Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
beagleboy, we Christians are not interferred with being Christian in our private lives and worship. In the public forum, we cannot use our Christian values to punish others in commerce by denying services to some and not to others.
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.

Judges have ordered workers- ordered entire Unions to go back to work- and have jailed union leaders- and workers for contempt of court when they failed to do so.

Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
Why are Christians even encountering the law these days for being Christian ? Think about that for a second or two.. This is unheard of in the history of this nation where as a Christian is now under attack for holding up Christian values in this nation. The government has chosen or has been duped into following a small group down the wrong path in history, but time will have to bear all that out as time goes by.

Are you really that ignorant?

Are you completely unaware of the many times Christians- and other people of faith have been told that they too have to obey the law- despite whatever they believe the law says?

So tell me- why do you think that Christians don't have to follow the law, if they just feel really strongly about it?
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.

Judges have ordered workers- ordered entire Unions to go back to work- and have jailed union leaders- and workers for contempt of court when they failed to do so.

Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
Be careful now how you talk about those conservative judges slamming the unions, because you might get people to thinking that you are either anti-union or you are grabbing at straws for support of your position, and therefore you are using any excuse you can find in order to justify your temporary position in which you might have on a subject in life..
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.

Judges have ordered workers- ordered entire Unions to go back to work- and have jailed union leaders- and workers for contempt of court when they failed to do so.

Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
Be careful now how you talk about those conservative judges slamming the unions, because you might get people to thinking that you are either anti-union or you are grabbing at straws for support of your position, and therefore you are using any excuse you can find in order to justify your temporary position in which you might have on a subject in life..

LOL- Unions- Christians- none of them are above the law.

If a judge orders union members or Christians to go back to work- and they refuse to do so- then they face the consequences.
beagleboy, we Christians are not interferred with being Christian in our private lives and worship. In the public forum, we cannot use our Christian values to punish others in commerce by denying services to some and not to others.
Change Christian to American values in your statement, and then tell me what's the difference to all in the world in which we live.. Both are deeply held belifs and positions in the world, and if one is challenged an aircraft carrier might be sent your way, but if the other is challenged the Christian goes to jail ? There is no difference in the two, other than the government deciding when going rouge, that it won't support that wing any longer, but it will now create a new wing that has been lifted up against the old wing now ?
beagleboy, we Christians are not interferred with being Christian in our private lives and worship. In the public forum, we cannot use our Christian values to punish others in commerce by denying services to some and not to others.
Change Christian to American values in your statement, and then tell me what's the difference to all in the world in which we live.. Both are deeply held belifs and positions in the world, and if one is challenged an aircraft carrier might be sent your way, but if the other is challenged the Christian goes to jail ? There is no difference in the two, other than the government deciding when going rouge, that it won't support that wing any longer, but it will now create a new wing that has been lifted up against the old wing now ?

I have to admit.

None of what you posted makes any sense to me at all.

Simple enough: Americans are obligated to follow the law or they may go face punishment.

This applies to Christians just as equally as anyone else.
beagleboy, we Christians are not interferred with being Christian in our private lives and worship. In the public forum, we cannot use our Christian values to punish others in commerce by denying services to some and not to others.
Change Christian to American values in your statement, and then tell me what's the difference to all in the world in which we live.. Both are deeply held belifs and positions in the world, and if one is challenged an aircraft carrier might be sent your way, but if the other is challenged the Christian goes to jail ? There is no difference in the two, other than the government deciding when going rouge, that it won't support that wing any longer, but it will now create a new wing that has been lifted up against the old wing now ?
I am Christian and you are going rogue. You want to change secular to religous. That is not going to happen. We all have to obey the law.
Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
Because the Court handed down a series of ill-considered decisions that have promoted that view.
We our secular nation governed by secular law not religious law.
How do you claim that our laws have been somehow separated from our spiritual and religious beliefs in which was the very instruments used to create this nation and our laws?

If you didn't have some sort of belief system that was created within you by the creator who is Holy and good, then you would be lawless just like we see in those who have lost their knowledge of this, and their spiritual compass in life.

Are you an advocate for all things evil in the world? I mean it's because your attitude is what leads up to all things evil in the world eventually. The evidence is there to review, it just depends on how lost you have become in this life.
You, old duffer, mischaracterize what I say. Our religious and secular values indeed underwrite our legal system. But organized religion, the Bible, or atheist writings do not. The Constitution rules, and that means your organized religion does not. LGBT marriage does not affect me in the slightest or you for that matter. You need to grow up.
beagleboy, we Christians are not interferred with being Christian in our private lives and worship. In the public forum, we cannot use our Christian values to punish others in commerce by denying services to some and not to others.
Change Christian to American values in your statement, and then tell me what's the difference to all in the world in which we live.. Both are deeply held belifs and positions in the world, and if one is challenged an aircraft carrier might be sent your way, but if the other is challenged the Christian goes to jail ? There is no difference in the two, other than the government deciding when going rouge, that it won't support that wing any longer, but it will now create a new wing that has been lifted up against the old wing now ?

