Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases

No- I do not say that. I am pointing out that you are saying that you believe that God created disease to punish people who don't do what he commands:

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
How do you know what I believe? I tire of people putting words or beliefs to my credit, when in fact you are more manipulating than the media is on such matters. God kills no one, for in his hands is found life ever lasting. Man kills man, and he's good at killing himself wherefore God has to then clean up his mess in one way or another.
I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases

No- I do not say that. I am pointing out that you are saying that you believe that God created disease to punish people who don't do what he commands:

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
How do you know what I believe? I tire of people putting words or beliefs to my credit, when in fact you are more manipulating than the media is on such matters. God kills no one, for in his hands is found life ever lasting. Man kills man, and he's good at killing himself wherefore God has to then clean up his mess in one way or another.

Once again to go back to our entire conversation:

But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery? You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that? I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases ? You are wrong in that, and you have once again tried to put words into my mouth in hopes that someone here might actually believe your craziness in which you spew out of your mouth like poison here. God gives instruction on how to avoid disease, and how to live a clean life, but man refuses instruction and therefore does things against his body in an abnormal way, and that is where the diseases come from. It clearly states in the Bible all the do's and all the don't s we must abide by, and this in order to stay safe in life, and to live a clean life if so CHOOSE! If you choose to stick your finger in a light socket after having instruction on how not to do so, then are you going to attempt it anyway ? God is telling you how to avoid it, but you do it anyway ? How crazy is that ?

So if God didn't create diseases, who did?

You did or anyone else that refuses instruction of how to live a clean life. I mean would you go and sleep in a hog pen if you know better? Now how do you know better in life Skylar ? In anything in life, there is rules to live by, and if you cross them there are consequences. Go kiss a rattle snake and see what happens.

You know I tire of dealing with the nursery here. Sorry..

Father plants land mines around his entire property and tells his children 'don't go beyond the red line or you will be blown up- and it will be your fault.

Kids go beyond red line and are blown up.

Whose fault is it- the fathers? or the kids?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases

No- I do not say that. I am pointing out that you are saying that you believe that God created disease to punish people who don't do what he commands:

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
How do you know what I believe? I tire of people putting words or beliefs to my credit, when in fact you are more manipulating than the media is on such matters. God kills no one, for in his hands is found life ever lasting. Man kills man, and he's good at killing himself wherefore God has to then clean up his mess in one way or another.

Once again to go back to our entire conversation:

But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that? I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

Why is my words mingled in with your words in that manor above ?

You listed my words as being under ME, and then you listed your words as being under YOU, but in the paragraphs that are under YOU, well you have my words intermingled with yours in that category. How about keeping things in context maybe.

No one said or even suggested that he created disease in order to punish people for their having sex outside of marriage, so you are being dishonest in your postings and your way of twisting things around like you keep on doing here. Diseases are not limited to sex only, and are just a part of our environment here, but God has given us the instruction on how to avoid problems that arise or could arise in this environment in which we live in here. Ole satan himself has thrown a monkey wrench into our enviroment ever since the beginning of his time with us here, and so how about maybe doing a little more constructive and open minded reading maybe, and a lot less hyperventilating about the things you refuse to accept, and also about the things in which you don't understand or just don't want to understand. Even if you could be enlightened on them better yet you choose to cry, cry, cry instead ?

A Christian is no more a church than a hubcap is a car.

People aren't churches. Any argument you want to make that relies on the idea that they are is already dead.

Tax exempt status alone should tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Christians are subject to the same laws as everyone else. If your religion conflicts with your job....get another job.

Christians in the bible DIDN'T routinely meet at synagogues but they went house to house or wherever they chose to gather (read the book of ACTS). The disciples themselves didn't hang out at a "church", they sat down and settled wherever Jesus felt like going in order to talk to the people. I'd at least try and read the bible first, before attempting at humor and engaging in a subject you know little about.

Christians ought not be forced to follow something they don't believe in, any more than a woman through a change in state law ought to be forced to carry a baby if they don't share in that particular view.

We're not talking about pregnancy. We're talking about commerce. They aren't the same thing.

If you're going to engage in commerce, treating your customers fairly and equally is not unreasonable.

You are talking about a LAW that is forcing someone's view onto someone else. If someone's moral view happens to believe a child ALSO has rights, and deserves to be treated as such, should a woman then be forced to then do something that is against what she believes because the law forces her to do so? It is very much the same thing, if you happen to believe an unborn child should have the same individual rights as well. They both deal with the interpretation of someone's moral view of society, and how that view should be imposed onto others.
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But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.
Father plants land mines around his entire property and tells his children 'don't go beyond the red line or you will be blown up- and it will be your fault.

Kids go beyond red line and are blown up.

Whose fault is it- the fathers? or the kids?

