Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Fear mongering, or maybe the truth being told about a lot of things you might not like to hear ? Many of these topics spin to encompass the entire spectrum of the possibilities that either have led to such things or will lead to many more things as a result of all these things.

Or....fear mongering. If you add up all the churches in the entire country that were forced to perform same sex weddings before your fearmongering with all the churches that were forced to perform same sex weddings after your fear mongering, and you get the exact same number:

Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Churches are nothing more or less than congregations of individual Christians.

A Christian is no more a church than a hubcap is a car.

People aren't churches. Any argument you want to make that relies on the idea that they are is already dead.

Tax exempt status alone should tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Therefore, they have already been sued and forced to abdicate their faith and mandate in Jude 1, risking eternal damnation in order to be forced as a matter of law to enable the spread of the homosexual culture (not individuals) by overtaking and dismantling the word "marriage".

Jude 1 makes no mention of selling cake to gays. You hallucinated it. And when we ask you to show us the passage in Jude 1 that back any of the bullshit you make up, you can't.

Christians are subject to the same laws as everyone else. If your religion conflicts with your job....get another job.
Will people start burning those churches, etc. down?

Probably not. Though 'people' is a pretty broad term.
I guess I say this because a few have been set on fire in the state I currently reside, for other reasons, I suppose. And some get graffiti now and then. Only time will tell. I am totally amazed when there are some "polls" say the "majority" of people support unholy copulation holy under the law.
Will people start burning those churches, etc. down?

Probably not. Though 'people' is a pretty broad term.
I guess I say this because a few have been set on fire in the state I currently reside, for other reasons, I suppose. And some get graffiti now and then. Only time will tell. I am totally amazed when there are some "polls" say the "majority" of people support unholy copulation holy under the law.

Not 'some polls'. Pretty much every poll on the topic indicates that support for gay marriage. But between 12 to 19 points.
Will people start burning those churches, etc. down?

Probably not. Though 'people' is a pretty broad term.
I guess I say this because a few have been set on fire in the state I currently reside, for other reasons, I suppose. And some get graffiti now and then. Only time will tell. I am totally amazed when there are some "polls" say the "majority" of people support unholy copulation holy under the law.

Not 'some polls'. Pretty much every poll on the topic indicates that support for gay marriage. But between 12 to 19 points.
Every Leftwing Liberal asskissin' poll you meant.
Will people start burning those churches, etc. down?

Probably not. Though 'people' is a pretty broad term.
I guess I say this because a few have been set on fire in the state I currently reside, for other reasons, I suppose. And some get graffiti now and then. Only time will tell. I am totally amazed when there are some "polls" say the "majority" of people support unholy copulation holy under the law.

Not 'some polls'. Pretty much every poll on the topic indicates that support for gay marriage. But between 12 to 19 points.
Every Leftwing Liberal asskissin' poll you meant.

Pretty much every mainstream poll in the country. But again, ignore as you wish. No one really gives a shit if you close your eyes and pretend that none of it exists.

Your willful ignorance won't change a thing.
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Fear mongering, or maybe the truth being told about a lot of things you might not like to hear ? Many of these topics spin to encompass the entire spectrum of the possibilities that either have led to such things or will lead to many more things as a result of all these things.

Or....fear mongering. If you add up all the churches in the entire country that were forced to perform same sex weddings before your fearmongering with all the churches that were forced to perform same sex weddings after your fear mongering, and you get the exact same number:

OK, now add up the number of Christians lately who have been attacked, sued or threatened to be boycotted and/or shut down if they don't go along with the new trend or if they don't answer correctly the question of Gay Marriage when asked of them. Can't bring up the past, because the past is ever changing with the future, so what does the future hold with all the evidence we have seen as a preview so far ?
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
Another day does by and not single a church has been forced to marry any couple against their wishes. It is a real shame we cannot harness fear mongering as an alternative energy source.
Fear mongering, or maybe the truth being told about a lot of things you might not like to hear ? Many of these topics spin to encompass the entire spectrum of the possibilities that either have led to such things or will lead to many more things as a result of all these things.

