Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Absolutely. Or genders. Or last name. Religion is by its very nature, discriminatory. And more power to those churches.

But businesses aren't churches. And they most definitely fall under legal regulation.
And I answered that

IF you and your partner, if you ever have one are monogamous and STD's free, and not worried about getting pregnant, then what would you need to protect yourself from?

If either you or your partner has an STD that cannot be cured- such as HIV or Herpes- or you are not monogamous- then you should probably use condoms.
No you didn't.... Is it considered normal or abnormal to have to use any type of protection when having sex with another human being? If you meet the love of your life, and you and her begin to date, and the both of you decide to have sex after say a year goes by, then would you find it strange to reach for a condom when you two are ready? Would you see that as something normal or abnormal to do? Now what allows disease to travel and manifest itself in humans? What is the root of these problems?

What is the root of these problems? I presume you mean sexually transmitted disease and not your problem with trying to identify everything as 'normal' or 'abnormal'.

Well if I was a Christian I would say God, because I would believe that God created everything in the world.

But since I am not a Christian, I would blame evolution and biology.

Evolution created sexually transmitted diseases and biology ensures that they will spread absent human intervention to prevent their spread.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

What religion bans minorities?

Do you think religions should be able to behead gays and people of other religions?
It's interesting the large majority of the site voted one way yet for some bizarre reason this thread is 8000 posts in. What the fuck?

"The Fuck" is that the tiny minority representing the deviant perspective,.

You are entitled to post your deviant perspective here, no matter how repulsive your posts are.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?
Homosexuals do not really have a religion .

Homosexuals in the United States are belong to every religion.
I acknowledge God as giving us the codes to live by, and I also acknowledge a more sinister being who wants every human being to fall somehow, and in someway. Who do you work for ?

But we're not stripping anyone of their rights because of your conceptions of God or the devil. Nor are we exempting you from the law because you believe in God or the devil.

Those are your subjective beliefs.
But you want to force your beliefs on an unwilling public, while stating that others are the problem when they were just minding their own business before hand. Wow!

I don't really care what you believe, and certainly I am not interested in forcing you to believe in anything.

I am not even particularly a fan of public accommodation law- but as long as PA laws do exist, then they protect everyone enumerated- Christians, homosexuals- and Christian homosexuals alike.

But when it comes to marriage- homosexual couples have the same right to seek redress as those Christian business owners that think the law is unconstitutional- change the law- regardless of how popular the law is.
I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

OH! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Tell me dear, what other natural elements do you not 'believe in'? Do you believe in 'Cause and Effect', entropy, chaos, laws of fluid dynamics, the laws of reason...; gravity~, where do ya stand on that, or DO you stand? Perhaps you perpetually fall, without the chronic attraction of the mass of which you're comprised, being attracted to mass?

Please specify, at least to the extent that your limited intellectual means allows... .
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I don't really care what you believe

Yes... that's sorta the downside of evil... the absence of objectivity, thus the subsequent lack of empathy.

But it is MARVELOUS stuff for igniting wars and THAT is what nature requires at points such as the one our culture is standing upon today.

My guess is that before that war you're abut to start is over, You'll be found SO WANTING to BELIEVE!

LOL! And my guess is that it won't take very long at all for you to get there.
You are entitled to post your deviant perspective here, no matter how repulsive your posts are.

I am entitled to such, anywhere I am. Because scamp, I am an American and THAT is how we roll.

Ya see, we are a free people who aren't required to accept perverse reasoning as sound reasoning and when you are found spouting that drivel you can't seem to find to find the strength of character NOT to spew... you will likely find one of us, checking that nonsense... and calling a spade, a spade. You see its WHAT WE DO!
I acknowledge God as giving us the codes to live by, and I also acknowledge a more sinister being who wants every human being to fall somehow, and in someway. Who do you work for ?

But we're not stripping anyone of their rights because of your conceptions of God ...

So what?

So gay and lesbians have the right to marry in 37 of 50 States.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
I want to protect constitutional guarantees. Rights like....marriage. And equal protection.

Then you'll be happy to know that the joining of one man and one woman, OKA: Marriage, is FULLY protected by no less an authority than nature itself; which designed the human species, which defines marriage, as the cultural analogue of procreational coitus... and American Principle defends equal protection.

What's more, right now, that very principle is under attack by the Advocacy to Normalize Mental Disorder... with the adherents to such claiming a "RIGHT" to a disordered mind and a subsequent "RIGHT" to establish government policy upon the addled reasoning conjured by disordered minds such as sexual abnormality, socialism and so on... .

Rest assured, Americans are pushing that crap off the table and we're prepared to go to war, to shut it the fuck down!

