Should Dems be careful…with what they allow at our border can trespassing remain an enforceable law in America? Did the J6’ers trespass?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How long before defense attorneys stop prosecutors from filing trespassing charges….how long before cops won’t be able to arrest for trespassing? Hasn’t a new precedent been set at the federal level?
How long before defense attorneys stop prosecutors from filing trespassing charges….how long before cops won’t be able to arrest for trespassing? Hasn’t a new precedent been set at the federal level?
Hasn’t a new precedent been set at the federal level?
Not that I am aware of.
Hasn’t a new precedent been set at the federal level?
Not that I am aware of.
Isn’t precedent set when X crime is no longer enforced or selectively and arbitrarily enforced?
Under such circumstances we can’t expect said law to remain enforceable…can we?
Isn’t precedent set when X crime is no longer enforced or selectively and arbitrarily enforced?
Under such circumstances we can’t expect said law to remain enforceable…can we?
I see your point, but the illegals are not being charged with trespassing, but being charge under some immigration statute for illegal border entry.
Trust me. If you come on to my property and I have to tell you to leave, but you don't, you will be charged with trespassing and cameras will record the event for evidence. Of course, if Lexie takes it upon herself to remove you from the property, it will be academic, while you are in recovery.
lol Democrats don't care about laws. That's been obvious since the Clinton administration. They're criminal sociopaths; they make up their own 'laws' as they go along.
How long before defense attorneys stop prosecutors from filing trespassing charges….how long before cops won’t be able to arrest for trespassing? Hasn’t a new precedent been set at the federal level?
I don't know about a precedent but it would sure help if the sTaTiSt LeFt actually could somehow understand the Human Condition(human nature). When it comes to the humanities, ESPECIALLY the field of Historical Sociology the statist left are as helpless as a fish out of water. I think it's got to be a religious block with them, like they are so far indebted into a certain MINDSET(religion) that they just can't let it go. Listening to them is just like watching a high centered vehicle spinning it's tires in the snow. The tires are spinning @ 10,000+ rpm but the rig does not move @ all & worse yet, the rigs pointed in the direction of ever deeper snow!
lol Democrats don't care about laws. That's been obvious since the Clinton administration. They're criminal sociopaths; they make up their own 'laws' as they go along.
I certainly could be wrong but the Democrat constituency does appear to care a LOT about laws, it's just that they either spy needed changes to existing laws(some of the time) or may desire a certain law to be outright abolished. As far as narcissistic induced sociopaths(contacted 5 or more out of the 9 symptoms of narcissism) go they transcend the political boundaries & can be found in every sector of societies. I believe you may be paying reference to the STATIST LEFT in your post above. The statist left is a force all unto it's own. They are well funded, superbly organized & highly educated. In addition to the before mentioned three attributes they are very fluid(mobile), hold positions of influence, seem to pull off the impossible with nothing & they are imbedded into every nation & society upon planet earth.

Their well known 'front men'(puppets) are well $tocked to make sure their desired power & control 'deals' go through! The brainwashed small fry community organizers/leaders & their rank & file groupthink followers are just following orders coming down through the chain of command. At the very bottom of the heap are the Democrat party faithful(average working Joe's). These average working Joe's are scared to death & they should be. Like all they hear is that they will lose their places of abode, starve or freeze to death, lose employment & the RNC will have them interned in KZ camps. Cross the street over to the right side of the street & we see 'somewhat' the same thing going on. It should by now be obvious that what we are being confronted with is the age old gimmick of gimmicks; Divide & Conquer Strategy!!! Religion = Belief = Acceptance. Lets run it backwards like a mathematical equation to see if it holds true & if it does, it's then correct; Acceptance = Belief = Religion, like we got us a homerun with the bases loaded!

If the Dem & Pub constituency ever pulled out of the RNC/DNC controlled RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) & breathed original intent life back into our federal Constitution it would be the end of America's profe$$ional politician$ for sure. At least we still have our USMB & that's a lot compared to what many of our fellow Americans possess @ current.
Your post is logical, but Democrats don't follow logic.

This syllogism:

-Democrats allow trespassers at the border.
-J6 Defendants are accused of tresspassing.
-Democrats will not prosecute J6 defendants.

Doesn't work for them, logical though it is. They follow this logic:

-We like border tresspassers.
-We don't like J6 tresspassers.
-We only prosecute J6 tresspassers.

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