Should Dallas police turn their backs when obama visits next week

They should moon the bastard.
be more fitting to force him into a police uniform and send him out on the streets.

He knows more about the streets than your average white guy posting on an internet message board.

AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! President Preppie McMomPants knows nothing about the streets, bub.

Where do you think Chicago community organizing work is done? The Magnificent Mile? Lakeshore Drive?

(Edited: And I was very happy to meet many years ago one of the people who worked with him in those days too. I'll send you his name and the book link on Amazon if you send me a P.M.)

In Bill Ayers' Parlor.
Don’t be stupid.
So you're a cop hater n chief apologist?

So you're itching to escalate racism and you probably jerk off thinking about another race war.
Democrats need racism for votes.

Oh, I see. This is a conspiracy...of monumental proportions. Nope. Sorry, you're wrong as usual.

Obama didn't win in 2008 by a landslide and the thick-headed rednecks woke up on November 5 to a black president. They really thought McCain and Airhead were going to win. It's called a backlash, based on fear and racism.

So they did what all redneck white trash do....they went out and bought guns because the rumor mill was rife with warnings that Obama was going to take people's guns away. 7.5 years later...You still have your gun, fathead?
had you been paying attention over the years, you would realize that the rednecks knew that the ******* would win that election. McCain got his ass beat in 2000 by Bush going after the nomination. The republican voters didn't like him then, and they didn't like him when he ran for president. Many just stayed home. McCain is a pompous ass liberal. (RINO)
Sorry about the ****** comment, but if its ok to denigrate whites with redneck, it certainly must be ok to do the same for others.
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
I might send the police stations boxes of donuts. (or have the delivered)

And in other news...

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers; Bratton says Dallas tragedy not a photo op

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers

Just like a libtard denying free speech.

im not sure that is denying free speech. It could be considered as not tying up the entire police force to listen to a speech, and he did say that Clinton would be given the same treatment.
What I don't agree with is the comment that not allowing the terrorists in to the country would make his job harder. What is his job? killing Americans?

And in other news...

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers; Bratton says Dallas tragedy not a photo op

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers

Just like a libtard denying free speech.

im not sure that is denying free speech. It could be considered as not tying up the entire police force to listen to a speech, and he did say that Clinton would be given the same treatment.
What I don't agree with is the comment that not allowing the terrorists in to the country would make his job harder. What is his job? killing Americans?

It is denying free speech.
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
"Traitor President"? Why have you not provided the FBI with your evidence of his "treason"?
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
"Traitor President"? Why have you not provided the FBI with your evidence of his "treason"?
Because we now know Comey is in the pros back pocket.
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
"Traitor President"? Why have you not provided the FBI with your evidence of his "treason"?

I've provided the USMB forum with evidence of how you pucker up to his black ass. They agree.

And in other news...

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers; Bratton says Dallas tragedy not a photo op

Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers

Just like a libtard denying free speech.

im not sure that is denying free speech. It could be considered as not tying up the entire police force to listen to a speech, and he did say that Clinton would be given the same treatment.
What I don't agree with is the comment that not allowing the terrorists in to the country would make his job harder. What is his job? killing Americans?

It is denying free speech.

I dont think so, but only because of the fact that he wanted to assemble the officers in one place at one time to do it. I could be considered a public safety issue.
For almost 8 years, Congress, the media and most of the country have been giving this traitor president a pass with all manner of excuses. Look where we are. I'm sick of it. How about we start telling this piece of shit exactly how we feel. How about we grow a pair and tell Barack Hussein Obama to go to Hell and take his Iranian bitch sidekick with him. If the Dallas Police turned their backs on this anti America president, I'd be raising a glass, smiling ear to ear and I bet you half the country would be doing the same damn thing.
"Traitor President"? Why have you not provided the FBI with your evidence of his "treason"?
would that be the very same FBI that the director was appointed by the treasonous president, and the same FBI that failed to do their job when it came to the whore bitch hillary?
That FBI?

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