So rest easy... you stated desire is being tended to, while the goal cloaked by your deceit, is being scuttled, even as we speak.
I acknowledge God as giving us the codes to live by, and I also acknowledge a more sinister being who wants every human being to fall somehow, and in someway. Who do you work for ?

But we're not stripping anyone of their rights because of your conceptions of God ...

So what?

So gay and lesbians have the right to marry in 37 of 50 States.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

and in 37 states, Canada and much of Europe- it is also the joining of one man and one man, and the joining of one woman and one woman.

Thats progress.
I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

OH! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Tell me dear, what other natural elements do you not 'believe in'? Do you believe in 'Cause and Effect', entropy, chaos, laws of fluid dynamics, the laws of reason...; gravity~, where do ya stand on that, or DO you stand? Perhaps you perpetually fall, without the chronic attraction of the mass of which you're comprised, being attracted to mass?

Please specify, at least to the extent that your limited intellectual means allows... .

Keyes, we can verify the law of fluid dynamics. When it comes to your conception of god its almost completely imaginary, relativistic and hopelessly subjective.

You use a first mover argument as your 'evidence' of a creator. And then straight up imagine elaborate attributes, complex abilities, intricate intentions and rules to your 'god' that have nothing to do with a first mover argument. Your evidence simply doesn't match your description. When pressed for proof to back your present your imagination. Its a cycle of perfectly circular bullshit based on nested fallacies and laughable blunders of logic.

And its adorable.

Fluid dynamics, unlike your personal conceptions of god, isn't imaginary. Its objectively measurable and verifiable. Your faith isn't. Its inherently subjective, can't be measured, can't be verified.

We're not stripping anyone of any rights, we're not 'loathing', 'despising' or 'abhoring' anyone, we're not going to execute anyone based on your subjective, relativistic imagination.....that even you can't factually support.

Get used to the idea.
No you didn't.... Is it considered normal or abnormal to have to use any type of protection when having sex with another human being? If you meet the love of your life, and you and her begin to date, and the both of you decide to have sex after say a year goes by, then would you find it strange to reach for a condom when you two are ready? Would you see that as something normal or abnormal to do? Now what allows disease to travel and manifest itself in humans? What is the root of these problems?

What is the root of these problems? I presume you mean sexually transmitted disease and not your problem with trying to identify everything as 'normal' or 'abnormal'.

Well if I was a Christian I would say God, because I would believe that God created everything in the world.

But since I am not a Christian, I would blame evolution and biology.

Evolution created sexually transmitted diseases and biology ensures that they will spread absent human intervention to prevent their spread.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.
No you didn't.... Is it considered normal or abnormal to have to use any type of protection when having sex with another human being? If you meet the love of your life, and you and her begin to date, and the both of you decide to have sex after say a year goes by, then would you find it strange to reach for a condom when you two are ready? Would you see that as something normal or abnormal to do? Now what allows disease to travel and manifest itself in humans? What is the root of these problems?

What is the root of these problems? I presume you mean sexually transmitted disease and not your problem with trying to identify everything as 'normal' or 'abnormal'.

Well if I was a Christian I would say God, because I would believe that God created everything in the world.

But since I am not a Christian, I would blame evolution and biology.

Evolution created sexually transmitted diseases and biology ensures that they will spread absent human intervention to prevent their spread.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis? I can't find anyone who disagrees that environmental conditions created by man that contaminated the water supply and polluting our skies, are responsible for health conditions such as asthma and cancer. Who is really responsible for a lot of the diseases we encounter? Are you suggesting, that your basis of a belief in God exists through His intervention over the choices we ourselves have chosen to make?
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?
Homosexuals do not really have a religion .

Homosexuals in the United States are belong to every religion.
WHAT?? Open your eyes bud. They cannot belong to a religion that is for procreation. How do you intend to carry on a family name or heritage without being able to reproduce with your significant other? Do I respect their decision to do what they want and have free will? Of course but why change historical doctrines just to have the same rights and tax benefits of the couples that are carrying on the human race? Marriage is ultimately a sacred bond between man woman and GOD. There is no reason to change that just because you feel it is against your free will and infringing your freedoms. If you love them why not just be happy being able to love them?
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Fear mongering, or maybe the truth being told about a lot of things you might not like to hear ? Many of these topics spin to encompass the entire spectrum of the possibilities that either have led to such things or will lead to many more things as a result of all these things.
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Churches are nothing more or less than congregations of individual Christians.

Therefore, they have already been sued and forced to abdicate their faith and mandate in Jude 1, risking eternal damnation in order to be forced as a matter of law to enable the spread of the homosexual culture (not individuals) by overtaking and dismantling the word "marriage".

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