Should Dallas police turn their backs when obama visits next week

If they do, they'll have a SECOND TARGET taped to their backs...

they should all be allowed to bring their own signs. mine would read "Obama Was Acting Stupidly"
I agree with OP. Spitting on him, which would be my first choice would result in charges. NYPD turned their backs on DeBlassio and made their point.
We should not politicize our police force. In the end it would turn out ugly

Too late. Obama already politicized it, resulting in 5 dead cops.
Obama is not a cop and his opinion is ultimately irrelevant. He will be gone in less than a year. No need to start this nonsense. The police need to remain apolitical
As enticing as the idea sounds, the Dallas Police should demonstrate for Barry how to be 'professional' while making the event about respecting their fallen comrades rather than turning into a political 'pi$$ing contest' with Barry.
Obama is not a cop and his opinion is ultimately irrelevant. He will be gone in less than a year. No need to start this nonsense. The police need to remain apolitical

Obama is a god-like figure to the BLM racist hate group. His inflaming of violence has a huge impact on what the BLM mobs are doing.
So telling them that violence in their protests is counter productive is "inflaming violence?" What planet are you on?
As enticing as the idea sounds, the Dallas Police should demonstrate for Barry how to be 'professional' while making the event about respecting their fallen comrades rather than turning into a political 'pi$$ing contest' with Barry.
Wrong. Obama deserves the amount of respect he shows cops every time he opens his mouth.

As enticing as the idea sounds, the Dallas Police should demonstrate for Barry how to be 'professional' while making the event about respecting their fallen comrades rather than turning into a political 'pi$$ing contest' with Barry.
Wrong. Obama deserves the amount of respect he shows cops every time he opens his mouth.


same as the Bushs and the Clintons.NONE of them deserve their respect.
His speech will be about more gun control and how the police forces should be nationalized..
And everyone knows how much better everything gets when it's taken over by the Federal Govt.... :p

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