I'll play your silly game for a second... Now if the father plants the mines, and he plants them in the minds of the kids lets say (instruction/education = mines in which creates the red line that exist in the mind), and this he does in order to keep disease or other dangers and hazards at bay and way far away from his children right, and so he instructs them (plants the mines of life) in accordance to the sad state of affairs that has now become a diseased or hazardous environment in which exist all around them, (i.e. contamination from man made hazards that are created by man for example "pollution" or "tainted food", "tainted water ways", "chemical exposures", "sex related illnesses", "physical injuries", "bio agents", "confined spaces" and the list just goes on and on), and these things are all in which we all need good instruction and stats on to be aware of always, so what do you think they all should do when being surrounded by these diseases and other dangers that want to kill them or infect them in life ? Do you think that they should just rebuke the mines in order to free their minds, and therefore cross the red lines without instruction on where these hazards and diseases do lay and wait for them ?

OK, so lets say it's all due to the disease or other factors mentioned above in which they are being instructed by their father who is laying these land mines in their mind for their protection, and he is doing this because of all these things that are surrounding them now, but then lets say that they (the kids in which you used) were to possibly refuse instruction on how to stay safe in life, and so they sadly get blown up (i.e. infected) or even are killed outside the gates by many other things like (drugs) for example (or) what ever else there is because they have (gone over the red line so to speak, and otherwise they had refused instruction of where those mines are in which they were warned about, and are now knowledgeable about in which lay in wait for them), and because of this refusal of knowledge or instruction they are given, they then are attacked by the evil one himself right ? Well I'd say then it is the kids fault for not listening to the one who knew best about such things in life, and the father had tried to warn them by placing a red line in their minds in order that they should recognize the threats and hazards when they see them in their midst.

Lets say that the evil one who has many names (i.e. one is disease for example), and it is out there now creeping around in the dark, and it is causing people to have to draw a red line around their children or to help anyone else who refuses to acknowledge such things that exist out there these days or even getting them to acknowledge the ways in which to come in contact with such things in life to begin with, well I'd say people are playing a fools game for sure if they don't acknowledge these things in life that hurt and/or kill people by the thousands or even by the millions.

Let's say that diseases or other hazards can speak now, and they want to play these sorts of word games like you are playing here with me, and so they are yelling to those that are over on the other side of the red line, "hey we are just here to play and have some fun right, and hey we mean you no harm", yet it is that no one is fooled by this stuff anymore hopefully.

Now I was just using your example here, so this was my response to it. You tried to make God a father appear as if he would be oppressive to his children (mankind), and he would lock them in against dangers that are non-existent otherwise is what you want to suggest here, but that is not the God we follow at all, but it is that you want the readers to believe that.
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IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.
His utter failure is also that he refuses to acknowledge that there is an evil one's presence out there as well, and it appears that he refuses to acknowledge his role in which is also played or is present in this life amongst us, but he chooses to attack and blame God for everything like he is doing now.

He can't be enlightened, because he reads or listens for all the wrong reasons when he hears something or when he tries to learn something about life, and this he does in a one sided biased way in which he has going for himself in that way or so it seems. He seemingly is so invested in what ever it is that he is so invested in, that he only see's one side of the coin and not the other side in life anymore.
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.
His utter failure is also that he refuses to acknowledge that there is an evil one's presence out there as well,.

'an evil one'? What are you like some Harry Potter character who is scared to refer to Satan?

No I don't believe in Satan or your God.

Look- you can believe in any fairy tale you want to- I have lots of friends who are Christians and I do not tell them that they are wrong- but if you want to bring up your God in reference to homosexuality and disease, then I will point out that according to your Bible, God created everything but human choice- and that would mean God created homosexuals and every disease in existence.

You are okay with a god that chooses to inflict misery and death on innocent children(and everyone else)

I am not.
Father plants land mines around his entire property and tells his children 'don't go beyond the red line or you will be blown up- and it will be your fault.

Kids go beyond red line and are blown up.

Whose fault is it- the fathers? or the kids?

I'll play your silly game for a second... Now if the father plants the mines, and he plants them.

Yet you didn't play my 'silly game'-

Whose fault is it if the land mines blow up the children?

The fathers- or the children?
IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.

I don't believe 'God' created anything- I am pointing out that according to the Bible, God created all life- and that would include infectous disease.

Cancer is created both by environment factors- and by a genetic disposition to certain types of Cancer- and yes if the God of the Bible exists he would be responsible for the genetic factors.

Why would any God create HIV and Syphillis just as a punishment for not following the rules he set up?

Especially since HIV and Syphillis can be passed down to children of infected people?
Got quite a tangent there going dontcha Syriusly? This is about how if individual Christians are being currently sued by your virulent litigation machine, a collection of them together (aka a church) cannot possibly be immune. A religious faith doesn't cease the minute a Christian walks off the last step out of the church doors.
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.
His utter failure is also that he refuses to acknowledge that there is an evil one's presence out there as well, and it appears that he refuses to acknowledge his role in which is also played or is present in this life amongst us, but he chooses to attack and blame God for everything like he is doing now.

He can't be enlightened, because he reads or listens for all the wrong reasons when he hears something or when he tries to learn something about life, and this he does in a one sided biased way in which he has going for himself in that way or so it seems. He seemingly is so invested in what ever it is that he is so invested in, that he only see's one side of the coin and not the other side in life anymore.

