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Should Israel have been created?

Let's ask Bibi:

"During an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2011, Piers Morgan posed a serious question:

MORGAN: Do you have nuclear weapons?

NETANYAHU: Well, we have a longstanding policy that we won’t be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, and that hasn’t changed.

MORGAN: So you don’t have any?

NETANYAHU: That’s our policy. Not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

"Despite the word games, it is well known that Israel has been a nuclear weapons power for forty-five years. As several Israeli historians and journalists have revealed, Israel crossed the nuclear threshold on the eve of the Six Day War in May 1967.

"Summarized by Patrick Tyler in his book, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East—from the Cold War to the War on Terror:

“[Prime Minister Levi] Eshkol, according to a number of Israeli sources, secretly ordered the Dimona [nuclear reactor] scientists to assemble two crude nuclear devices. He placed them under the command of Brigadier General Yitzhak Yaakov, the chief of research and development in Israel’s Defense Ministry.

"'One official said the operation was referred to as Spider because the nuclear devices were inelegant contraptions with appendages sticking out. The crude atomic bombs were readied for deployment on trucks that could race to the Egyptian border for detonation in the event Arab forces overwhelmed Israeli defenses.”

Let's ask Bibi:

"During an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2011, Piers Morgan posed a serious question:

MORGAN: Do you have nuclear weapons?

NETANYAHU: Well, we have a longstanding policy that we won’t be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, and that hasn’t changed.

MORGAN: So you don’t have any?

NETANYAHU: That’s our policy. Not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

"Despite the word games, it is well known that Israel has been a nuclear weapons power for forty-five years. As several Israeli historians and journalists have revealed, Israel crossed the nuclear threshold on the eve of the Six Day War in May 1967.

"Summarized by Patrick Tyler in his book, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East—from the Cold War to the War on Terror:

“[Prime Minister Levi] Eshkol, according to a number of Israeli sources, secretly ordered the Dimona [nuclear reactor] scientists to assemble two crude nuclear devices. He placed them under the command of Brigadier General Yitzhak Yaakov, the chief of research and development in Israel’s Defense Ministry.

"'One official said the operation was referred to as Spider because the nuclear devices were inelegant contraptions with appendages sticking out. The crude atomic bombs were readied for deployment on trucks that could race to the Egyptian border for detonation in the event Arab forces overwhelmed Israeli defenses.”

How 'bout Bibi's speech tonight, GP? I knew you would like it.
The first British Military Governor of Jerusalem was completely clear on why Israel had to be created:

Ya right ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons.

King David hotel was commandeered by the British army who set up their Head Quarters in the hotel. That HQ had a full guard detail of WWII veterans, communications center and a full complement of staff officers.

October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.

June 1947. Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.

September 3, 1947. A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office
exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)

January 4, 1948. Haganah terrorists wearing British Army uniforms penetrated into the center of Jaffa and blew up the Serai (the old Turkish Government House) which was used as a headquarters of the Arab National Committee, killing more than 40 persons and wounding 98 others.

May 3, 1948. A book bomb addressed to a British Army officer, who had been stationed in Palestine exploded, killing his brother, Rex Farran.

May11, 1948. A letter bomb addressed to Sir Evelyn Barker, former Commanding Officer in Palestine, was detected in the nick of time by his wife.

The British are familiar with these folks. If you are not killing other people they are murdering their own.

November 25, 1940. S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants. [Notice they will even murder their own]

These people are really really the true “terrorists” then and NOW :)-

Iike it matters to me, I am finished soon enough :cuckoo: :)-
As we all know, after the terrible Jewish persecution in WWI the allied nations under the hospices of the UN created the state of Israel in the former British mandate of Palestine. With the benefit of hindsight, was this a good idea?

While there is little doubt the terrible plight the Jews experienced in WWII and even before that, but is that enough of a reason to cede land to them? Historically the land had been Jewish, but not for many, many years. I don't think the Jewish people have a better or worse claim on the land than the Egyptians, Turks and other Semetic tribes.

