Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I a
Should churches be forced to accommodate black weddings?

What about the tax status of the Church? [

Do they receive any tax breaks FROM the public who must make up the difference? If they do receive help from the public, their ability to discriminate against a portion of the public may change, provided that portion has the legal right to get married.

At the end of the day this is same old problem where a powerless group must beg for full citizenship. Whether it be the right to vote for women or the right to use a public bathroom for blacks or the right for gays to exercise their legal right to get married, there will always be a heavily manipulated group of under-educated citizens who try to destroy them.

Damn, talk about illiterate

The question isn't should gays be allowed to marry, the question is should they be allowed to force churches to marry them?

The public makes up what difference, I would like to know.

What floors me is that these ignorami are completely clueless about how much churches do, WORLD WIDE, for the poor, the sick, the orphaned, the homeless and the desperate.
Damn, talk about illiterate

The question isn't should gays be allowed to marry, the question is should they be allowed to force churches to marry them?

The question was silly. Churches cannot be forced by the government to perform ceremonies against the tenants of their faith.

They have and will by public opinion.
I a
Should churches be forced to accommodate black weddings?

What about the tax status of the Church? [

Do they receive any tax breaks FROM the public who must make up the difference? If they do receive help from the public, their ability to discriminate against a portion of the public may change, provided that portion has the legal right to get married.

At the end of the day this is same old problem where a powerless group must beg for full citizenship. Whether it be the right to vote for women or the right to use a public bathroom for blacks or the right for gays to exercise their legal right to get married, there will always be a heavily manipulated group of under-educated citizens who try to destroy them.

Damn, talk about illiterate

The question isn't should gays be allowed to marry, the question is should they be allowed to force churches to marry them?

The public makes up what difference, I would like to know.

What floors me is that these ignorami are completely clueless about how much churches do, WORLD WIDE, for the poor, the sick, the orphaned, the homeless and the desperate.

they know , they just dont care.

See, every little whiny minority out there is OFF limits to make fun of, ridicule, or cajole. But... people are just naturally assholes and so need someone to make fun of , ridicule,cajole and so these liberal morons have absolutely no compunction in showing their absolute hypocrisy in attacking the one group who doesn't have some national figure whining for them.

This is how their stupidity works.

Black morons burn an entire fucking town down because they are upset that one of their fellow thugs got kiled for attacking a LEO... They were well within their rights.

White Christians complain because some faggot uses the court system to force them to bake them a cake.. What a bunch of sexist racist haters.

Fuck you morons, Every one of you who thinks like the above are idiots. Plain and simple.
they know , they just dont care.

See, every little whiny minority out there is OFF limits to make fun of, ridicule, or cajole. But... people are just naturally assholes and so need someone to make fun of , ridicule,cajole and so these liberal morons have absolutely no compunction in showing their absolute hypocrisy in attacking the one group who doesn't have some national figure whining for them.

This is how their stupidity works.

Black morons burn an entire fucking town down because they are upset that one of their fellow thugs got kiled for attacking a LEO... They were well within their rights.

White Christians complain because some faggot uses the court system to force them to bake them a cake.. What a bunch of sexist racist haters.

Fuck you morons, Every one of you who thinks like the above are idiots. Plain and simple.

Wow...way to conflate two unrelated news stories. Non-sequitur much?
Odd, he didn't reference the Bible one time.

Words have meanings you know.

He didn't have to. I gave you the passages they used already. He believed in those passages just as "deeply" as you believe in anti gay ones.

What the fuck would it matter anyway?;

Do whatever you want, in just don't force me to participate.

Your "marriage " is a sham to me. I don't give a shit if you call yourself married, I in fact support your right to say you're married just the same as I would support your right to call yourself eternally hitched or any other nonsense you want to pretend you are, ju st stop trying to force others to accept you
What the fuck would it matter anyway?;

Do whatever you want, in just don't force me to participate.

Your "marriage " is a sham to me. I don't give a shit if you call yourself married, I in fact support your right to say you're married just the same as I would support your right to call yourself eternally hitched or any other nonsense you want to pretend you are, ju st stop trying to force others to accept you

Fortunately your opinion doesn't mean jack shit to my legal and federally recognized civil marriage. (No matter how pissy you get about it) :lol:
What the fuck would it matter anyway?;

Do whatever you want, in just don't force me to participate.

