Should food handlers be required to wash their hands?

THIS is what it is about, government oversights making things difficult for businesses. The handwashing thing was just an EXAMPLE. I certainly hope you aren't as dishonest as that ugly clown faced lady. :D

"I said I don't have a problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as they post a sign that says we don't require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom," Tillis said to audience laughter. "The market will take care of that."

At Jimmy V's Osteria in downtown Raleigh, we saw plenty of employees washing their hands. We spoke to diners who unsurprisingly expect nothing less.

"I absolutely would like everybody in the restaurant industry to wash their hands and be required to do so," said Jennifer Knox.

"I also wash my hands before I cook a meal and so I would think that everybody should, yes," said Margaret Eagles.

Tillis and his town hall host laughed about the comment.

"Well I'm not sure I'm going to shake your hand", the host said to more audience laughter.

However, Tillis' off-hand comments did raise eyebrows in Washington. There was a flurry of headlines about it.

The comments did raise an age-old Washington question, how much government is too much government?

"I think we're over regulated", said Jimmy V's Head Chef Jeffrey Russell.

Russell insists he'd never cut corners on hand washing requirements for employees, but he agreed that some government rules can be burdensome at times.

"There are many rules that change constantly and we're not always kept up to date. You'll get a health inspection one quarter and the second quarter it becomes an issue," Russell said.

Of course he's using it as an "example".

The point is, it's a really bad example that no one in their right mind could actually support.

I agree. I ALREADY stated that I think the states have every right to regulate the restaurant industry but NOT the feds. If the federal government is thinking of getting involved in ANOTHER issue that has absolutely nothing to do with them, they should go screw off.

But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)
So, is the right wing conservative republican party made up of old rich white men, or hicks from the hills? I'm confused because it seems, depending upon conveniece sake, it varies. Lol. :D
Of course he's using it as an "example".

The point is, it's a really bad example that no one in their right mind could actually support.

I agree. I ALREADY stated that I think the states have every right to regulate the restaurant industry but NOT the feds. If the federal government is thinking of getting involved in ANOTHER issue that has absolutely nothing to do with them, they should go screw off.

But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
Reminds me of the stories in Britain where Muslim nurses do not have to wash their hands when attending to patients.

Is that true? Because that goes against EVERYTHING they teach you in medical school.
Of course it's not true. Think of the crazy things Republicans have said over the last 40 years. And some still think Obama was slow to act after Katrina and he took a trip to India costing $200,000,000.00 a day.
I agree. I ALREADY stated that I think the states have every right to regulate the restaurant industry but NOT the feds. If the federal government is thinking of getting involved in ANOTHER issue that has absolutely nothing to do with them, they should go screw off.

But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.
My favourite breakfast and lunch place is run by a Catholic charity and staffed by Down's people.

The attack on Down's people was unwarranted.
Last edited:
I agree. I ALREADY stated that I think the states have every right to regulate the restaurant industry but NOT the feds. If the federal government is thinking of getting involved in ANOTHER issue that has absolutely nothing to do with them, they should go screw off.

But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.
Reminds me of the stories in Britain where Muslim nurses do not have to wash their hands when attending to patients.

Is that true? Because that goes against EVERYTHING they teach you in medical school.
Of course it's not true. Think of the crazy things Republicans have said over the last 40 years. And some still think Obama was slow to act after Katrina and he took a trip to India costing $200,000,000.00 a day.

I didn't think that was true, at least not here in our country.
But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.

Who said they shouldn't be regulated? Certainly not me. Maybe you should read before you make dumb accusatory posts instead of listening to your . . . friend.
This is the subject of another thread. The whole thing was made up. Tillis never said any such thing.


You're not just a drunk. You're also an idiot.

Here's a choice for you. You can watch the video at the Washington Post or, if you prefer, watch it on c-span.

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn 8217 t be required to wash their hands - The Washington Post

Tillis hands Video

Ok, I kind of half-way defended the guy yesterday or the day before and said (although I rarely defend a Rightie) that he claims he never said this stuff. Now I see the video and clearly he DID, which now means that Thom Tillis is also a fucking neanderthal liar who is not even smart enough to know that in this day and age of everything being videoed, he can't deny it.