Now of course the question is moot. Isreal exists and it would not be just, nor advantageous to displace them. However, as a thought on alternative historical outcomes, what say you?
Because I have cause to believe our support of Israel was the primary motivation for the 9/11 attack I know of no good reason why the U.S. should risk the potential (terrorist) consequences of continuing to act as Israel's protector. So, with regard to the land disputes and the historical hostility that exists between Israel and its Arab adversaries, I know relatively little about it and I am frankly not interested in knowing any more.

Israel is a foreign country and its disputes with its neighbors is none of my business, nor is it any of my country's business. The U.S. has enough problems of its own to deal with. If Israel goes to war with its enemies I frankly don't care which side wins. They could wipe each other out to the last man standing and so long as it does not affect my country I am not concerned. Unfortunately the majority of American Jews infer that disposition to be anti-Semitic, which is a source of considerable annoyance to me.

I understand that Jews have been persecuted moreso than any other people and have been expelled from every country ever to host them throughout recorded history. I'm not concerned with the reason for that. What does concern me is that American Jews have nothing like that to worry about here in America. They have no such concern because they enjoy the same level of protection against religious persecution as any other category of Americans. But that is not enough for many Jews who wish to presumptively assign the same level of protection they enjoy as American citizens to the citizens of a foreign nation simply because that nation happens to be a Jewish theocracy -- and with absolutely no consideration for the existing and potential cost, in both blood and treasure, to the United States for that protection. I perceive this category of American Jews to be Jews first and Americans second, which I regard as disloyalty.

If I were Jewish, and if I were as strongly in favor of protecting Israel as so many American Jews seem to be, I would dissolve my holdings here, emigrate to Israel and join the IDF as so many other truly dedicated American Jews have done.

And if the above stated orientation means I am anti-Semitic, then that's what I am.
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Let's ask Bibi:

"During an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2011, Piers Morgan posed a serious question:

MORGAN: Do you have nuclear weapons?

NETANYAHU: Well, we have a longstanding policy that we won’t be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, and that hasn’t changed.

MORGAN: So you don’t have any?

NETANYAHU: That’s our policy. Not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

"Despite the word games, it is well known that Israel has been a nuclear weapons power for forty-five years. As several Israeli historians and journalists have revealed, Israel crossed the nuclear threshold on the eve of the Six Day War in May 1967.

"Summarized by Patrick Tyler in his book, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East—from the Cold War to the War on Terror:

“[Prime Minister Levi] Eshkol, according to a number of Israeli sources, secretly ordered the Dimona [nuclear reactor] scientists to assemble two crude nuclear devices. He placed them under the command of Brigadier General Yitzhak Yaakov, the chief of research and development in Israel’s Defense Ministry.

"'One official said the operation was referred to as Spider because the nuclear devices were inelegant contraptions with appendages sticking out. The crude atomic bombs were readied for deployment on trucks that could race to the Egyptian border for detonation in the event Arab forces overwhelmed Israeli defenses.”
Wow , that's sad... Your 'evidence' is that Netanyahu didn't say Israel possess nuclear weapons ?

All your other quotes are just opinions ,nothing concrete...
""Despite the word games, it is well known that Israel has been a nuclear weapons power for forty-five years."
If it were well known he would not have to ask , wouldn't he ?
As we all know, after the terrible Jewish persecution in WWI the allied nations under the hospices of the UN created the state of Israel in the former British mandate of Palestine. With the benefit of hindsight, was this a good idea?

While there is little doubt the terrible plight the Jews experienced in WWII and even before that, but is that enough of a reason to cede land to them? Historically the land had been Jewish, but not for many, many years. I don't think the Jewish people have a better or worse claim on the land than the Egyptians, Turks and other Semetic tribes.

Now of course the question is moot. Isreal exists and it would not be just, nor advantageous to displace them. However, as a thought on alternative historical outcomes, what say you?
Because I have cause to believe our support of Israel was the primary motivation for the 9/11 attack I know of no good reason why the U.S. should risk the potential (terrorist) consequences of continuing to act as Israel's protector. So, with regard to the land disputes and the historical hostility that exists between Israel and its Arab adversaries, I know relatively little about it and I am frankly not interested in knowing any more.

