Should government employees be prosecuted for leaking classified documents?

Per the link I shared on page 2 of this thread, it sounds pretty serious. But, if he did, he shouldn't face any penalty because, after all, he was doing it to hurt Trump, so it's ok. Right?

Excerpt from the aforementioned article:

  • At least two of the memos Comey gave to Richman contain information officials now consider to be classified, according to The Wall Street Journal.
NOW consider classified. Not at the time.
To be determined by a courtroom in the near future................

He released them to start an his own words...........

Generally meetings with the President are at minimal Confidential........Taking them to the PRESS..............wrong protocol...........

He could have went to the Senate intel committee to file a complaint behind closed doors.........

No......he went to CNN

So everything the president says is confidential?

That’s a little vague to be throwing people in jail .

I went to a very CONFIDENTIAL SCHOOL in the Navy.........signed the documents that would put me under the jail if disclosed.........even on confidential information..........Anything discussed in that school.............was considered to NEVER BE DISCUSSED............

Keeping conversations with the president private is nothing new

High ranking officials have every right to discuss matters of the state with members of the executive branch dept.s...............for advice........for try to find solutions................They are not to be released without they can discuss issues......without blabbing it all to the press.

And Timmy is calling you "dim". I wonder if Timmy has any experience in anything. He sounds incredibly ignorant.

Any time you want to tell me what classifed info was exposed, I’m waiting .

I keep calling you bitches out and no reply .

Let me flip the op. Should a prez be able to hide his crimes by declaring everything he says as being “confidential “ ?
This will be decided by the courts..............This has only be continued.
If it wasn't classified at the time it sure as hell isn't illegal.

Somehow I suspect you are speaking outside of your area of expertise. That's what being a partisan hack does to people.

If that is all you can come up with, then feel free to natter on.

Was that in this thread? Coyote is not a partisan hack. Definitely not. 1 of 2 or three I know definitely are not. There's more, but this is top-of the-head stuff. :04:

JoeB is a partisan hack, and wrong 99% of the time.
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
So did Strzok and Page, and others according to their texts.

If Democ
Let’s back a minute .

What is a “classified document “ and who decides what is deemed “classified “?
Releasing information is not leaking. And, the People have a Right to Know what is going on in the Public sector.

So there should be no such thing as "classified" or "top secret" material?
In the Public sector but not the Private sector?
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material

He did not leak any classified information. He released his personal notes on his meetings with Trump. A wise precaution given Trump's propensity to lie.

It was government property and was classified information. You can't spell LIbEral without LIE.

WHAT ? What was classifed?
I keep calling you bitches out and no reply .

I provided a link to an article that discusses the matter. It has NOT yet been determined, at least not publicly, if Comey actually leaked classified material.
If that is all you can come up with, then feel free to natter on.

So you're an expert on the legalities of classified documents? You could appear on CNN or Fox and answer questions on the nuances of the law on this matter?
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material

Should government employees be prosecuted for leaking classified documents?

yes that goes without saying

at one time you could be summarily executed for doing so
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
Of course he should go to jail, along with hillary. The people put in charge of classified information should always be the ones to pay the price for not doing so. A submariner goes to jail for a picture, and yet these two asshats run free?
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
Here's a read for those who avoid Fox's slant on "news" and whose lips are not permanently stuck on Trump's butt. The above should just ignore: Fact check: Trump wrong on Comey 'leak,' McCabe funds
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
Here's a read for those who avoid Fox's slant on "news" and whose lips are not permanently stuck on Trump's butt. The above should just ignore: Fact check: Trump wrong on Comey 'leak,' McCabe funds

We'll see how it shakes out.
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
Take James Comey. He leaked classified materials, right? Should he be prosecuted or should he get a pass? And, if not, then can we agree that any government employee can leak anything they like?

'Clear double standard': As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
Fukking Fox news again.

Just because someone talked to the president doesn't mean everything said was classified.

Just because right wingers miss 1930's Germany and love Putin doesn't mean the rest of us have to live like that.
Should government employees be prosecuted for leaking classified documents?
The better question is, "should their be classified documents?"


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