Should hate speech be criminalized ?

Hate crime laws should be repealed, even. If all men are created equal, a crime is a crime and that's it.

Oh, they tried to follow them up with "hatespeech" laws a long time ago. Thank God that didn't pass.

It's really thought control and outrageous laws.
"The bill dropped as the GOP-led Congress marches forward into a new term after a turbulent first week of 15 rounds of voting for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif."


"Currently, the bill has no cosponsors."

As wrong as I think they are, I don't think you can criminalize publishing White Supremacy theories. You can still buy Hitler's book can't you?
the left attempted to ease in a milder version to limit free speech until they realized it was a political liability ..
should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..

Sheila Jackson Lee hate speeches the airline crew on her flights home regularly. I will listen to her seriously when she gets schooled on how to treat people that are servicing her entitled ass.
should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..


Jackson is anti American and in it for money…she ain’t giving a darn about the working class…it’s so east to read right through her bs. blm politicians don’t care about poor blacks only there bank account

Superbadbrutha IM2

Where u guys on this thing..Africans owned white slaves too

Shocking things occurring in the USA

Hitler speeches are available on the history channel Americans agree with it..we learn from it.

No excuse for attacking free speech
So you think this is just about the left not wanting hear certain things. And you're right. We don't want to hear about a spike in beatings and murder of the radical right wing loon lastest targets hate targets.

So you think it's OK to dehumanize racial minorities, or those who aren't Christian???? Anyone the right doesn't consider to be a "real American". To call them an "infestation" and say they should be wiped from the face of the earth?

Hate against Jews and non-whites went up 17%% in the first year Donald Trump was in office. 37% against Jews.

Crimes against Asians skyrocketed in the wake of Trump's blaming of China for covid, and his attacks on China.

Violence against and murder of trans people has soared in the wake of right wing attacks on transgendered and gay people, and there have been multiple mass shootings and attempting mass shootings at gay bars and pride events this year.

The moment right wingers find a new group to attack, their targets see an immediate spike in hate and violence directed against them.
See Chicago and blm riots ..and any major blue city

The far left is the most violent group today
I love how you assholes issue orders and make demands like I'm supposed to snap to it. Are your fingers broken???
I expect foreign interlopers to at least have the minimum data to support their claims. Run along to your third rate hellhole and leave American issues to Americans.
Hate crime laws should be repealed, even. If all men are created equal, a crime is a crime and that's it.

Oh, they tried to follow them up with "hatespeech" laws a long time ago. Thank God that didn't pass.

It's really thought control and outrageous laws.

The Constitution reflects the ideal. The law reflects the reality. If all men are created equal, then one shouldn't be claiming that others are inferior.

Hate crimes are crimes committed against "others" where the sole motivation is hate. They are impossible to anticipate or expect, and their purpose is terrorism. Hate crimes are different than other similar crimes, and should be punished accordingly.
No. But not surprised demafacist are trying to start criminalizing speech they dislike

You're all for criminalilzing all kinds of speech, but you seem to think you have the right to spew hate at others. Insulting, denigrating and threatening others infringes on their right to their security and freedom.

It is impossible to strip others of their God given rights, so ensure others can express their hatred towards those people and then claim you have a just society.

No decent civilized society can allow others to be treated this way.
what about the rights America 1st agenda makes you have the insane belief that the right hates America !

They want to make America great again. So they clearly don't think it's great now.

They whine about everything, have no sense of humour, and they're the most miserably unhappy people I've ever encountered.

The hate their own country. They want to go back to some mythical time when they life was better.
You're all for criminalilzing all kinds of speech, but you seem to think you have the right to spew hate at others. Insulting, denigrating and threatening others infringes on their right to their security and freedom.

It is impossible to strip others of their God given rights, so ensure others can express their hatred towards those people and then claim you have a just society.

No decent civilized society can allow others to be treated this way.
What speech have I suggested should be criminalized? Well besides perjury. I do think that should be a crime

But show me anywhere else?

Your post just stinks of projection
They want to make America great again. So they clearly don't think it's great now.

They whine about everything, have no sense of humour, and they're the most miserably unhappy people I've ever encountered.

The hate their own country. They want to go back to some mythical time when they life was better.
we have no sense of humor and we hate our country ?? you are one crazy square head ! the right doesnt burn flags or spit on troops returning from war ..the left however does ! the right stands for the pledge allegiance while the left kneels ... and there are many many more examples ! the left has taken one brief act of violence and used it to demonize all republicans with the belief that the people will forget the months of violence they fomented ! maybe theyve fooled idiots like you but they havent fooled those with a memory longer than an earthworms who possess a minutia of common sense .. the question for America is very simple ... do the idiots now outnumber the wise ? if they do then America will go the way of Can'tada and other leftist dictatorships .
should hate speech be criminalized ? it appears that some on the left believe so ..

Speech that incites violence or other illegal acts should be controlled. But I can hate lots of things while remaining civil. I hate Pedo Joe Biden. I hate the Marxist Democrat Party. I hate the idea of trannies grooming Kindergartners. I hate liver. I should have the full Constitutional right to express said hatred.

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