Should Hunter Biden Use The MAGA Playbook And Declare His Candidacy For Elective Office?

Should Hunter Biden Use The MAGA Playbook And Declare His Candidacy For Elective Office? I say yes.

The playbook being wearing criminal charges, and legal issues as a badge of honor? I believe the more MAGA attacks Hunter, the more able he'd be to raise funds and win a US Senate seat.

After all, lots of people praise Trump after every criminal indictment. Trump is able to raise lots of money because he's been criminally charged. Hunter has a bright future.
If Hunter wants to run for president against his dad, sure. Any other office might well have qualifications he does not meet. A criminal cage match Biden vs Biden liberal primary would be pretty entertaining.
I hear that his campaign slogan is going to be "no child left behind"
It'll work. His family resolved their differences. No one really cares about it all.

After all Trump said

Trump Apologizes for Words on Campaign Trail, Says 'I Will Never Lie to You'​

Trump campaigned Thursday night in North Carolina.
ByABC News
August 18, 2016,

If Hunter wants to run for president against his dad, sure. Any other office might well have qualifications he does not meet. A criminal cage match Biden vs Biden liberal primary would be pretty entertaining.
Please try and keep up.

US Senate seat
Please try and keep up.

US Senate seat
I suppose Democrats throwing all sorts of qualified and loyal supporters under the bus to save the crackhead fits right in with modern liberal thought. Go for it. Pretending this is somehow clever will only make you folks look like bigger idiots when it fails
Well, Donald Trump thought the President 'runs' the DOJ. He thought mistakenly, that the DOJ was his team, like lawyers for his family owned business.

The DOJ is headed by the U.S. attorney general, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet. But...

look it up
Well he thought correctly…Art 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution…the power of the executive vest in A President

Look it up
I believe he should. Hunter had the name recognition now. And he has lots on haters/enemies who lose all rationality when his name is mentioned. Hunter could form a cult-of-personality. He has lots of money too, but he won't have to spend it. Americans are always willing to give hard earned cash to wealthy celebrities crying foul! "I'm part fo the victim class" could be a great slogan.

and this is not satire. I'm serious.
Hunter Biden does represent Democrats. A crackhead, who loves drugs and prostitution. Probably likes the kids too.

He‘s the perfect Democrat.
Should Hunter Biden Use The MAGA Playbook And Declare His Candidacy For Elective Office? I say yes.

The playbook being wearing criminal charges, and legal issues as a badge of honor? I believe the more MAGA attacks Hunter, the more able he'd be to raise funds and win a US Senate seat.

After all, lots of people praise Trump after every criminal indictment. Trump is able to raise lots of money because he's been criminally charged. Hunter has a bright future.
absolutely. or maybe he should take another from the maga playbook and send hunter on a delicate mission to peru.

seriously. if hunter, or joe, is guilty i don't care what happens to them. but so far these guys have been yelling "BENGHAZZI" for decades and assassinating the character of anyone who is "mean" to dear leader for so long i just do not believe them.
“If we start going down these paths that really bear no fruit — we are not going to get an impeachment through the Senate,” Buck said.

“The reality is that the impeachment process is one that is going on right now. The Judiciary Committee, the Oversight Committee, the Ways and Means Committee are all investigating. They're developing really good information about Hunter Biden,” Buck added, noting that “there is not a strong connection at this point between the evidence on Hunter Biden and any evidence connecting the president.

Should Hunter Biden Use The MAGA Playbook And Declare His Candidacy For Elective Office? I say yes.

The playbook being wearing criminal charges, and legal issues as a badge of honor? I believe the more MAGA attacks Hunter, the more able he'd be to raise funds and win a US Senate seat.

After all, lots of people praise Trump after every criminal indictment. Trump is able to raise lots of money because he's been criminally charged. Hunter has a bright future.

Maybe. I know you'll vote for him.

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