Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
More than the institution: the DEFINITION of the word "marriage". The question pending and in use legally is not "same-sex marriage". The legal question is actually redacting the word marriage itself. This is the sleight of hand a lot of people have missed, including me up until recently.

For an institution so vital and so important to the base structure of any society, for 9 people in DC, (2 of which flaunt public bias in favor of fed presiding over that dismantling of the word), to change the definition without the permission of the governed is no less than the same as them changing the entire fabric of society into time unknown and by so doing, acting as uber-tyrants and Supreme Carvers of Destiny of mankind...just 9 fallible creatures pulling that off.

No, since this isn't about race or even same-sex marriage and is instead about redacting the definition of the hub of human culture itself, the masses must always be the ones deciding for themselves for it is they collectively (and not the 9 who will die in a matter of years), that will bear the yoke of this legacy upon their shoulders forever. Once done, it cannot be undone.

Aren't several of the Justices catholic BTW? WTF is the Pope(s) doing during all of this? Playing-pretend that the mandate of Jude 1 doesn't exist? If they do nothing to intervene then we are really in trouble..
More than the institution: the DEFINITION of the word "marriage". The question pending and in use legally is not "same-sex marriage". The legal question is actually redacting the word marriage itself.

Nope. You're straight up hallucinating again, making up blithering bullshit as you go along.

The question pending is whether or not same sex marriage bans violate the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians.

(ORDER LIST: 574 U.S.) said:
The cases are consolidated and the petitions for writs of certiorari are granted limited to the following questions: 1) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex? 2) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state?


As usual, don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. You don't know what the actual questions the court is addressing are. You don't care. And you just made up your version of the case, pulled sideways out of your ass.

You can make up whatever imaginary version of the court cases you'd like. But the actual cases don't change just because you do.

Get used to the idea.
God Bless and Pray for America for it doesn't know what is right anymore.

Pointless discrimination against gays 'because you can' isn't right. Its an antiquated relic of bigotry that is being tossed on the midden heap of history where it belongs. Along with interracial marriage bans.

And good riddance.
I don't see where anyone is discriminating against gay's as you claim, but rather it is that people are just wanting the institution of marriage to remain between a man and a woman, and also to remain a holy bond that means something in that respect for the most part. It should remain as a joining together of a man and a woman in the sight of God. Why is it that the gay's aren't wanting to invest in the (civil unions) contract ? No they want to go after an institution that has been sacred and holy between a man and a woman instead for centuries, so why are they doing what they are doing now ? Why not the civil union/ secular contract instead if they honor no God in their picture of life ?
Then you're blind – likely intentionally, as gay Americans are clearly being discriminated against.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts, to deny them access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is in fact discrimination, and un-Constitutional.

This 14th Amendment jurisprudence has no bearing whatsoever on religious institutions, which remain at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples in their marriage rituals, and relegate their marriage rituals to only men and women.

State and local governments, however, are subject to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the Amendment's case law is binding on the states, requiring the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws.

Because same-sex couples are eligible to participate in current marriage law – unchanged and unaltered – there is no need to contrive such nonsense as 'civil unions,' as this is nothing more than trite semantics seeking only to designate same-sex couples as being 'unworthy' of participating in the marriage law opposite-sex couples are afforded.

As already correctly noted, 'separate but equal' is as repugnant to the Constitution as denying same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.
You speak as if you know the intentions of this group entirely, and then you try to apply all sorts of laws and such to protect their positions while ignoring the things that they have been up to lately when written about. Then you disqualify very credible post that have been written by those here who have explained the dangers involved in a lot of this stuff, but due to your close minded bias, you can only see one side of an issue. How do you qualify as being an open minded objective realist, if you are only interested in attacking a side that has been attacked by another ?
The marriages of gays being recognized by the law isn't 'attacking' anyone. It doesn't even involve you, nor effect you. Nixing your entire argument.
The marriages of gays being recognized by the law isn't 'attacking' anyone. It doesn't even involve you, nor effect you. Nixing your entire argument.

I'm speaking for the boys as a matter of a new experiment and redacting the word "marriage" who will not have anyone to call "Dad" or the girls who will not have anyone to call "Mom" . They should not be used as lab rats in an experiment that you never had to live through..
The marriages of gays being recognized by the law isn't 'attacking' anyone. It doesn't even involve you, nor effect you. Nixing your entire argument.

I'm speaking for the boys as a matter of a new experiment and redacting the word "marriage" who will not have anyone to call "Dad" or the girls who will not have anyone to call "Mom" . They should not be used as lab rats in an experiment that you never had to live through..

