Should Dallas police turn their backs when obama visits next week

I absolutely abhor Barry, everything he stands for and what he's done to our country, but I do not favor the DPD turning their backs on him. It's better IMO to instead show respect to the office of the president, the lives of their comrades who perished or were wounded, and sympathy towards their families and loved ones.

I just think that would be the right thing to do, but I can understand the feelings others might have.
The "office of the President' means fuck all!
Respect is earned. At least in the world I live in.
Obama has been the worst President in US history.
He has accomplished fuck all.
I wouldn't trust Obama to clean my fucking bathroom.
You all wait. We'll see what Obama does after the leaves office.
The fucking 'Golfer-In Chief'.
'Michael' and the girls are already buying 'leopard skin' drapes for the villa near Nice.
I watched the Chief's press conference today. He said they are too busy and Arlington PD (metro Dallas city) had agreed to do it.
Dallas PD did decline and turn over Obama's protection to a neighboring department when he gets there...
We should not politicize our police force. In the end it would turn out ugly

I agree, but you're trying to close the barn door after the horse is already out. Obama couldn't call the guy who killed 5 cops and said he wanted to kill "white people" a racist and his justice department didn't categorize it as a hate crime.

Obama politicized this, and yes, it's ugly. And he should be sent a message for his race whoring, the OP is right

Good for them. Do you have a link? I couldn't find that.

But the whore Obama is pathetic. He knee jerk blames every cop immediately then goes to grab attention as somehow supporting cops. Fuck him
This morning P Chief Brown clarified that 14 Officers total were hit, and 2 civilians.
So telling them that violence in their protests is counter productive is "inflaming violence?"

No, it's the President of the United States giving political / protest advice on how to keep their movement going to the radical racist group that called for the murder of all whites and cops and who taunted the Dallas police after 12 of their (Dallas Police) members had been shot / 5 murdered.
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You do not change the divides in our nation by becoming part of it. The police MUST remain respectful and lead by example. The police are supposed to be the arbiters of right vs wrong not political ideology.
You do not change the divides in our nation by becoming part of it. The police MUST remain respectful and lead by example. The police are supposed to be the arbiters of right vs wrong not political ideology.

I hate to sound to pessimistic but I have serious doubts that this divided nation will ever be healed she has sustained too much damage over the past eight years. The news is out, black people have a deep hatred of whites. It's shown every day on this board by the postings of some. They hate white's and they hate white cops. They hate the country, they stomp, shit and burn the flag.
You do not change the divides in our nation by becoming part of it. The police MUST remain respectful and lead by example. The police are supposed to be the arbiters of right vs wrong not political ideology.

I hate to sound to pessimistic but I have serious doubts that this divided nation will ever be healed she has sustained too much damage over the past eight years. The news is out, black people have a deep hatred of whites. It's shown every day on this board by the postings of some. They hate white's and they hate white cops. They hate the country, they stomp, shit and burn the flag.
That is pretty pessimistic but I can't blame you based on hyper media coverage. I interact with blacks quite regularly and what is being shown on the media does not reflect what I see in everyday life.
The internet & mass media make the vocal minority seem MUCH MUCH larger than they are.
You do not change the divides in our nation by becoming part of it. The police MUST remain respectful and lead by example. The police are supposed to be the arbiters of right vs wrong not political ideology.

I hate to sound to pessimistic but I have serious doubts that this divided nation will ever be healed she has sustained too much damage over the past eight years. The news is out, black people have a deep hatred of whites. It's shown every day on this board by the postings of some. They hate white's and they hate white cops. They hate the country, they stomp, shit and burn the flag.
That is pretty pessimistic but I can't blame you based on hyper media coverage. I interact with blacks quite regularly and what is being shown on the media does not reflect what I see in everyday life.
The internet & mass media make the vocal minority seem MUCH MUCH larger than they are.

I do not base my pessimissin totally on racial issues. Look at the politicians? Democrats and Republicans are so divided it's impossible to think of them ever working together. I watched the Comey testimony on Capitol Hill the other day. The democrats cared not a whit about gathering information, they used their allotted five minutes attacking Republicans. Nope! We will never be the USA again. We are in fact the DSA.
Better idea is ALL police call in sick.....perhaps a BLM will talk to the POS face to face!
Seems like a good day to call in sick.

Why the hell would they want to stand guard for a jerk who is going to say that if he had a son the shooter would have looked.....
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Don’t be stupid.
So you're a cop hater n chief apologist?

So you're itching to escalate racism and you probably jerk off thinking about another race war.
Democrats need racism for votes.

Oh, I see. This is a conspiracy...of monumental proportions. Nope. Sorry, you're wrong as usual.

Obama didn't win in 2008 by a landslide and the thick-headed rednecks woke up on November 5 to a black president. They really thought McCain and Airhead were going to win. It's called a backlash, based on fear and racism.

So they did what all redneck white trash do....they went out and bought guns because the rumor mill was rife with warnings that Obama was going to take people's guns away. 7.5 years later...You still have your gun, fathead?
They should moon the bastard.
be more fitting to force him into a police uniform and send him out on the streets.

He knows more about the streets than your average white guy posting on an internet message board.
most ghetto thugs do.

Most ghetto thugs don't graduate from two Ivy League colleges much less Harvard Law, much less marry a Princeton grad.
They should moon the bastard.
be more fitting to force him into a police uniform and send him out on the streets.

He knows more about the streets than your average white guy posting on an internet message board.

AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! President Preppie McMomPants knows nothing about the streets, bub.

Where do you think Chicago community organizing work is done? The Magnificent Mile? Lakeshore Drive?

(Edited: And I was very happy to meet many years ago one of the people who worked with him in those days too. I'll send you his name and the book link on Amazon if you send me a P.M.)

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