Should congress have the authority to haul in citizens/businesses for hearings?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.
SC has ruled a few decades ago that they have that power because of the power to legislate, basically.
Eastland Vs the servicemen fund or something like that
SC has ruled a few decades ago that they have that power because of the power to legislate, basically.
Eastland Vs the servicemen fund or something like that
The only policing they should be allowed to conduct is themselves. Too many outside influences to be trustworthy.
Congress dog and pony shows are a complete waste of time. Its their version of FAKE NEWS, right hold a hearing, question Hillary meanwhile the swamp has no intention of charging the woman no matter how many times she broke the law.
Yeah, but how are Senators and Congressman supposed to mug for the camera and grandstand!?
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.

No.....but they can ask, politely. Unless there is some form of crime they are investigating...then they can do it.
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.
The ability to subpoena individuals who are able to present testimony of relevance to legislative matters is an important and necessary element of legislative power, if the legislature is to be expected and capable of creating informed and wise law that serve the public interest.
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.
Well, I supposed the old geezers in Congress can just sit in a circle jerk and make wild assumptions and then legislate accordingly.
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.
But it isn't just about Facebook. Remember them grilling baseball players?

I find it all disturbing and a terrible waste of my tax dollars
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.
This is as ignorant as it is stupid.
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.
Well, I supposed the old geezers in Congress can just sit in a circle jerk and make wild assumptions and then legislate accordingly.
You may need congress to micromanage your life but I dont. I know not to take steroids unless prescribed by a doctor. I know social media is poisonous without congress determining it to be so.
Why do you need to be led around on a leash?
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.
But it isn't just about Facebook. Remember them grilling baseball players?

I find it all disturbing and a terrible waste of my tax dollars
No, endless, illegal wars is a disturbing and a terrible waste of your tax dollars.
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.
But it isn't just about Facebook. Remember them grilling baseball players?

I find it all disturbing and a terrible waste of my tax dollars
The baseball stuff was idiotic the stuff with Facebook and tech industry I consider to be a serious matter.
The idea that congress can just haul in anyone before them for grilling doesnt sit right with me. It reminds me when congress called in athletes for steroid abuse.

We have a legal/court system for recourse when businesses find themselves in hot water. I personally feel it is an overreach when congress does this type of stuff. They are there to govern us and create laws necessary to protect the country & its citizens not pretend to be prosecutor, judge & jury.

Dont take that as me giving Facebook or anyone else a pass either. I just dont feel like Congress should have the authority to single out businesses/individuals this way. Too dangerous a path.

I could not agree more, this is not the job of Congress
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.

Oh bull shit. "back in the day" gasoline and heating oil were essential to survival. Facebook and Google are optional entertainment platforms. Nobody needs facebook or google, they are luxuries at best.
Tricky subject but when you see the amount of power, control, and influence things like Facebook and Google are getting it almost seems like they need to. It feels like we are seeing the same type of monopoly in tech that Standard Oil had way back in the day.
But it isn't just about Facebook. Remember them grilling baseball players?

I find it all disturbing and a terrible waste of my tax dollars
No, endless, illegal wars is a disturbing and a terrible waste of your tax dollars.

It does not have to be an either or, they both are disturbing and a terrible waste of our tax dollars

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