Should hate speech be criminalized ?

So you think this is just about the left not wanting hear certain things. And you're right. We don't want to hear about a spike in beatings and murder of the radical right wing loon lastest targets hate targets.

So you think it's OK to dehumanize racial minorities, or those who aren't Christian???? Anyone the right doesn't consider to be a "real American". To call them an "infestation" and say they should be wiped from the face of the earth?

Hate against Jews and non-whites went up 17%% in the first year Donald Trump was in office. 37% against Jews.

Crimes against Asians skyrocketed in the wake of Trump's blaming of China for covid, and his attacks on China.

Violence against and murder of trans people has soared in the wake of right wing attacks on transgendered and gay people, and there have been multiple mass shootings and attempting mass shootings at gay bars and pride events this year.

The moment right wingers find a new group to attack, their targets see an immediate spike in hate and violence directed against them.
I don’t agree with hate speech but I’ll defend your right to speak it. The government has no right to determine what they believe is hate speech or not.

I tried to give you now an example of real hate speech - but I fear this is not a very good idea because in every of this real examples I did also find infamous mind manipulating structures. So I do not think here is the right place to do so. But let me say to you: A rough speech is not hate speech. When you say "I hate democrats" - then this is without any concrete relevance for you and for others. That's only a verbal statement in the quality "Do not vote for the Democrats because I think they are always only wrong". Or would you try to beat your wife when she would say to you in a marital dispute: "And I will vote for the Democrats next time, goofball!" - if so then you would [hopefully] not only get a serios problem - you would for sure have indeed a very serios problem which needs a self made change in your mind - or even a prophylacting psychotherapy - if you would only think to do so in such a moment and you are in danger to lose self-control.
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should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..

Here's the problem: Everybody has some sayings, words, or speech in general that they consider hateful. It's just different for each person.
If speech acceptance is deferred to the government to regulate you, you end up with the following:
1. The central government, politburo, military junta, theocracy, oligarchy, whichever, announces that it alone determines what you can or cannot say.
2. Enforcement is mandated to the "state police." By state police I don't mean your local hired police, I mean a "national police force." The state police would incentivize or enlist individuals within your neighborhood to pay close attention to their neighbors' conversations, without letting the neighbors aware that they are being monitored. The neighborhood watchman/woman, reports inappropriate conversations to the state police, who round you up. Anything that watchman/woman says about you is considered the truth and you, well depending upon what you say, can be just receive a minor penalty, or worse, much worse.
Chipping away at the freedom of speech is a slippery slope that we don't want to do down.
Wow! You are participating in hate speech. Go ahead and spew hate, I’ll defend your right to spew such hate.

You need to learn what hate speech is. I responded to a specific post, based on what he said to me, which was misogynistic and hateful. That's not hate speech.

Hate speech is promoting hate and violence against people based on race, religion, sexuality.
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should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..

The stupidity of conservatives is truly remarkable, but not unsurprising.

Hate speech is entitled to First Amendment protections, no one advocates for ‘criminalizing’ hate speech.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech absent government interference.
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what about the rights America 1st agenda makes you have the insane belief that the right hates America !

They hate the country. They want to take rights away from EVERYONE.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 20 years. Gay marriage has ZERO impact on anyone's life who isn't gay. Nothing changed in my life except I now get an occasional wedding invite from gay friends, which didn't happen before. That's it.

And yet the American right is acting like gay marriage is the end of morality as we know it. It's WRONG and it will destroy America if it's not ended. And the rest of the world looks at Americans like you would any idiot cousin.

When your slogan is "Make America Great Again", you're flat out saying that America is not "great" now. And on that the rest of the world agrees with you.

And here's a clue. We did think you were great, before you turned into Apartheid South Africa for the 21st Century, and started elected white supremacists to the White House.
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I tried to give you now an example of real hate speech - but I fear this is not a very good idea because in every of this real examples I did also find infamous mind manipulating structures. So I do not think here is the right place to do so. But let me say to you: A rough speech is not hate speech. When you say "I hate democrats" - then this is without any concrete relevance for you and for others. That's only a verbal statement in the quality "Do not vote for the Democrats because I think they are always only wrong". Or would you try to beat your wife when she would say to you in a marital dispute: "And I will vote for the Democrats next time, goofball!" - if so then you would [hopefully] not only get a serios problem - you would for sure have indeed a very serios problem which needs a self made change in your mind - or even a prophylacting psychotherapy - if you would only think to do so in such a moment and you are in danger to lose self-control.
LOL it's not my fault I hate Democrats, that's on the Dems the morally bankrupt bunch of lying scumbags. :eusa_hand: Here's one of 1,000 points of evidence. When the Democrat United States Senate Majority Leader told a blatant 100% complete LIE about Romney during a presidential election was later questioned about this lie. His response was, "We won didn't we". That reflects well across the entire Dem party, they are without remorse or any sense of right and wrong even at the most senior levels of their leadership.
They hate the country. They want to take rights away from EVERYONE.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 20 years. Gay marriage has ZERO impact on anyone's life who isn't gay. Nothing changed in my life except I now get an occasional wedding invite from gay friends, which didn't happen before. That's it.

