Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
This is a meeting place created for Christians to discuss and brainstorm together on all matters of the Christian faith.

Except that there is only one poster who creates threads and responds to them. There is no "discussion" and zero "brainstorming" but the latter has the prerequisite of a brain so that explains why that isn't happening.

This is a meeting place created for Christians to discuss and brainstorm together on all matters of the Christian faith.

Except that there is only one poster who creates threads and responds to them. There is no "discussion" and zero "brainstorming" but the latter has the prerequisite of a brain so that explains why that isn't happening.

What do you have against RWHeathenGamer? Go back to page one and see who started this...nearly 1,000 page thread now.
This is a meeting place created for Christians to discuss and brainstorm together on all matters of the Christian faith.

Except that there is only one poster who creates threads and responds to them. There is no "discussion" and zero "brainstorming" but the latter has the prerequisite of a brain so that explains why that isn't happening.

What do you have against RWHeathenGamer? Go back to page one and see who started this...nearly 1,000 page thread now.

I was referring to your website where you are the one and only poster. Apparently you are shunned by everyone which accounts for why you hang around here instead.

The terms sad and pathetic come to mind.
I was referring to your website where you are the one and only poster. Apparently you are shunned by everyone which accounts for why you hang around here instead.

The terms sad and pathetic come to mind.

It is pretty sad when you create a site to be an echo chamber...

.............................. and not even the echo's will come.

Equal protection demands that churches be bound to the same laws as the rest of us.
Equal protection demands that churches be bound to the same laws as the rest of us.
No, religion is given its own special Amendment in the Constitution. And the 9th says it can't be watered down by other Amendments. Sorry. The founding fathers saw the persecution by various secular entities of people of faith and took special pains to see that secular tyranny didn't hurt religion in this country. You will remember the pilgrims and why they settled here? Expedient ceaseless tyranny from King George and his fancies of the day forced them to flee here. The "one size religion fits all" from old England caused the 1st Amendment to be written as it was. Now instead of the Church of England using secular laws to force itself upon the People, it's the church of LGBT doing the same thing. Only the 1st won't let them.

Try again..
Religion does not have special protection when it comes to marriage and adoption because believers can marry and adopt.
Equal protection demands that churches be bound to the same laws as the rest of us.
No, religion is given its own special Amendment in the Constitution. And the 9th says it can't be watered down by other Amendments. .. usual Silhouette is just making crap up

The text of the 9th Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Americans do have freedom of religion- that doesn't mean that Christians suddenly become exempt from law because they are Christians.
Equal protection demands that churches be bound to the same laws as the rest of us.
You will remember the pilgrims and why they settled here? .

The Pilgrims came here so they could worship their brand of Christianity.

And almost immediately created rules and laws forbidding other types of worship.

Not particularly relevant- but as relevant as your ignorance of history.
Equal protection demands that churches be bound to the same laws as the rest of us.
No, religion is given its own special Amendment in the Constitution. And the 9th says it can't be watered down by other Amendments. Sorry. The founding fathers saw the persecution by various secular entities of people of faith and took special pains to see that secular tyranny didn't hurt religion in this country. You will remember the pilgrims and why they settled here? Expedient ceaseless tyranny from King George and his fancies of the day forced them to flee here. The "one size religion fits all" from old England caused the 1st Amendment to be written as it was. Now instead of the Church of England using secular laws to force itself upon the People, it's the church of LGBT doing the same thing. Only the 1st won't let them.

Try again..

Legislative accommodation, the practice of providing special exemptions to laws that would otherwise violate religious freedom, has been a mistake. It turns the intent of the First Amendment inside out and, counter-intuitively, diminishes religious freedom. The intended purpose of the religious protection clause of the First Amendment was to ensure that people aren't targeted for persecution because of their religious views, not to provide religious people with an excuse to evade the law.

Regardless of the legalese to the contrary, churches are public accommodations; they sell a service and their doors are open to the public. And as such, they should be held to the same legal requirements imposed on other establishments. If that violates their religious freedom (and I agree that it does), the law should be struck down for everyone, not simply written with exemptions and carve-outs for protected classes.
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.
beagle9, she went to jail because she did not do her job. She was violating the court's order. She cannot prevent citizen for equally accessing her office's services.
beagle9, she went to jail because she did not do her job. She was violating the court's order. She cannot prevent citizen for equally accessing her office's services.

Correct. She went to jail for defying the court order ... not for not doing her job.

Of course, the court order was to do her job so we're picking at technicalities but technicalities matter.
What matters is she refused to do her job and in doing so metaphorically spit on her fellow citizens.
beagle9, she went to jail because she did not do her job. She was violating the court's order. She cannot prevent citizen for equally accessing her office's services.

Correct. She went to jail for defying the court order ... not for not doing her job.

Of course, the court order was to do her job so we're picking at technicalities but technicalities matter.

Actually it was more than that.

Not only did she refuse to do her job, she ordered her subordinates not to do their jobs either.

This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.

Judges have ordered workers- ordered entire Unions to go back to work- and have jailed union leaders- and workers for contempt of court when they failed to do so.

Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
This > "And now they're openly celebrating a Christian in jail for refusing to accommodate the spread of the homosexual culture through the vehicle of marriage?" is exactly how the Nazi Party worked, telling out right Big Lies.

Davis went to jail because she would not do her job.
You go to jail for not doing your job? I thought you just got wrote up or fired... No there is no write up's and such, because at this time no paper trail is wanted just encase, but the judge just went on and stepped in it any way.

I guess the activist judges these days are feeling quite comfortable about what they do or how they rule on different cases these days, even though a majority of the nation is against their actions still. The LIB media tries to show it differently in the aftermath. But the citizens are now seeing what's been going on against them now.

I guess her going to jail was the huge statement that had to be made in the case by the judge and by the state/gov.

Judges have ordered workers- ordered entire Unions to go back to work- and have jailed union leaders- and workers for contempt of court when they failed to do so.

Why do Christians believe that they are above the law?
Why are Christians even encountering the law these days for being Christian ? Think about that for a second or two.. This is unheard of in the history of this nation where as a Christian is now under attack for holding up Christian values in this nation. The government has chosen or has been duped into following a small group down the wrong path in history, but time will have to bear all that out as time goes by.

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