Should FCC Bring Back Fairness Doctrine?

Likely, the numbers can be had.
I thought you were in support of protesting? I think we need to protest them right out of the building, with minimal bruising of course.
I have to admit, the antenna thing was a stroke of brilliance.
The key question is, where are the microwave satellite dishes kept?

Microwave dishes are installed on the same towers as antennas ... cable companies get their feed from satellites, so they can put their dishes close to the ground ... so maybe $125 at WalMart to take that out ...

I'm 100% in support of protesting, and without regard to what is being protested ... as a liberal I believe conservatives should be heard ... only together will we solve our nation's problems ...

It is not onerous to my Free Speech Rights that the City requires porta-potties ...
It is not onerous to my Free Speech Rights that the City requires a surety bond to clean up afterwards ...
It is not onerous to my Free Speech Rights that the City requires I not allow someone to have sex with a dog on-stage ...

The only City requirement is that the permit be considered without regard to the Speech being presented ... c.f. National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977) ...
The "Fairness Doctrine" never was fair. It was a tool of a leftist regime to suppress public opinion. It took Ronald Reagan to get rid of it. Surprising that "president" Obama didn't bring it back by edict. It must not be allowed to crawl out of the swamp again!
Likely, the numbers can be had.
I thought you were in support of protesting? I think we need to protest them right out of the building, with minimal bruising of course.
I have to admit, the antenna thing was a stroke of brilliance.
The key question is, where are the microwave satellite dishes kept?

Microwave dishes are installed on the same towers as antennas ... cable companies get their feed from satellites, so they can put their dishes close to the ground ... so maybe $125 at WalMart to take that out ...

Not even that --- a well-aimed softball wrapped in aluminum foil....

..... so they say :eusa_whistle:
The "Fairness Doctrine" never was fair. It was a tool of a leftist regime to suppress public opinion.

You must have forgotten there are those present who know better, Hanky Panky.

Why don't you go ahead and list for the class any cases where the FD "suppressed public opinion".
Creative writing time.
The "Fairness Doctrine" never was fair. It was a tool of a leftist regime to suppress public opinion.

You must have forgotten there are those present who know better, Hanky Panky.

Why don't you go ahead and list for the class any cases where the FD "suppressed public opinion".
Creative writing time.

And as expected...........................................................................................

You must have forgotten there are those present who know better, Hanky Panky.

Why don't you go ahead and list for the class any cases where the FD "suppressed public opinion".
Creative writing time.

Get back quickly to the local PBS propaganda outlet's break room! There's spilled coffee to be licked up.

But for those who really do care about the suppression the "Fairness Doctrine" caused I will cite one example:

ABC television used to do feeds of regional interest stories during intervals where there was no network programming. I'm trying to remember when - it around 1969 or 70 - when I recorded (on 2" video tape) a feed and noticed a story about the godawful conditions in which a polar bear was kept in a zoo within the coverage area of the full-power VHF TV station. I pointed it out to a newsperson who picked up on it and included it in that evening's 6pm 'cast. He was fired minutes after the newscast ended because the lawyers had been on the phone to the manger about that "blatant Fairness Doctrine violation" and how how the station was going to have to seek out and give equal time to anyone who felt differently.

The program director and news director were taken off their regular duties and w\sent out in search of people with different opinions. After several days they found someone who wanted a platform so ginned up a protest - and got equal time.

Never again was an opinion expressed on that station. Odd, since the same lawyers who took issue with the polar bear saga later went all the way to The U.S. Supreme Court with the ground-breaking "Pappas - Black Panther" case.

For any serious readers out there - that's one concrete example.

In my younger days I did a local talk show on AM radio - one of the first - but the seeking out of opposing opinions and scheduling their advocates quickly overwhelmed the limited resources available.

These days I still (pushing 80) still do a syndicated music series but thankfully I don't have to seek out opponents to my opinions on some sorts of what passes for "music" just now.

I can see how a prurient 20-something or someone whose knowledge of broadcasting is limited to brewing the coffee and licking up the spills might have no feeling for how it worked. That's not surprising but what's saddening is that sort of creature really doesn't care since it doesn't fit his/her/its indoctrination.
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