So how does denying marriage to same sex parents benefit those boys?

And you realize that you completely hallucinated your 'question pending' the courts, don't you? Or does the actual legal questions being asked of the USSC really play no role in the bullshit you tell yourself?
So how does denying marriage to same sex parents benefit those boys?

And you realize that you completely hallucinated your 'question pending' the courts, don't you? Or does the actual legal questions being asked of the USSC really play no role in the bullshit you tell yourself?
How does denying marriage to polygamists benefit their children? Once you've gotten a federal-mandate that forces states (and the devout) to redact the word "marriage", how would you deny anyone from marrying using the grounds that they are raising children and need the benefits therefore?

Don't evade, use general-denials or ad hominems in your response, if you're able.
So how does denying marriage to same sex parents benefit those boys?

And you realize that you completely hallucinated your 'question pending' the courts, don't you? Or does the actual legal questions being asked of the USSC really play no role in the bullshit you tell yourself?
How does denying marriage to polygamists benefit their children? Once you've gotten a federal-mandate that forces states (and the devout) to redact the word "marriage", how would you deny anyone from marrying using the grounds that they are raising children and need the benefits therefore?

So you claim your issue was advocacy for the children of same sex parents. And yet when I ask you how your proposals benefit the children of same sex parents... abandon the entire topic.

That was easy. Is there any topic I can't run you off of?

A Christian is no more a church than a hubcap is a car.

People aren't churches. Any argument you want to make that relies on the idea that they are is already dead.

Tax exempt status alone should tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Christians are subject to the same laws as everyone else. If your religion conflicts with your job....get another job.

Christians in the bible DIDN'T routinely meet at synagogues but they went house to house or wherever they chose to gather (read the book of ACTS). The disciples themselves didn't hang out at a "church", they sat down and settled wherever Jesus felt like going in order to talk to the people. I'd at least try and read the bible first, before attempting at humor and engaging in a subject you know little about.

Christians ought not be forced to follow something they don't believe in, any more than a woman through a change in state law ought to be forced to carry a baby if they don't share in that particular view. Where you support the enforcement of one, don't whine and complain when you find the enforcement of the other as well. It's so interesting when only Christians are told to be tolerant of an opposing view, while the left are usually found as being the hypocrite..

A Christian is no more a church than a hubcap is a car.

People aren't churches. Any argument you want to make that relies on the idea that they are is already dead.

Tax exempt status alone should tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Christians are subject to the same laws as everyone else. If your religion conflicts with your job....get another job.

Christians in the bible DIDN'T routinely meet at synagogues but they went house to house or wherever they chose to gather (read the book of ACTS). The disciples themselves didn't hang out at a "church", they sat down and settled wherever Jesus felt like going in order to talk to the people. I'd at least try and read the bible first, before attempting at humor and engaging in a subject you know little about.

Christians ought not be forced to follow something they don't believe in, any more than a woman through a change in state law ought to be forced to carry a baby if they don't share in that particular view.

We're not talking about pregnancy. We're talking about commerce. They aren't the same thing.

If you're going to engage in commerce, treating your customers fairly and equally is not unreasonable.
We're not talking about pregnancy. We're talking about commerce. They aren't the same thing.

If you're going to engage in commerce, treating your customers fairly and equally is not unreasonable.

How is a congregation of individual Christians (a church) legally different from individual Christians as to their First Amendment protections?

And I'll ask again also...

How does denying marriage to polygamists benefit their children? Once you've gotten a federal-mandate that forces states (and the devout) to redact the word "marriage", how would you deny anyone from marrying using the grounds that they are raising children and need the benefits therefore?
Don't evade, use general-denials or ad hominems in your response, if you're able.
We're not talking about pregnancy. We're talking about commerce. They aren't the same thing.

If you're going to engage in commerce, treating your customers fairly and equally is not unreasonable.

How is a congregation of individual Christians (a church) legally different from individual Christians as to their First Amendment protections?

Public Accomidation Laws don't apply to churches.
What is the root of these problems? I presume you mean sexually transmitted disease and not your problem with trying to identify everything as 'normal' or 'abnormal'.

Well if I was a Christian I would say God, because I would believe that God created everything in the world.

But since I am not a Christian, I would blame evolution and biology.

Evolution created sexually transmitted diseases and biology ensures that they will spread absent human intervention to prevent their spread.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
What is the root of these problems? I presume you mean sexually transmitted disease and not your problem with trying to identify everything as 'normal' or 'abnormal'.

