Should Dallas police turn their backs when obama visits next week

Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Can you name me one black astronaut that has landed on the moon?

There hasn’t been one.
Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Can you name me one black astronaut that has landed on the moon?

There hasn’t been one.
That's cuz the question is illogical like yours was
Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Can you name me one black astronaut that has landed on the moon?

There hasn’t been one.
Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Can you name me one black astronaut that has landed on the moon?

There hasn’t been one.
That's cuz the question is illogical like yours was

Uhh…I never made the claim there was a black astronaut that walked on the moon.
You guys make the claim that Obama is a divider. I’m asking you to prove it:

Us on the right have made the accusation that where ever barry goes he's a divider.

Back to the drawing board.
Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Candyass, the super hypocrite, says these things as she lines up and votes for the person her party orders her to vote for. At least Bernie didn't take his marching orders from the banks and third world dictators.
You can't debate with candy because she denies the obvious. Race relations are the worse they have been since the sixties. The country is headed in the wrong direction say a majority of Americans. The atmosphere and the tone are set by the leadership and especially the president. The atmosphere is toxic which allows nut jobs like the guy in Dallas to be evil. Obamas rhetoric empowers these people. Having race baiter and tax evader al Sharpton to the whitehouse dozens of times sets the tone. You don't judge every situation on its own, you accuse the police of racism. And notice how you started out, your brain is full of,shit shrimp. You have never been able to stand the facts or debate on the merits. Strategies like claiming anyone who is against Obama and for trump is a racist for the third election cycle are,not going to be winning strategies this year. Your,idiotic questions,to deflect,from reality are efforts to disengage the conversation from the truth. You support the serial liar who is president and you support the even bigger serial liar that wants to be president. Honor, integrity, and country are not important to you, substantive debate is an anathema to you, ergo conversation and debate with you is a waste of time.(but don't worry, here at usmb you are not alone)
Can anyone name one person that was your friend in 2006 or thereabout that Obama has turned you, personally, “against”.
I live in Idaho man. We don't have any stick'n dems in my hood.

So the answer is no. Cool. Most people who accuse your President of being “divisive” cannot name one person that he has “divided” them against either. You guys just listen to too much reich wing radio and parrot what you’re told like good little lemmings.
Candyass, the super hypocrite, says these things as she lines up and votes for the person her party orders her to vote for. At least Bernie didn't take his marching orders from the banks and third world dictators.

You sad little lap dog.
If they do, they should all be fired on the spot.

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If they do, they should all be fired on the spot.

Obama is one of the primary causes of the Afro American Terrorist Acts on our society. Since day one in office, Obama has attacked White cops and claimed they do not like Blackie.

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