Should gerrymandering be banned?

I think gerrymandering should be banned because it makes me feel like my vote does not matter.
It doesn't. If it did, then liberals wouldn't allow illegals to vote...But then the Democrats would never get back in power either.
Both sides accuse the other of gerrymandering, and local courts tend to decide whether it is or not, according to their own biases. It’s like a no win situation for any citizen, in the end.
I think gerrymandering should be banned because it makes me feel like my vote does not matter.

In a word, yes. WAY overdue, considering it dates back two hundred years..

Your feeling is correct. If your district is gerrymandered its fate is predetermined so you can vote with it, against it, or not vote at all and all three results will be the same. Just as the Electrical College bullshit WTA system does the same thing in POTUS elections. Both of those need to go yesterday.
I think gerrymandering should be banned because it makes me feel like my vote does not matter.

Dear Yosef5891
Not to worry, the Greens have long supported Proportional Representation by Party.
The electoral system that some states use to divide their votes by how districts vote,
can be expanded to manage direct representation through party per district by using the precinct structure
from local to state to national.

I believe we are heading this direction.
If you feel especially that this current system leaves out your voice and vote,
may I encourage you to contact all your local precinct chairs, of both
Dem and Rep and Green and Libertarians, or the county or state levels if you don't have
an organization near you. And ask for support to set up representation by party,
where all parties select or elect a rep to serve on a council, proportional to the
population in your district and state, and then take input from constituents
including complaints of govt abuses that you want to see corrected.

If we all do this, we can set up both direct and indirect representation by party
Everyone can be included in the democratic process,
and nobody has to be bullied or coerced in order to defend the beliefs
or interests of other groups. All can exercise equal protections
and representation, if we agree to respect and include each other's input.
and form agreements on policy or agree to separate funding and jurisdiction
on policies where we don't agree, and just need to invest in separate programs by party members.
I think gerrymandering should be banned because it makes me feel like my vote does not matter.

In a word, yes. WAY overdue, considering it dates back two hundred years..

Your feeling is correct. If your district is gerrymandered its fate is predetermined so you can vote with it, against it, or not vote at all and all three results will be the same. Just as the Electrical College bullshit WTA system does the same thing in POTUS elections. Both of those need to go yesterday.
It's established in the Constitution...whomever doesn't like it is probably a Commie, thus deserving death by acid bath. No time for Commie bed to the acid baths I SAY!.
I think gerrymandering should be banned because it makes me feel like my vote does not matter.

State legislatures can’t be trusted
Congrssional districts should be set by the courts

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