Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
It appears to me that the government was unsure of itself in these new troubled waters that it has been treading around in now, so it figured to throw a big knock out punch on this defenseless little lady that everyone seems to love, and all in hopes that it would fool the people enough about the broader agenda that it is representing now against the majority of citizens in this nation. They did this for the distraction and/or end that it hoped the punch would somehow represent to everyone afterwards..
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.

What do you think happens when you're held in contempt of court?

She can't be fired, you realize that, right?
Never should have went to court period... Like I said the government feared this lady or it wouldn't have been so heavy handed upon her.
That's the problem in this nation, where as no one can be fired anymore, and that is what has set all the corruption up over time. Fire people, and then let them defend themselves afterwards is what I say, and that goes for everyone who works any kind of job in this nation all the way up to the President.. PERIOD!
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.
Where have you been, for this has all been covered in detail on the Board. The judge could not fire her. No one could fire her. The state Senate would have to impeach, try, and convict her to remove her. The governor and the legislative body had no desire to be called back into session.

You are correct that it was agenda-driven, her agenda.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.

What do you think happens when you're held in contempt of court?

She can't be fired, you realize that, right?
Never should have went to court period... Like I said the government feared this lady or it wouldn't have been so heavy handed upon her.
She indeed was heavy handed, in that she denied services to citizens qualified for them.
To go to jail like that lady was ordered to by a judge, says it all doesn't it. Kidding me right ?
No, it doesn't. She was denying services of her office to citizens. Her religious belief has nothing to do with her duties.
So your ordered to jail instead of being fired ?????? What was the government afraid of here ? I mean having to make a statement like that instead of just firing the lady says it all to me.... It is agenda driven is what it is, and that agenda will fail us all eventually, just wait and see.

What do you think happens when you're held in contempt of court?

She can't be fired, you realize that, right?
Never should have went to court period... Like I said the government feared this lady or it wouldn't have been so heavy handed upon her.
She indeed was heavy handed, in that she denied services to citizens qualified for them.
How long was she in that job before she was demanded to do something that was a shock to most people in this nation ? She was doing her job until the government came along and changed the game on her, then it got real complicated after that didn't it ? In fact it is getting real complicated for the Christians in this nation, but that is all part of the new game now isn't it ?
How long was she in that job before she was demanded to do something that was a shock to most people in this nation ? She was doing her job until the government came along and changed the game on her, then it got real complicated after that didn't it ? In fact it is getting real complicated for the Christians in this nation, but that is all part of the new game now isn't it ?
Beagle, as good Christians we are subject to the law. Her two alternatives were to obey the law or resign. She took the coward's way out. She refused services to those qualified and committed theft of service by not doing her job.
The Bible is fulfilling itself now, yet no man knows the day nor the hour, so choose where you will be come judgement day, and I do hope you choose well oh boy, I really hope you do. Only you know what you are advocating and doing, and only you know the truth about what it is that you are protecting and doing in here, but do you also know what the results will be in the end ? I think you do, but you don't care like so many others now, and that is a shame really.
How long was she in that job before she was demanded to do something that was a shock to most people in this nation ? She was doing her job until the government came along and changed the game on her, then it got real complicated after that didn't it ? In fact it is getting real complicated for the Christians in this nation, but that is all part of the new game now isn't it ?
Beagle, as good Christians we are subject to the law. Her two alternatives were to obey the law or resign. She took the coward's way out. She refused services to those qualified and committed theft of service by not doing her job.
She chose to obey God's law, and you have chosen to obey man's law in which is created daily from the waves that are tossed through and fro in a sea of great confusion for which man now rides upon, and only in the end will her justice be known, but her patience is to be as a farmer waits on the latter rains to rain upon his fields, and she is to have long patience for that justice. It will result in great things to come for surely if you lose your life upon this earth, then so shall she gain eternal life in heaven. Amen.
You are far from the Lord, Beagle. Turn to Him, trust Him not yourself, love your Lord, love your neighbor, and be not proud. Amen.
You speak as if you know me and my relationship with the Lord Christ, when in fact you know nothing of the sort... How do you make such a bold statement as that or is it for the consumption of the readers here in which you want to try and impress ? You fool no one here I hope you know that, because people aren't that dumb, but at least your trying I'll give you that much. Are you satan, and therefore you figure you know my relationship somehow with Christ ? What would Christ say or rather what would satan say concerning your words spoken ? Who would honor those words you just spoke, Christ or satan ? Who would wish those words were true that you just spoke, Christ or satan ?
Satan would honor and wish that those words were true that you just spoke concerning my relationship with Christ. I hope you own up to that. So you are a voice for satan in this world ? I mean he tells people that all the time when they stand up for Christ in the world... Satan would say as a voice in ones head if allowed " You are far from Christ", just go on and admit it and join me that is what he is all about.
Beagle, you do more damage than twenty devils when you speak for that which you have not the knowledge and not the understanding. You condemn me for treating you as you were treating me, oh, hypocritical man? Turn to the Lord, beagle, for you are placing yourself where you have no authority, no understanding, no grace, and no anointing to be. Abandon your pride and flee to the Lord. Amen.
OK and your the authority on what ? You are advocating and defending what in here, and so I ask is your advocacy supported by Christ and his teachings in the word ? Don't parse it now, because some things are just cut and dry.
This reply amazed Beagle.

"Well, then," Jesus said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." His reply completely amazed them." Mark 12: 17

And yet again, Beagle was amazed.

"13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

13:5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

13:6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."
Romans 13: 1-7

Beagle, I counsel you to try to not counsel scripture, which is clear and to the salvation of the soul.
Wait I thought you were all secular, and now you are all Christian (all of a sudden) in your words in which earlier excluded Christians when it comes to their rights and beliefs in this nation ? You are a scary man, but not in a scary way.
Beagle, I counsel you to try to not counsel scripture, which is clear and to the salvation of the soul.

My take..

13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Couldn't it also be said that "SHE is also a minister of God" in that to councel thee for good, and so she is issueing marriage liscenses to that which God does approve of in her understanding of that which God would approve of ? Now if thou doest that which is evil unto her (PLACE HER IN CHAINS AND in BONDAGE), and to do this for her belief in that which in her understanding was good, and in that which was legal until she was brought before the unjust judge, then be afraid; for she beareth not the sword in vain; for she is the minister of God in her life, who is a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil against her.

Would this apply in her case maybe ?

If not then why not ?
Your problem is that you thought instead of understanding. You mischaracterized my words and my person by your prejudice and lack of awareness.

I am Christian, born again for a very, very long time.

Do not think to counsel scripture, do not think to counsel Paul or the writer of Mark, who says he reports Jesus' word.

Render unto the state that which is of the state, and to God that which is due God.

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