Well if I was a Christian I would say God, because I would believe that God created everything in the world.

But since I am not a Christian, I would blame evolution and biology.

Evolution created sexually transmitted diseases and biology ensures that they will spread absent human intervention to prevent their spread.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?

What do you base your argument on that it's "God" that created HIV or Syphillis??

I don't believe "God" made anything

But according to the hardcore Christian literalists, "God" created all life- and therefore created Syphillis and HIV.

Which is why I would reject any such being.
We're not talking about pregnancy. We're talking about commerce. They aren't the same thing.

If you're going to engage in commerce, treating your customers fairly and equally is not unreasonable.

How is a congregation of individual Christians (a church) legally different from individual Christians as to their First Amendment protections?

A Church is a legal entity- which is not taxed, and not subject to many public laws.

Individuals are separate legal entities.

If a minister- representing the church- is sued for molesting a little girl- his employer- the church is liable- not every member of the church.
But isn't there a code of (ethics and morals) that if people live by them, well don't these diseases completely fail in their attempts to come in contact with them, and then destroy them over time ? If live by a code handed down by our creator, then these things we are talking about (fail) in there attempts to infect those people who live by such a code of ethics and morals.

Now who do you think gave us the code to live by, and did he send down a bag full of condoms with the code

IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases ? You are wrong in that, and you have once again tried to put words into my mouth in hopes that someone here might actually believe your craziness in which you spew out of your mouth like poison here. God gives instruction on how to avoid disease, and how to live a clean life, but man refuses instruction and therefore does things against his body in an abnormal way, and that is where the diseases come from. It clearly states in the Bible all the do's and all the don't s we must abide by, and this in order to stay safe in life, and to live a clean life if so CHOOSE! If you choose to stick your finger in a light socket after having instruction on how not to do so, then are you going to attempt it anyway ? God is telling you how to avoid it, but you do it anyway ? How crazy is that ?
IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases ? You are wrong in that, and you have once again tried to put words into my mouth in hopes that someone here might actually believe your craziness in which you spew out of your mouth like poison here. God gives instruction on how to avoid disease, and how to live a clean life, but man refuses instruction and therefore does things against his body in an abnormal way, and that is where the diseases come from. It clearly states in the Bible all the do's and all the don't s we must abide by, and this in order to stay safe in life, and to live a clean life if so CHOOSE! If you choose to stick your finger in a light socket after having instruction on how not to do so, then are you going to attempt it anyway ? God is telling you how to avoid it, but you do it anyway ? How crazy is that ?

So if God didn't create diseases, who did?
IF there is a God- and that God intentionally afflected the human race with Syphillis and HIV, and HPV and Herpes- then I reject that God.

I don't give a damn about his 'code'- why the hell did he want to see humans die in misery?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases

No- I do not say that. I am pointing out that you are saying that you believe that God created disease to punish people who don't do what he commands:

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You want to attack and rave against God, yet you don't acknowledge the evil one? Now how interesting is that?

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
Have you lost your mind? How about you quit with the false accusations, and then maybe someone would give you some respect. After that ridiculous rant, you may have lost your credibility in total. Now see readers, this type of response that you just witnessed here, is one of desperation.

And you were completely unable to respond.

I don't believe in your God or your Devil.

I am pointing out that any God that created Syphillis and HIV, apparently according to your explanation, as a stick to punish people who have sex outside monogamous marriage, is a vile God that I would never worship.

Why would you worship a god that so callously kills people?
You say that I said God created these diseases ? You are wrong in that, and you have once again tried to put words into my mouth in hopes that someone here might actually believe your craziness in which you spew out of your mouth like poison here. God gives instruction on how to avoid disease, and how to live a clean life, but man refuses instruction and therefore does things against his body in an abnormal way, and that is where the diseases come from. It clearly states in the Bible all the do's and all the don't s we must abide by, and this in order to stay safe in life, and to live a clean life if so CHOOSE! If you choose to stick your finger in a light socket after having instruction on how not to do so, then are you going to attempt it anyway ? God is telling you how to avoid it, but you do it anyway ? How crazy is that ?

So if God didn't create diseases, who did?

You did or anyone else that refuses instruction of how to live a clean life. I mean would you go and sleep in a hog pen if you know better? Now how do you know better in life Skylar ? In anything in life, there is rules to live by, and if you cross them there are consequences. Go kiss a rattle snake and see what happens.

You know I tire of dealing with the nursery here. Sorry..
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