I have to admit.

None of what you posted makes any sense to me at all.

Simple enough: Americans are obligated to follow the law or they may go face punishment.

This applies to Christians just as equally as anyone else.
If you strain at a knat and yet swallow a camel, then that's your problem in life, but why cast your problems upon everyone else ? I mean it's as easy as can be to understand these things in life, unless one has an alternate agenda a foot that is being promoted now, where as up becomes the new down & down becomes the new up. Soon people will step back and say WAIT one minute here, we have all been duped. Then it will turn back, but hopefully the world doesn't capitalize on our weakened morals in order to convince their allies to take us down... This is how important it is that we hold onto our morals and decency in which we once projected around the world. Weakness is always exploited, and we have been made ripe for the taking.

If we could fend off our enemies that's great, but why did we bring about war through our idiocy to begin with ?

Think about where all this leads to in the end, but wait we might think but the whole world will follow our lead so it will be OK right ? No it don't work that way anymore, because duping the world is the worst situation we could end up doing, but that may be what's been happening in which gives Puten his new energy he is now enjoying and exploiting from our weakness he see's within us now... Not everyone in this world are buying what we are selling anymore, and the leverage we enjoy may start slipping also because of all that is involved.
You, old duffer, mischaracterize what I say. Our religious and secular values indeed underwrite our legal system. But organized religion, the Bible, or atheist writings do not. The Constitution rules, and that means your organized religion does not. LGBT marriage does not affect me in the slightest or you for that matter. You need to grow up.
Indeed, the Constitution DOES rule. Have you ever actually read the 1st Amendment?

"Your religion" is a CIVIL RIGHT you cannot disenfranchise someone from. I know you don't need to be schooled on how wrong it is to disenfranchise someone from a civil right, right? :popcorn:
You, old duffer, mischaracterize what I say. Our religious and secular values indeed underwrite our legal system. But organized religion, the Bible, or atheist writings do not. The Constitution rules, and that means your organized religion does not. LGBT marriage does not affect me in the slightest or you for that matter. You need to grow up.
Indeed, the Constitution DOES rule. Have you ever actually read the 1st Amendment?

"Your religion" is a CIVIL RIGHT you cannot disenfranchise someone from. I know you don't need to be schooled on how wrong it is to disenfranchise someone from a civil right, right? :popcorn:
Which means you cannot use your religious values to disenfranchise someone's civil right. You have no civil right to prevent LGBT.
You, old duffer, mischaracterize what I say. Our religious and secular values indeed underwrite our legal system. But organized religion, the Bible, or atheist writings do not. The Constitution rules, and that means your organized religion does not. LGBT marriage does not affect me in the slightest or you for that matter. You need to grow up.
Indeed, the Constitution DOES rule. Have you ever actually read the 1st Amendment?

"Your religion" is a CIVIL RIGHT you cannot disenfranchise someone from. I know you don't need to be schooled on how wrong it is to disenfranchise someone from a civil right, right? :popcorn:
Which means you cannot use your religious values to disenfranchise someone's civil right. You have no civil right to prevent LGBT.
And LGBT has no right denying Christians of their civil rights either, so there. But the government has become the strong arm of extremist groups who wish to deny Christians of their rights in this nation now, and the world is watching the action with bated breath.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
You, old duffer, mischaracterize what I say. Our religious and secular values indeed underwrite our legal system. But organized religion, the Bible, or atheist writings do not. The Constitution rules, and that means your organized religion does not. LGBT marriage does not affect me in the slightest or you for that matter. You need to grow up.
Indeed, the Constitution DOES rule. Have you ever actually read the 1st Amendment?

"Your religion" is a CIVIL RIGHT you cannot disenfranchise someone from. I know you don't need to be schooled on how wrong it is to disenfranchise someone from a civil right, right? :popcorn:
Which means you cannot use your religious values to disenfranchise someone's civil right. You have no civil right to prevent LGBT.
And LGBT has no right denying Christians of their civil rights either, so there. But the government has become the strong arm of extremist groups who wish to deny Christians of their rights in this nation now, and the world is watching the action with bated breath.
The LGBT are not denying straights their rights in marriage or in belief or in worship. The PA laws, of course, are another thing altogether.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.

What do you think happens when you're held in contempt of court?

She can't be fired, you realize that, right?

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