Zone1 Should Husbands Share Housework With Their Wives?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think

A female idea of partnership is hubby is always wrong and the wife never is.

Oh, and no secrets except the ones the wife is allowed to keep.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
It depends on the outside workload of each. If the husband leaves the house at 7 am and returns at 7 pm after a long day at work, and the wife works three mornings a week at her kid’s elementary school and is home by 1 pm, then she should do most of the housework.

If, otoh, you both work 40 or 50 hours a week, then housework should be split.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.
What can she do? Can she take the garbage out? Does she know how to mop a floor? Do you know how to mop a floor? How about raking the leaves? Cutting the grass? Cleaning the gutters??? Cleaning the toilets? The shower scum? Grocery shopping? Storage organization; foods, pots, pans, all that . . .
I believe in the traditional division of labor that's been the cornerstone of marriage for thousands of years.
The man works outside of the home and brings in the money to support the family.
While the wife stays home and takes care of the house and the kids.
My fiancee and I have been discussing this lately and thankfully neither one of us are from the dinosaur age where we both agree that marriage should be a partnership where we share the work, but I wasn't sure what you guys think.

Yes they should.
If both partners work a similar number of hours, their work inside and outside their home should be shared equitably. I wouldn't distinguish between housework and outside work, myself.

It often works best if they have different responsibilities, but both contribute equally.

I have NO respect for men whose wives work just as many hours outside the home and then come home and expect their wife to be their surrogate Mommy.
I can happily say I haven't done a load of laundry in 33 years.
I cook and the Wife does the dishes and we're both happy with that arrangement.
These days I dont do much since the hip makes doing a lot of things impossible.

I have done my own laundry since before I met my 2nd wife. Divorce and new sweetie 10 years ago and I am still doing it.

And we split the rest. I do more cooking & kitchen stuff, she vacuums and dusts etc.

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