I'm allowing Syriusly to explain and defend this view that somehow God would actually want to create a disease that kills someone, because of their reasoning that God also created life. First there is this denial by Syriusly that choices we ourselves make could have anything to do with the consequences we face later in life, by contracting a disease. Environmental conditions created by man, proven through science, show a link to a lot of the health conditions we face. To deny that, is to also deny science.

Another question to ask is why would a non believer want God to even force Himself to intervene a situation, just to prove an existence to someone who wouldn't believe anything He would do to show them anyways? Why would you even want a God to force His will over the free choice of a human being? It's His preferred position to allow an individual's free choice to accept or deny His existence, without allowing Himself to persuade their actions by force, which shows His compassion and respect towards those who choose to reject Him. To blame God for diseases is to also say that God is somehow responsible for your spending habits, and the overwhelming debt you are facing. You have to be held accountable for your own actions and the consequences you face as a result, that is what God allows for - free will.
Got quite a tangent there going dontcha Syriusly? This is about how if individual Christians are being currently sued by your virulent litigation machine, a collection of them together (aka a church) cannot possibly be immune.

Save for one small problem: you don't have the slightest clue how the law actually works. Rendering any assessment you make on what is legally possible mere ignorant rambling.

Back in reality, churches aren't subject to PA laws. Business are. You are utterly incapable of recognizing any distinction. Thankfully the law can.
Got quite a tangent there going dontcha Syriusly? This is about how if individual Christians are being currently sued by your virulent litigation machine, a collection of them together (aka a church) cannot possibly be immune. A religious faith doesn't cease the minute a Christian walks off the last step out of the church doors.

'your virulent litigation machine'? LOL.

Business owners are expected and required to follow the law. Business owners are being sued by individuals because the business owners are not following public accommodation laws.

Fairly straightforward.
I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.

So if you believe God created HIV, then you are trying to say He created moral consequences for how people choose to live? Is that your reasoning?

If you were to also say then God created other diseases, like cancer, you are rejecting science which shows how environmental conditions ... or even the free choice to smoke ... has everything to do with the cause of cancer. You are trying to remove yourself from any choices you yourself make, by shifting the blame onto someone else.
His utter failure is also that he refuses to acknowledge that there is an evil one's presence out there as well, and it appears that he refuses to acknowledge his role in which is also played or is present in this life amongst us, but he chooses to attack and blame God for everything like he is doing now.

He can't be enlightened, because he reads or listens for all the wrong reasons when he hears something or when he tries to learn something about life, and this he does in a one sided biased way in which he has going for himself in that way or so it seems. He seemingly is so invested in what ever it is that he is so invested in, that he only see's one side of the coin and not the other side in life anymore.

I'm allowing Syriusly to explain and defend this view that somehow God would actually want to create a disease that kills someone, because of their reasoning that God also created life. First there is this denial by Syriusly that choices we ourselves make could have anything to do with the consequences we face later in life, by contracting a disease. Environmental conditions created by man, proven through science, show a link to a lot of the health conditions we face. To deny that, is to also deny science.

Another question to ask is why would a non believer want God to even force Himself to intervene a situation, just to prove an existence to someone who wouldn't believe anything He would do to show them anyways? Why would you even want a God to force His will over the free choice of a human being? It's His preferred position to allow an individual's free choice to accept or deny His existence, without allowing Himself to persuade their actions by force, which shows His compassion and respect towards those who choose to reject Him. To blame God for diseases is to also say that God is somehow responsible for your spending habits, and the overwhelming debt you are facing. You have to be held accountable for your own actions and the consequences you face as a result, that is what God allows for - free will.

Already answered but glad to repost:

I don't believe 'God' created anything- I am pointing out that according to the Bible, God created all life- and that would include infectious disease.

Cancer is created both by environmental factors(both man-made and natural)- and by a genetic disposition to certain types of Cancer- and yes if the God of the Bible exists he would be responsible for the genetic factors.

Why would any God create HIV and Syphillis just as a punishment for not following the rules he set up?

Especially since HIV and Syphillis can be passed down to children of infected people?
Business owners are expected and required to follow the law. Business owners are being sued by individuals because the business owners are not following public accommodation laws.

Fairly straightforward.

Couple of quesitions for you:

1. Does a religious faith end the moment a Christian walks down the church steps and into everyday life know...where the preacher just got done lecturing him for an hour where his faith really matters day in and day out?

2. What do you call a congregation of individual Christians? (I'll answer for you)...It's called a church.

3. Note the title of the thread and the poll at the top.

4. The First Amendment IS pretty straightforward, I agree.
Business owners are expected and required to follow the law. Business owners are being sued by individuals because the business owners are not following public accommodation laws.

Fairly straightforward.

Couple of quesitions for you:

1. Does a religious faith end the moment a Christian walks down the church steps and into everyday life know...where the preacher just got done lecturing him for an hour where his faith really matters day in and day out?

2. What do you call a congregation of individual Christians? (I'll answer for you)...It's called a church.

An excerpt from Colorado's public Accommodation law:

That answers your 'questions'

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