This is just too rich.
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.
They paper the walls of the restaurants in Oregon with those stupid FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK! They're in multiple language and even have pictures.

Does it make a difference? Hell no! But if their BOSS told them "You repugnant turd, get in there and wash your hands or walk out and don't come back" you can bet they'd get the idea quick enough.

But that would require some ACCOUNTABILITY and would allow business owners to actually run their businesses in a way that benefits more people...and we sure as HELL can't have that.
I travel all over the country.

State and local officials are doing a fine job posting the notices in rest rooms.

There is no need for an additional federal law to cover a problem that does not exist.

That is the whole point.
But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

But they're not. No one has suggested that they should. You made up the "Federal" part in your head.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

Well, you do know that all 50 states respond to the USDA Food Code in regards to food safety (which includes hand-washing for food handling), right? And, you were defending Tillis, so, you would be okay with the restaurants you frequent if they decided to change the regulations and not require their food handlers to wash their hands, right? So, if your state decided it was unnecessary for restaurants to mandate their employees wash their hands you would be fine with it, right?

Oh, and you didn't answer in regards to credit card companies.....they are not run by your state, by the way.
No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.

Who said they shouldn't be regulated?
Weren't you making fun of Liberals and claiming they want their mommy because we demand that companies be restaurants mandating their food servers wash their hands. You can't say one thing and then claim another.

Certainly not me. Maybe you should read before you make dumb accusatory posts instead of listening to your . . . friend.
Obviously you are not aware of what you post. If you agree on regulations aren't you like the Liberals you are making fun of and claiming they are needing a mommy?
Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.

Who said they shouldn't be regulated?
Weren't you making fun of Liberals and claiming they want their mommy because we demand that companies be restaurants mandating their food servers wash their hands. You can't say one thing and then claim another.

Certainly not me. Maybe you should read before you make dumb accusatory posts instead of listening to your . . . friend.
Obviously you are not aware of what you post. If you agree on regulations aren't you like the Liberals you are making fun of and claiming they are needing a mommy?

Had you in mind when I made that post. :D Sorry, it seems like some liberals want to have their hands held throughout their lives with everything. It gets a bit tiresome for us more independent-minded people.
This is the subject of another thread. The whole thing was made up. Tillis never said any such thing.


You're not just a drunk. You're also an idiot.

Here's a choice for you. You can watch the video at the Washington Post or, if you prefer, watch it on c-span.

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn 8217 t be required to wash their hands - The Washington Post

Tillis hands Video

Ok, I kind of half-way defended the guy yesterday or the day before and said (although I rarely defend a Rightie) that he claims he never said this stuff. Now I see the video and clearly he DID, which now means that Thom Tillis is also a fucking neanderthal liar who is not even smart enough to know that in this day and age of everything being videoed, he can't deny it.

This is just too rich.
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.

Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

No, I think he was talking about the federal government getting involved, hence the talk of "Washington."

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

Well, you do know that all 50 states respond to the USDA Food Code in regards to food safety (which includes hand-washing for food handling), right? And, you were defending Tillis, so, you would be okay with the restaurants you frequent if they decided to change the regulations and not require their food handlers to wash their hands, right? So, if your state decided it was unnecessary for restaurants to mandate their employees wash their hands you would be fine with it, right?

Oh, and you didn't answer in regards to credit card companies.....they are not run by your state, by the way.

I was defending him by showing that he was using the handwashing as an EXAMPLE of how the government involves itself in issues. I never ever stated that I thought states should not be involved in regulating the restaurant business. How many MORE times do I have to say this? How many?

Your statement about the state deciding blah, blah, blah, is too ridiculous to even acknowledge.
Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.

Who said they shouldn't be regulated?
Weren't you making fun of Liberals and claiming they want their mommy because we demand that companies be restaurants mandating their food servers wash their hands. You can't say one thing and then claim another.

Certainly not me. Maybe you should read before you make dumb accusatory posts instead of listening to your . . . friend.
Obviously you are not aware of what you post. If you agree on regulations aren't you like the Liberals you are making fun of and claiming they are needing a mommy?

