Should government run society?

Should government run society?

  • No, government should govern.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Yes, but democratically.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
I don't think government currently "runs" society in a broad way. Most of the decisions that impact society are made by groups and individuals with a lot of wealth and influence. I think that's exactly what democratic socialists want to change. They want government making those decisions instead.
Pure democracy is 50% plus one telling 50% minus one what to do. Socialism is only a stepping block to eventual communism. It always ends there with taking control of all things in a country. It owns the media the corts and the law.

That is wy the founders went out of their way to avoid it. They wete clear on a small govt and States running their own lives. We have destroyed that.
I'm just wondering why anyone would want society run democratically - I get tripped up there before we even get to the economic stuff. Seems to me we're talking about a profoundly different view of government. It informs everything we talk about politically.
Democracy has it's problems and pitfalls and so it needs to be carefully managed. China is demonstrating the leg up it gets by being able to choose the very best and smartest to run their country.
America is stuck with dismal failures such as Marjorie or Gaitz.
Canada has it's crazies too but democracy can still succeed.
America's can't any longer without huge reform.
Democracy has it's problems and pitfalls and so it needs to be carefully managed. China is demonstrating the leg up it gets by being able to choose the very best and smartest to run their country.
America is stuck with dismal failures such as Marjorie or Gaitz.
Canada has it's crazies too but democracy can still succeed.
America's can't any longer without huge reform.

There you people go again giving kudos to the way the Chinese run their country. China is getting a leg up because of the gullibility, spoiled nature and utter ignorance of lefties in this country not because their form of government is in any way superior to ours.

Considering they allow cities to burn and rioters to run rampaging through the streets injuring and murdering people what makes anyone think the government can currently do either?


Democracy has it's problems and pitfalls and so it needs to be carefully managed. China is demonstrating the leg up it gets by being able to choose the very best and smartest to run their country.
America is stuck with dismal failures such as Marjorie or Gaitz.
Canada has it's crazies too but democracy can still succeed.
America's can't any longer without huge reform.
Never raise the debt feiling again and end the miney train of DC. Federal agencies slashed and power restored to the states. So if one state wants to be idiots they do not take the rest if us with them
Democracy has it's problems and pitfalls and so it needs to be carefully managed. China is demonstrating the leg up it gets by being able to choose the very best and smartest to run their country.
I know way too much about China to listen the starry-eyed admiration. It's not what you think.
Pure democracy is 50% plus one telling 50% minus one what to do. Socialism is only a stepping block to eventual communism. It always ends there with taking control of all things in a country. It owns the media the corts and the law.

That is wy the founders went out of their way to avoid it. They wete clear on a small govt and States running their own lives. We have destroyed that.
There is no mandate with what you typed. We are in deep doo doo. Progs will be voting in the house on the Reconcilliation Bill late tonite. The CBO report was not saying it is reckless. However, we have seen lies. Also does the CBO also say that there must be a certain annual percentage of growth? They said aftr all of the Social Security Tax increase in the 1980's that the program was supposed to be good until the 2070's. That was based on 4% growth. We have not had that. Social Security has another decade before it is pure deficit at most. If they give a rosy growth picture with all of the new programs in this, this is going to be an anchor on the taxpayers. It still may.
There you people go again giving kudos to the way the Chinese run their country. China is getting a leg up because of the gullibility, spoiled nature and utter ignorance of lefties in this country not because their form of government is in any way superior to ours.
China has a leg up because it's a totalitarian regime, adept at controlling people. Those can "perform" really well - for a while.
China has a leg up because it's a totalitarian regime, adept at controlling people. Those can "perform" really well - for a while.

I guess it depends on who is running the country. The Biden administration with the power of Xi would be an utter disaster for the US. We are close to that point now with a bunch of bone-headed Democrats controlling Congress.
That certainly seems like a lot of hedging. Who exactly should answer to "the people"? Everyone? Just rich people? Just business owners?
Well it's a pretty broad topic and we have multiple layers of government.
I guess it depends on who is running the country.

I don't think it does. A totalitarian regime is based on fear and coercion, which is ultimately toxic to a society. Even if the current leader is a great guy or gal, an all-powerful government creates paranoia and distrust in society.
Well it's a pretty broad topic and we have multiple layers of government.
Feel free to characterize it generally. What kinds of people and institutions should be controlled by the will of the people? Just whatever the majority decides? Is anything off limits?
Fuck no.

America works, we have seen it work. Our problem now is that the current administration is trying to run society and they are fucking it up left and right.

Government needs to govern the country, states need to govern themselves without the government controlling them, and I need to run my own personal life on my own without either of them getting involved.
Our government is a disaster and has been for a long time. It is terribly corrupt and commits criminal acts on the regular. It’s time for a change.

Americans who think they have control over our government are fools.
In another thread we've been debating socialism, and of course there's usual gyrations and equivocation on terminology. The concept of "Democratic Socialism" was discussed, and the following definition was offered up:

I've seen this characterization before. Before it even gets to government controlling the economy - the usual sticking point when discussing socialism - it makes the claim that "society should be run democratically", and that gets a full stop from me. I don't think the purpose of government is to run society. It's govern. The maintain law and order and protect our freedom to run society as we please.

But I gather many people have no problem with the notion that government should "run" society. Nor with the idea that government should run the economy. It would seem they want government to run everything. That sounds like a recipe for disaster from my point of view.

What do you think? Should society be "run", democratically, by the government? Should everything we do in a social setting be subject to majority rule?
People often ask: Would you rather be ruled by the majority or by a single person. My answer: I prefer not to be ruled.
Society runs government i any countries that can claim to be democracies.
Forget the hairsplitting nonsense that claims the US is a republic. It's still a democracy.

The best definition of fascism describes what Trump is attempting to do with the election results. If he could succeed then he would be running government by sidestepping the ballot box.

Horsehit. Yo uinvent definitions that further your agenda. They have no basis in reality.
Jan.6th. was an attmted at fascism taking over government.


The process that Rittenhouse started can become fascism, in that a country can be ruled by force of the gun. This too is attributable to the Trump influence which encourages gun violence.

Actually, it's the prosecutor's attempt to invalidate the right to defend yourself that most resembles fascism.

There are many other indications of Trump's attempt at taking over control of a democracy.

Communist works in entirely different ways but those who promote fascism will knee jerk conflate anything in order to not have to face reality.

Trump won the election?

Deal with the big lie!

You're such a buffoon.

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