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Should illegal aliens be deported.

Should illegal aliens be deported?

  • Total voters
All countries control their border crossings and control their immigration.
Clearly the Democrats are using illegal aliens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens.

except you still haven't proven that.

That is why they brag about "changing demographics"
That is why they block Voter ID laws. Voter fraud is a voting rights violation.
By blocking Voter ID laws it makes it almost impossible to check for voter fraud.

Since Voter ID laws are aimed towards minorities, um, yeah, they are racist.

But here's a simple enough solution. A national ID Card, free for every citizen and legal immigrant. Guess who opposes THAT idea?

If we don't have borders then we aren't a country.
If we aren't a country then everything is in doubt.
The Democrats are not just wrong.
Democrats are bad destructive people.

Yeah, When your democrat hero locked them all up in tent camps, that was fucked up. He also did it to German Americans. Here's the thing Joe, that "they know no other country" isn't our problem. Your arguments are stupid. Token Negro called these "children" Most of whom are and were over 20 to come on down. No one gives a fuck about some wetback. Your side is losing the fight. Even where I work has found a way to broom the beeners. I know its hard for you, what with your side losing since Trumps win and all, But Joe, You will be able to get your lawn mowing job back soon. S0 be of good cheer.

Any place that would hire your illiterate ass isn't much to talk about.

Here's the thing, FDR didn't lock them up, AMERICA locked them up. No one objected at the time, they all thought the Battleship Yamato was going to show up off the West Coast and start dropping 18 inch shells on our cities.

But to keep you on point, as difficult as that is. Most Americans think we should give some slack to the Dreamers. Most think the wall is a stupid idea.

More rubbish and sophistry... the so-called 'invitation' is not lawful... the Inviters need to go to jail... the Invitees need to go home.

If it helps... the Invitation is hereby withdrawn and rescinded.

Too bad you don't have the authority to do that.

Sanctuary cities, baby. Come on down!


Ronnie Raygun took the easy way out in 1986... Shamnesty for 3,000,000, while promising that it (or anything like it) would never happen again.

He lied.

The government lied.

Time to reverse that, and eject the 11-12,000,000 now here, by fair means or foul... just so long as they get gone.

Like I said, man, most of those 11MM will get citizenship eventually, and then they'll remember who tried to fuck with them.

The GOP is digging itself into a hole it will never get out of. The ironic thing is, Hispanics are probably more conservative than white americans on social and economic issues. But you've alienated them for generations.
Yeah, When your democrat hero locked them all up in tent camps, that was fucked up. He also did it to German Americans. Here's the thing Joe, that "they know no other country" isn't our problem. Your arguments are stupid. Token Negro called these "children" Most of whom are and were over 20 to come on down. No one gives a fuck about some wetback. Your side is losing the fight. Even where I work has found a way to broom the beeners. I know its hard for you, what with your side losing since Trumps win and all, But Joe, You will be able to get your lawn mowing job back soon. S0 be of good cheer.

Any place that would hire your illiterate ass isn't much to talk about.

Here's the thing, FDR didn't lock them up, AMERICA locked them up. No one objected at the time, they all thought the Battleship Yamato was going to show up off the West Coast and start dropping 18 inch shells on our cities.

But to keep you on point, as difficult as that is. Most Americans think we should give some slack to the Dreamers. Most think the wall is a stupid idea.


Guarantee I my illiterate ass gets payed much better then you do. Proof? I dont have to lie about being a pro writer. You do.

Lie for FDR. I have watched you run away from many corrections on the topic. MR gimpy feet gave the order. He was a racist like your other hero LBJ. you dont have the chops to sell the story Jose. Not you or you 10 other accounts.

No slack. Any wet back at my Job who cant get a DL is fired. Already got rid of 15, and counting. I liked you better when you railed against Mormons raping you and stealing your lunch money.
Should illegal aliens be deported?
If a person who lacks authorization to be present in the U.S. is apprehended for something and their status as such becomes know, sure, they should be deported. I do not, however, advocate expending resources to actively find undocumented immigrants solely because they are undocumented immigrants. For instance:
  • Should it become known a given undocumented immigrant poses a safety threat to citizens, a state, a city, a building or the nation as a whole, sure hunt them down and send the packing, or hunt them down, try them in a court of law if necessary and incarcerate them, or, if relevant, summarily detain them under whatever be the applicable terrorist/national security provisions, whichever be more appropriate to the circumstances.
  • I wouldn't send ICE agents to the local Home Depot to determine which of the dudes there seeking "pick-up" work may be undocumented immigrants and commence deportation procedures for any who are.
  • If an undocumented immigrant is convicted of (admits to) a crime, misdemeanor or felony, sure, deport, or incarcerate them and at the end of their incarceration, deport them.
  • When persons are stopped for speeding, I wouldn't have cops solicit proof of the person having (or not being) authorization to be in the U.S.
  • Upon receiving a tip that a firm employs undocumented immigrants, sure, deport those determined to be illegally working for that firm, provided the individual isn't someone whose situation isn't one whereby his/her authorization has expired and the needed re-authorization is already in process and reasonably likely to be granted. (Obviously there's an equitable time window associated with the qualifying provision I've noted. I can't precisely quantify that time period, but I can describe what strikes me as equitable in such instance -- it's however long Customs and Immigration takes to process such applications + seven business days to allow for mail delivery + two calendar weeks.)

