with equality and rights. Are you going to allow children in your government schools to speak out freely if they oppose homosexuality? Nope. You're going to tell that child that opposing homosexuality is bigotry and hate.

It is bigotry. You want it to not be.....but it is.

Time for you to catch up. The rest of us have waited long enough.

You don't understand. The question isn't whether something is or isn't bigotry. The question is whether or not you have the right to force people to adhere to YOUR personal moral standards. You don't, nor should you.

Then you agree that gays have no right to force someone else to adhere to their personal moral standards.
Marriage confers legal rights that are derived from the state. I don't think a religious organization should be the decider of who gets legal rights.

I think marriages should only be performed by a religious institution but that marriage comes with no legal status. The state should sanction civil unions and only those come with legal rights. This way religions decide whom they'll marry and civil society decides who gets legal benefits.

The state should sanction a civil union between any gender or number of consenting adults.

I disagree, I think marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage licenses should be issued by the state with incentives to promote procreation and family formation to support the continuity, stability, and the strengthening of the fabric of society going forward. This blind egalitarianism you are pushing serves no purpose outside of itself and is irrational.

Why is marriage between a man and a woman? Is it a religious dictate? If so which religion? I seem to recall other cultures (native american?) allowed same sex marriage, shouldn't their traditions be respected?

If marriage is for procreation we should NOT allow marriage to anyone infertile or anyone past the age of child-bearing. Right?

If you dislike egalitarianism I think it falls on you to show why it should not be allowed.
What if your child were gay? Any thoughts?

If your child isn't gay, nothing that is said in his school will make him gay. That is the point where you go off the reservation. It puts your stupidity on full display.

You've lost this one, by the way. The world knows that homosexual people are normal. One day...your kid will likely look at you and shake his or her head...wondering how you could be so dumb.

Young people have it figured out. There is no turning back.

I'm not gonna worry about gay kids. I'm talking about the agenda. That crap doesn't belong in public schools. If parents of a child believe their child is gay then that's their problem, not mine.

If you or your kid run around a public school that this gay kid attends.....telling him that he's abnormal.....then you become the problem. Public school...rightfully....will discourage you and your child from being bigots.

Public school has no business "discouraging" personal opinions and beliefs of any sort. They exist for academic education, not religious or moral education. If I want that, I'll send my kids to a private school, which almost certainly will teach the opposite of what you have personally approved.

And if you think life isn't going to teach homosexuals that they're out of the norm, whatever warm-and-fuzzy PC ideas you push in schools, you're seriously delusional. Life is harsh, and nothing you do is going to change that.
Why is it that so many people cannot differentiate between "That is bad behavior" and "Therefore, it should be illegal"?

That's the libturd modus operandi. "We don't like that" or "we don't approve of that" automatically translates into "we must outlaw that" in their minds.

Actually that is the American way: all of us, including bripatty, want to tell everyone else how to live.

However the responsible right to responsible left have the Constitution on this one.

No, that isn't the American way. At least it wasn't until quite recently. That's how we know this country is swirling down the toilet bowl. It's actually the Stalinist way. You have to despise freedom to want to make everything you dislike or disapprove of illegal.

I have no desire to tell you how to live. You can continue wallowing in your own shit for as long as you like.
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I'm not gonna worry about gay kids. I'm talking about the agenda. That crap doesn't belong in public schools. If parents of a child believe their child is gay then that's their problem, not mine.

If you or your kid run around a public school that this gay kid attends.....telling him that he's abnormal.....then you become the problem. Public school...rightfully....will discourage you and your child from being bigots.

Public school has no business "discouraging" personal opinions and beliefs of any sort. They exist for academic education, not religious or moral education. If I want that, I'll send my kids to a private school, which almost certainly will teach the opposite of what you have personally approved.

And if you think life isn't going to teach homosexuals that they're out of the norm, whatever warm-and-fuzzy PC ideas you push in schools, you're seriously delusional. Life is harsh, and nothing you do is going to change that.

The bolded: absolute agreement.

But the one does not exclude the other.

Having personal beliefs is one thing. Acting them out in a way that hurts someone else is something completely different.
If the authority empowered to "rent" out a church sign an agreement with a couple, they should honor the agreement regardless of their sexual orientation.

Way to utterly dodge the question by pretending to be too dense and obtuse to understand it. I have no idea why you would consider it a win to present yourself as a moron, but I have to applaud your consummate skill in pulling off that performance. Brava! :eusa_clap:

Now possibly you could address the REAL question of whether or not churches should be forced into making those agreements in the first place, you disingenuous poltroon.
Syphilis has killed more heterosexuals in history than AIDs has killed gays.

Syphilis wasn't curable until penicillin was discovered, so that statistic is totally meaningless.

How so, AIDS is as of now, "incurable", yet treatments advance. Antibiotics were not an AHA moment either. Many years between 'discovery' and widespread treatments.

Almost every single death from syphilis occurred before it was curable. That's how it's irrelevant.
I'm not gonna worry about gay kids. I'm talking about the agenda. That crap doesn't belong in public schools. If parents of a child believe their child is gay then that's their problem, not mine.

If you or your kid run around a public school that this gay kid attends.....telling him that he's abnormal.....then you become the problem. Public school...rightfully....will discourage you and your child from being bigots.

Public school has no business "discouraging" personal opinions and beliefs of any sort. They exist for academic education, not religious or moral education. If I want that, I'll send my kids to a private school, which almost certainly will teach the opposite of what you have personally approved.

And if you think life isn't going to teach homosexuals that they're out of the norm, whatever warm-and-fuzzy PC ideas you push in schools, you're seriously delusional. Life is harsh, and nothing you do is going to change that.

Go ahead and send your kids to a school that never challenges any of your beliefs and start adding on a room because they will never leave.

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