Or....fear mongering. If you add up all the churches in the entire country that were forced to perform same sex weddings before your fearmongering with all the churches that were forced to perform same sex weddings after your fear mongering, and you get the exact same number:

OK, now add up the number of Christians lately who have been attacked, sued or threatened to be boycotted and/or shut down if they don't go along with the new trend or if they don't answer correctly the question of Gay Marriage when asked of them.

A person isn't a church.

Ending that argument.
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
It's Satan and his army.
It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God.

Says you. And your religion isn't the basis of our laws.

As I've said, gay marriage opponents are in a tough position. They can't actually argue what actually motivates them: homophobia or religious conviction. As neither are valid legal arguments. So they're stuck with half assed second tier bullshit arguments.

Which are almost universally laughed out of court.

Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ?

Because the rights and protections under civil unions are inferior to marriage. And 'separate but equal' has a pretty shitty track records. And because there's no reason to deny gays and lesbians same sex marriage. If civil unions and marriage are genuinely the same, then why bother with civil unions?
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
Then you're blind – likely intentionally, as gay Americans are clearly being discriminated against.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts, to deny them access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is in fact discrimination, and un-Constitutional.

This 14th Amendment jurisprudence has no bearing whatsoever on religious institutions, which remain at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples in their marriage rituals, and relegate their marriage rituals to only men and women.

State and local governments, however, are subject to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the Amendment's case law is binding on the states, requiring the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws.

Because same-sex couples are eligible to participate in current marriage law – unchanged and unaltered – there is no need to contrive such nonsense as 'civil unions,' as this is nothing more than trite semantics seeking only to designate same-sex couples as being 'unworthy' of participating in the marriage law opposite-sex couples are afforded.

As already correctly noted, 'separate but equal' is as repugnant to the Constitution as denying same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
It's Satan and his army.

Church lady, is that you?

God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
Then you're blind – likely intentionally, as gay Americans are clearly being discriminated against.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts, to deny them access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is in fact discrimination, and un-Constitutional.

This 14th Amendment jurisprudence has no bearing whatsoever on religious institutions, which remain at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples in their marriage rituals, and relegate their marriage rituals to only men and women.

State and local governments, however, are subject to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the Amendment's case law is binding on the states, requiring the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws.

Because same-sex couples are eligible to participate in current marriage law – unchanged and unaltered – there is no need to contrive such nonsense as 'civil unions,' as this is nothing more than trite semantics seeking only to designate same-sex couples as being 'unworthy' of participating in the marriage law opposite-sex couples are afforded.

As already correctly noted, 'separate but equal' is as repugnant to the Constitution as denying same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.
You speak as if you know the intentions of this group entirely, and then you try to apply all sorts of laws and such to protect their positions while ignoring the things that they have been up to lately when written about. Then you disqualify very credible post that have been written by those here who have explained the dangers involved in a lot of this stuff, but due to your close minded bias, you can only see one side of an issue. How do you qualify as being an open minded objective realist, if you are only interested in attacking a side that has been attacked by another ? The laws weren't created to represent only one group, so how do you get by with only applying them in that way? Is it your thoughts that only certain groups need to be protected against others regardless of, therefore leaving entire groups out of the process? How fair is this? Your bias has been noted, so don't feel bad if readers aren't impressed with your positions that you've taken in which guide in the way that you oparate here.
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I acknowledge God as giving us the codes to live by, and I also acknowledge a more sinister being who wants every human being to fall somehow, and in someway. Who do you work for ?

But we're not stripping anyone of their rights because of your conceptions of God ...

So what?

So gay and lesbians have the right to marry in 37 of 50 States.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

No matter how many times you regurgitate that, it is still wrong.

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