We face an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens currently residing on US soil without our express prior consent.

A nation that lacks the courage to enforce its own sovereignty and borders it destined to fall.

Those who came before us have worked and sacrificed too much to allow that to happen without challenge.

Either we beat Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary States into the dust or we spend megabucks on hunt-and-deport operations.

Either we fashion a new generation of laws designed to make Illegal Aliens want to leave on their own, or we spend megabucks on hunt-and-deport operations.

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

Time to take effective measures to repel this 11-12,000,000 -strong Invasion Force.
We face an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens currently residing on US soil without our express prior consent.
"Old news" alert: the quantity of illegal immigrants in the U.S. had, as of 2016 fallen below 11M and the quantity of illegal immigrants arriving/staying in the U.S. has been on the decline for nearly a decade. Thus we do not have 11M to 12M illegal immigrants in the U.S.

residing on US soil without our express prior consent.
"Old news" alert: a great many illegal immigrants in the U.S. did indeed receive some measure of "express prior consent" to reside for some period of time in the U.S.
Now, I don't know how many work-visa-overstays are in the population of illegal immigrants; however, the Department of Homeland Security has estimated that as of Jan. 4, 2016, about 416,500 people overstayed their visas in fiscal year 2015. That's less than 1 percent of visa holders who entered the U.S. during that period. Other organizations offer different estimates:
Consequently, regardless of which rate is accurate yet considering them and the raw count figures, I suspect that insofar as the overwhelming majority of work visa recipients are H2A workers, a fair quantity of illegal immigrants fall are indeed H2A overstayers who received "express prior consent" to reside in the U.S. during the season of their employment.



I can tell that you do.....I can tell too that you hold a strong view about a matter on which you are, for material dimensions, poorly informed....C'est la vie....

To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.
-- Lao Tzu​
None of that $hit matters in the slightest.

Our country... our rules.

It's time for them to go.
None of that $hit matters in the slightest.
Wow! Just wow!

In our reasonings concerning matter of fact, there are all imaginable degrees of assurance, from the highest certainty to the lowest species of moral evidence. A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief to the evidence.
-- David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
The Dirty Racist Democrats are saying that:
America can’t control its border crossings
America can’t control its immigration.
America can’t deport illegal alien criminals
America can’t stop non-citizens from voting in our elections

Except they aren't voting in our elections... you've had a year to prove they were and came up with nothing.

And clearly, we can't control our borders as long as rich white people keep offering them jobs Americans won't do.

You just aren't very smart, are you? Probably why you feel threatened by the undocumented, it's the only kind of job you could hold down.

The only way that illegal aliens are caught voting is when they admit they are illegal aliens. In Virginia for example, when you register to vote, there is a box you have to check that you are a citizen. There is no other verification.

I like how leftists block validating citizenship, then you claim there is no proof illegals are voting ... because you blocked it ...

Actually thousands of voters in the last election admitted they were illegal. That was the only way we knew they were illegals voting. What percent of illegals do you think admit they are illegal when they vote? A tiny fraction of them. It's certain there are millions of illegals voting

The Democratic Party is getting away with systematically violating the Voting Rights of millions of American Citizens
The issue therefore is not whether undocumented immigrants should be deported – as all are in agreement that they should; .
You've got it bass ackwards. Whether you believe that they should be deported or not is the topic of this thread.

The poll question in the OP concisely and clearly is regarding to whether or not you believe that they should be deported. Nothing else. It is a simple yes or no opinion poll.

And BTW, it is a public poll. We can all see your vote, jackass. :lol:

Your fucking idiotic claim that all are in agreement that illegal aliens should be deported is contradicted by your vote.

Wow! It takes a special kind of stupid to flunk an opinion poll.
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All countries control their border crossings and control their immigration.
Clearly the Democrats are using illegal aliens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens.

except you still haven't proven that.

That is why they brag about "changing demographics"
That is why they block Voter ID laws. Voter fraud is a voting rights violation.
By blocking Voter ID laws it makes it almost impossible to check for voter fraud.

Since Voter ID laws are aimed towards minorities, um, yeah, they are racist.