Your "marriage " is a sham to me. I don't give a shit if you call yourself married, I in fact support your right to say you're married just the same as I would support your right to call yourself eternally hitched or any other nonsense you want to pretend you are, ju st stop trying to force others to accept you

Fortunately your opinion doesn't mean jack shit to my legal and federally recognized civil marriage. (No matter how pissy you get about it) :lol:

What part of " I support your right to "marry" don't you get?

Your little laughter as if you pulled one over on me is as stupid as you're marriage.

Face it hon, your "marriage is nothing but a decent plot line for a porn. :rofl:
What part of " I support your right to "marry" don't you get?

Your little laughter as if you pulled one over on me is as stupid as you're marriage.

Face it hon, your "marriage is nothing but a decent plot line for a porn. :rofl:

You support my right to "sham" marry? How progressive of you. :rolleyes:

My marriage is exactly like millions of marriages across the country. Two people who love each other that wish to protect their families with the rights, benefits and responsibilities that come with legal, civil marriage.

How you "feel" about it is irrelevant.
What part of " I support your right to "marry" don't you get?

Your little laughter as if you pulled one over on me is as stupid as you're marriage.

Face it hon, your "marriage is nothing but a decent plot line for a porn. :rofl:

You support my right to "sham" marry? How progressive of you. :rolleyes:

My marriage is exactly like millions of marriages across the country. Two people who love each other that wish to protect their families with the rights, benefits and responsibilities that come with legal, civil marriage.

How you "feel" about it is irrelevant.

NO NO, you have that absolutely backwards, your "marriage" is a sham, regardless of whether you know it or not. What YOU think is irrelevant

Fortunately for you, we live in a country that allows you to believe whatever you want. Enjoy your "marriage" :rofl:
My marriage is exactly like millions of marriages across the country. Two people who love each other that wish to protect their families with the rights, benefits and responsibilities that come with legal, civil marriage.

How you "feel" about it is irrelevant.

Well for one if you were married in California where you say you live, you aren't married legally. That's just for starters. And your marriage is not "like millions of marriages across the country". Those marriages are where there is a legitmate husband and wife, father and mother. Not two people of the same gender role-playing those roles around the poor children than find themselves in that hotbed of mental issues.
NO NO, you have that absolutely backwards, your "marriage" is a sham, regardless of whether you know it or not. What YOU think is irrelevant

Fortunately for you, we live in a country that allows you to believe whatever you want. Enjoy your "marriage" :rofl:

My "sham" of a civil marriage is supported by a legal document, affording my spouse and I a number of benefits and privileges. Your opinion and $4 will get you a delicious mocha at Starbucks.

I have facts, you have beliefs and "feelings".
Give us the chapter and verse number.

I have, multiple times.

Deut. 32:8 "The Highest allotted the races when He divided the sons of man, fixing the bounds of the nations."

Genesis 6:1-7
Genesis 9:18-10:32
Genesis 9:24-27
Genesis chapters 12-25
Leviticus 19:19
Deuteronomy 22:9-11

And there's plenty more USED BY segregationist.
NO NO, you have that absolutely backwards, your "marriage" is a sham, regardless of whether you know it or not. What YOU think is irrelevant

Fortunately for you, we live in a country that allows you to believe whatever you want. Enjoy your "marriage" :rofl:

My "sham" of a civil marriage is supported by a legal document, affording my spouse and I a number of benefits and privileges. Your opinion and $4 will get you a delicious mocha at Starbucks.

I have facts, you have beliefs and "feelings".


You have nothing. By the way, are you the wife or the "husband" :rofl:

"gay marriage" :rofl:
Less confusing:

More confusing:

But still not as confusing as this guy:
You have nothing. By the way, are you the wife or the "husband" :rofl:

"gay marriage" :rofl:

On the contrary...thanks to my civil marriage and the overturning of part of DOMA, I have over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges that came with a dependent ID card for my legal spouse.

There is no husband in our relationship. We refer to each other as life partners, but I believe our license says spouse.
You have nothing. By the way, are you the wife or the "husband" :rofl:

"gay marriage" :rofl:

On the contrary...thanks to my civil marriage and the overturning of part of DOMA, I have over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges that came with a dependent ID card for my legal spouse.

There is no husband in our relationship. We refer to each other as life partners, but I believe our license says spouse.

See, I think you gays are going about this all wrong. You should be arguing that you have the first amendment to define marriage anyway you like... As for me, since I believe the benefits and such should be contract based not marriage based I couldn't care less what you call yourselves, to me you're two chicks shacking up

gay marriage :rofl:

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