And yet the American right is acting like gay marriage is the end of morality as we know it. It's WRONG and it will destroy America if it's not ended. And the rest of the world looks at Americans like you would any idiot cousin.

When your slogan is "Make America Great Again", you're flat out saying that America is not "great" now. And on that the rest of the world agrees with you.

And here's a clue. We did think you were great, before you turned into Apartheid South Africa for the 21st Century, and started elected white supremacists to the White House.

The US is weaker than ever now with these morons in charge and we are raising/indoctrinated another generation that buys into the nonsense that American exceptionalism is not possible and that we all need to be like most of the rest of the loser world that can’t catch up. I imagine some other countries love that idea of our demise as they were never going to catch up otherwise.
LOL it's not my fault I hate Democrats, that's on the Dems the morally bankrupt bunch of lying scumbags. :eusa_hand: Here's one of 1,000 points of evidence. When the Democrat United States Senate Majority Leader told a blatant 100% complete LIE about Romney during a presidential election was later questioned about this lie. His response was, "We won didn't we". That reflects well across the entire Dem party, they are without remorse or any sense of right and wrong even at the most senior levels of their leadership.

Hate is a choice YOU made and it's on you alone. This is why the right is being destroyed. Because hate destroys the hater. It stresses your immune system and makes you sick. It clouds your judgement and leads to poor decision making.

Furthermore, the excuse you're using for your hatred of Democrats is ridiculous. One man told one lie and you paint all Democrats as morally bankrupt because of that one man. All while ignoring the thousands of lies Republicans told you, including Mitt Romney calling anyone receiving government assistance "takers", and his track record as corporate raider.

Especially given that Republicans admitted holding the 7th Benghazi Hearing to destroy Clinton's chances for the White House. That really backfired on the party now didn't it. In the end, Republicans really destroyed themselves.
You need to learn what hate speech is. I responded to a specific post, based on what he said to me, which was misogynistic and hateful. That's not hate speech.

Hate speech is promoting hate and violence against people based on race, religion, sexuality.
And you in turn used hate speech in your answer, which is fine, but that is the very issue at hand, you considered what was said to you as hate speech but not your speech back to them, I considered both hate speech. Therein lies the problem, who decides what is hate speech.

The left is moving to take the repulsive hate speech away, that goes against the Constitution because our founding fathers knew all to well that people would try to ban speech, and low and behold we have a Democrat doing just that.
They hate the country. They want to take rights away from EVERYONE.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 20 years. Gay marriage has ZERO impact on anyone's life who isn't gay. Nothing changed in my life except I now get an occasional wedding invite from gay friends, which didn't happen before. That's it.

And yet the American right is acting like gay marriage is the end of morality as we know it. It's WRONG and it will destroy America if it's not ended. And the rest of the world looks at Americans like you would any idiot cousin.

When your slogan is "Make America Great Again", you're flat out saying that America is not "great" now. And on that the rest of the world agrees with you.

And here's a clue. We did think you were great, before you turned into Apartheid South Africa for the 21st Century, and started elected white supremacists to the White House.
Get rid of your racist ruler that you voted for and then we can talk about white supremacy that your country participates in. BTW, the good ol‘boy Biden is a white supremacists, yet you never talk about his racism, you ignore it, your actions help white supremacy continue.
Ideas that harm others, like racism, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc. should be illegal to promote because it violates the rights of others.
But there is nothing wrong with hating things that do harm the rights of others.

So they need to change the name.
There is nothing at all wrong with "hate", but it is only wrong when the "hate" is misdirected at innocents.
Those who are guilty of harming others should be hated.

It should instead be called something like "harmful bias".
Get rid of your racist ruler that you voted for and then we can talk about white supremacy that your country participates in. BTW, the good ol‘boy Biden is a white supremacists, yet you never talk about his racism, you ignore it, your actions help white supremacy continue.

Yes, as much as I have a history as a leftist, progressive, liberal, democrat, the truth is Biden has a history of being racists, fascist, and evil, like his 1994 Federal Crime Bill that created the War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
You need to learn what hate speech is. I responded to a specific post, based on what he said to me, which was misogynistic and hateful. That's not hate speech.

Hate speech is promoting hate and violence against people based on race, religion, sexuality.
once again a tyrannical leftist tells us what hate speech is or isnt ...
They hate the country. They want to take rights away from EVERYONE.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 20 years. Gay marriage has ZERO impact on anyone's life who isn't gay. Nothing changed in my life except I now get an occasional wedding invite from gay friends, which didn't happen before. That's it.

And yet the American right is acting like gay marriage is the end of morality as we know it. It's WRONG and it will destroy America if it's not ended. And the rest of the world looks at Americans like you would any idiot cousin.

When your slogan is "Make America Great Again", you're flat out saying that America is not "great" now. And on that the rest of the world agrees with you.

And here's a clue. We did think you were great, before you turned into Apartheid South Africa for the 21st Century, and started elected white supremacists to the White House.
at this time Americans have more rights than Can'tadians ... but if the left in this country has its way it will become a tyrannical force like it is in your country .

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