Had you in mind when I made that post. :D
You don't know crap about me, so if you had me in mind when you made your post you were relying on your uninformed mind to do so. I don't need government to care for me in every aspect of my life, so you probably pulled that idea out of your ass. We are discussing a Republican Senator who has made a statement where he doesn't feel restaurants should be able to opt out of having their servers wash their hands, as long as they post a sign saying so, and you are defending his position, so either you are okay with that idea, or you agree that there should be some regulation there. You can't have it both ways.

Sorry, it seems like some liberals want to have their hands held throughout their lives with everything. It gets a bit tiresome for us more independent-minded people.
I'm sorry, but that is a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to have my hand held throughout my life and I don't know any liberal that does so why don't you give some examples of what you are talking about instead of just repeating some bullshit you heard another Republican/conservative spew out.
Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?
You said: Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

Yes they are that stupid. Somehow, they think holding such ignorant positions make them more free.

Who said they shouldn't be regulated?
Weren't you making fun of Liberals and claiming they want their mommy because we demand that companies be restaurants mandating their food servers wash their hands. You can't say one thing and then claim another.

Certainly not me. Maybe you should read before you make dumb accusatory posts instead of listening to your . . . friend.
Obviously you are not aware of what you post. If you agree on regulations aren't you like the Liberals you are making fun of and claiming they are needing a mommy?

Had you in mind when I made that post. :D
You don't know crap about me, so if you had me in mind when you made your post you were relying on your uninformed mind to do so. I don't need government to care for me in every aspect of my life, so you probably pulled that idea out of your ass. We are discussing a Republican Senator who has made a statement where he doesn't feel restaurants should be able to opt out of having their servers wash their hands, as long as they post a sign saying so, and you are defending his position, so either you are okay with that idea, or you agree that there should be some regulation there. You can't have it both ways.

Sorry, it seems like some liberals want to have their hands held throughout their lives with everything. It gets a bit tiresome for us more independent-minded people.
I'm sorry, but that is a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to have my hand held throughout my life and I don't know any liberal that does so why don't you give some examples of what you are talking about instead of just repeating some bullshit you heard another Republican/conservative spew out.

Well, judging by your posts, and your continued defense of federal government involvement in all aspects of business, etc., you NEED the federal government in your life to guide you in the right direction. Not all of us feel that way and we don't want the federal government involving itself in our lives or livelihood.
Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

Why would he be talking about the federal government getting involved, since they're not involved, and no one has suggested that they should be involved?

Why was he instead talking specifically about a state law in the first place, if he wanted to discuss the federal government?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want your government to care for you in every aspect of your life? Do you want a mommy? Is that what this is all about? Liberals need to have a mommy? :)

Why don't you answer this question......Do you want restaurants to not demand their employees wash their hands? Do you want restaurants to have free range and serve you hair in your meals with no one to answer to? Do you want credit card companies to rip you and raise your interest rate whenever they feel like it? Because it seems that Republicans/conservatives are so subservient to companies/corporations that they agree they shouldn't pay taxes and shouldn't be regulated. Are conservatives that stupid?

No. Like I said, at least three times now, I have no problems with the way my state handles things in regards to restaurants.

Well, you do know that all 50 states respond to the USDA Food Code in regards to food safety (which includes hand-washing for food handling), right? And, you were defending Tillis, so, you would be okay with the restaurants you frequent if they decided to change the regulations and not require their food handlers to wash their hands, right? So, if your state decided it was unnecessary for restaurants to mandate their employees wash their hands you would be fine with it, right?

Oh, and you didn't answer in regards to credit card companies.....they are not run by your state, by the way.

I was defending him by showing that he was using the handwashing as an EXAMPLE of how the government involves itself in issues.
Well, if the government, who is responsible for the safety of citizens doesn't involve itself, who do you think will.

I never ever stated that I thought states should not be involved in regulating the restaurant business. How many MORE times do I have to say this? How many?
And nobody said you did, but states are not on their own. If they were, we would have some states that wouldn't care how businessmen ran their restaurants.....politicians like Tillis is a good example of that. He thinks government shouldn't require hand-washing of food handlers.

Your statement about the state deciding blah, blah, blah, is too ridiculous to even acknowledge.
What you meant to say is that you didn't understand it, don't have a response and have made some lame excuse that it is too ridiculous to acknowledge. Why do you even get into these debates if you don't know what you are talking about and all you do is offer up your lame opinions which you can't back up with facts.

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