Israel is a foreign country and its disputes with its neighbors is none of my business, nor is it any of my country's business. The U.S. has enough problems of its own to deal with. If Israel goes to war with its enemies I frankly don't care which side wins. They could wipe each other out to the last man standing and so long as it does not affect my country I am not concerned. Unfortunately the majority of American Jews infer that disposition to be anti-Semitic, which is a source of considerable annoyance to me.

I understand that Jews have been persecuted moreso than any other people and have been expelled from every country ever to host them throughout recorded history. I'm not concerned with the reason for that. What does concern me is that American Jews have nothing like that to worry about here in America. They have no such concern because they enjoy the same level of protection against religious persecution as any other category of Americans. But that is not enough for many Jews who wish to presumptively assign the same level of protection they enjoy as American citizens to the citizens of a foreign nation simply because that nation happens to be a Jewish theocracy -- and with absolutely no consideration for the existing and potential cost, in both blood and treasure, to the United States for that protection. I perceive this category of American Jews to be Jews first and Americans second, which I regard as disloyalty.

If I were Jewish, and if I were as strongly in favor of protecting Israel as so many American Jews seem to be, I would dissolve my holdings here, emigrate to Israel and join the IDF as so many other truly dedicated American Jews have done.

And if the above stated orientation means I am anti-Semitic, then that's what I am.
I don't think that makes you Anti-Semitic , you raised valid issues.
Let's ask Bibi:

"During an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2011, Piers Morgan posed a serious question:

MORGAN: Do you have nuclear weapons?

NETANYAHU: Well, we have a longstanding policy that we won’t be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, and that hasn’t changed.

MORGAN: So you don’t have any?

NETANYAHU: That’s our policy. Not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

"Despite the word games, it is well known that Israel has been a nuclear weapons power for forty-five years. As several Israeli historians and journalists have revealed, Israel crossed the nuclear threshold on the eve of the Six Day War in May 1967.

"Summarized by Patrick Tyler in his book, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East—from the Cold War to the War on Terror:

“[Prime Minister Levi] Eshkol, according to a number of Israeli sources, secretly ordered the Dimona [nuclear reactor] scientists to assemble two crude nuclear devices. He placed them under the command of Brigadier General Yitzhak Yaakov, the chief of research and development in Israel’s Defense Ministry.

"'One official said the operation was referred to as Spider because the nuclear devices were inelegant contraptions with appendages sticking out. The crude atomic bombs were readied for deployment on trucks that could race to the Egyptian border for detonation in the event Arab forces overwhelmed Israeli defenses.”

How 'bout Bibi's speech tonight, GP? I knew you would like it.
My stomach isn't that strong, Hoss.
All governments lie, but those with the biggest guns lie best.
the real question is------SHOULD ARABS HAVE BEEN INVENTED or let out
of their desert homeland ------and the fine company of their illiterate,
unwashed bretheren?
As we all know, after the terrible Jewish persecution in WWI the allied nations under the hospices of the UN created the state of Israel in the former British mandate of Palestine. With the benefit of hindsight, was this a good idea?

While there is little doubt the terrible plight the Jews experienced in WWII and even before that, but is that enough of a reason to cede land to them? Historically the land had been Jewish, but not for many, many years. I don't think the Jewish people have a better or worse claim on the land than the Egyptians, Turks and other Semetic tribes.

Now of course the question is moot. Isreal exists and it would not be just, nor advantageous to displace them. However, as a thought on alternative historical outcomes, what say you?

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All Arab lands are stolen lands conquered by force against the non Muslim indigenous populations. Fact: There were no Muslims at all until after the 7th century AD. And all of today's Muslim lands were previously already occupied by others who were forced to convert, leave or be killed.
Uuhhh, guys?

Any special reason why we're bumbing a thread from 2004?
It would have been much safer for everyone if the refugees had gone to America, where they were welcome. And, no, the 'Moslems' would not be chasing them here.
Right or wrong, like it or not, for better or for worse, the bottom line is that any land anywhere belongs to whoever rules it at any given period in time. As long as Americans rule the USA, the land is ours. And as long as Israel rules Israel, the land is Israels.

All Arab lands are stolen lands conquered by force against the non Muslim indigenous populations. Fact: There were no Muslims at all until after the 7th century AD. And all of today's Muslim lands were previously already occupied by others who were forced to convert, leave or be killed.

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