But here's a simple enough solution. A national ID Card, free for every citizen and legal immigrant. Guess who opposes THAT idea?

If we don't have borders then we aren't a country.
If we aren't a country then everything is in doubt.
The Democrats are not just wrong.
Democrats are bad destructive people.


Harvard Poll: 81 Percent of All Voters Support Reducing Immigration Levels
Harvard Poll: 81 Percent of All Voters Support Reducing Immigration Levels

And hey, thanks for admitting that the Democratic Party regards middle class people, white voters and protestant christians as its enemy ...... and it's getting worse every election.
The Democratic Party is pretty much based on hate.
End welfare and the forcible redistribution of wealth in this country and no one will care who peaceably crosses the border.
Yeah, When your democrat hero locked them all up in tent camps, that was fucked up. He also did it to German Americans. Here's the thing Joe, that "they know no other country" isn't our problem. Your arguments are stupid. Token Negro called these "children" Most of whom are and were over 20 to come on down. No one gives a fuck about some wetback. Your side is losing the fight. Even where I work has found a way to broom the beeners. I know its hard for you, what with your side losing since Trumps win and all, But Joe, You will be able to get your lawn mowing job back soon. S0 be of good cheer.

Any place that would hire your illiterate ass isn't much to talk about.

Here's the thing, FDR didn't lock them up, AMERICA locked them up. No one objected at the time, they all thought the Battleship Yamato was going to show up off the West Coast and start dropping 18 inch shells on our cities.

But to keep you on point, as difficult as that is. Most Americans think we should give some slack to the Dreamers. Most think the wall is a stupid idea.


The crazy left wing bigot Democrats should run on open borders, amnesty, tax hikes, and gun ban LOL
But they won't because they know that they can't be honest.
Yeah, When your democrat hero locked them all up in tent camps, that was fucked up. He also did it to German Americans. Here's the thing Joe, that "they know no other country" isn't our problem. Your arguments are stupid. Token Negro called these "children" Most of whom are and were over 20 to come on down. No one gives a fuck about some wetback. Your side is losing the fight. Even where I work has found a way to broom the beeners. I know its hard for you, what with your side losing since Trumps win and all, But Joe, You will be able to get your lawn mowing job back soon. S0 be of good cheer.

Any place that would hire your illiterate ass isn't much to talk about.

Here's the thing, FDR didn't lock them up, AMERICA locked them up. No one objected at the time, they all thought the Battleship Yamato was going to show up off the West Coast and start dropping 18 inch shells on our cities.

But to keep you on point, as difficult as that is. Most Americans think we should give some slack to the Dreamers. Most think the wall is a stupid idea.


The crazy left wing bigot Democrats should run on open borders, amnesty, tax hikes, and gun ban LOL
But they won't because they know that they can't be honest.

Meh. I’m encouraged by what I’m seeing. Just before spring break we had a wet back told he had to be let go because his DL expired. Over last weekend, his ass got swept up by the cops. The ruler is it was for identity theft. Hope he enjoys picking taters, cause that dude is heading to Iowa colony!
The law says illegal immigration is a crime and those caught need to be deported. I can understand and appreciate that. If one does not like the law, then it should be changed. However, when there are inhuman types in the US talking about killing those illegals or depriving them "due process", then there is a major problem.

Here's the problem. Sometimes the laws are unworkable.

The thing is, we've all known the immigration laws are unworkable since 2008, maybe longer, when they first proposed the McCain-Kennedy bill to fix the problems. But a very loud minority in the GOP keeps any change from happening.
keep it broken to always have something to whine about? the right wing has no solutions, only nothing but repeal.
I say hell yeah, they should be deported.

I posted the same poll many months ago and think it would be interesting to see if opinions have changed.
--------------------------------------- heck yeah , as well as their anchor babies as well as many legal imports . Deport all third world imports both legal and illegal as they were mostly let into the USA by corrupt American gov officials with the plan to corrupt and destroy the USA since 1965 - 66 .
Forget all the other great reasons. Just the fact that they are potential Democrat voters is enough of a reason to deport them.
I say hell yeah, they should be deported.

I posted the same poll many months ago and think it would be interesting to see if opinions have changed.
--------------------------------------- heck yeah , as well as their anchor babies as well as many legal imports . Deport all third world imports both legal and illegal as they were mostly let into the USA by corrupt American gov officials with the plan to corrupt and destroy the USA since 1965 - 66 .

You can’t deport US citizens.
Forget all the other great reasons. Just the fact that they are potential Democrat voters is enough of a reason to deport them.
---------------------------------------------------- not potential [imo]. look at that 'berber guy' thats from some sh1thole part of the world . He imported himself into the USA and now he calls and votes for 'gun control' in the USA . And you just know that he votes 'dem' as he lolls about on some beach [he says] in , probably 'kalifornia' Flash .

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