Should Lawyers Govern?


Sep 23, 2010
The New World Order crowd is worse than the World War One crowd. The New World Order Crowd is worse because it has the United Nations.


The Balfour Declaration was subsequently written into international law after being incorporated into the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine on 24 July 1922.​

United Nations rewrites Balfour Declaration parliamentary debate records
By David Singer
April 24, 2017

United Nations rewrites Balfour Declaration parliamentary debate records

For all of their high-sounding promises of a better world under global government both New World Orders spread death and destruction with the same big ticket items:

1. International law:

"International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy." Robert Bork

2. Democracy:

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

Making the World "Safe for Democracy": Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

Just to be clear on this. It matters not what happens to Israel, or how many Muslims have to be killed until Islam’s true believers learn not to kill Americans. Right now Muslims are trying to kill me. If Israelis help kill my enemies as a matter of mutual self-defence I am all in for Israel.

My only concern is that this country not be destroyed by International law and/or democracy.

One final observation. The political objective behind the push for a one government world was formulated well over a hundred years ago. It can be summed up in 3 words: “Lawyers should govern.”

Take a close look at what lawyers and judges are doing to this country before you put faith in the filthy parasite judges in The Hague who will administer International Law.
Barack Obama proves why lawyers should not govern. Once again the constitutional scholar, community-organizer, crawled out of his sewer to give the rest of a us a civics booster shot.


Ain’t it a bitch when individuals reinforce their own realities rather than live by the realities defined by a filthy parasite maggot:

Former President Barack Obama on Monday partly blamed the nation's splintered politics on a media structure that lets people only listen to or read media outlets they agree with, which prevents them from hearing the other side.

"Because of changes in the media, we now have a situation in which everybody is listening to people who already agree with them, and are further and further reinforcing their own realities to the neglect of the common reality that allows us to have a healthy debate, and then try to find common ground and actually move solutions forward," Obama said in his first set of remarks since he left the White House in January.​

Obama slams media that lets people reinforce 'their own realities'
by Pete Kasperowicz | Apr 24, 2017, 12:22 PM

Obama slams media that lets people reinforce 'their own realities'

Obama is still pissed off because Ronald Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) twenty years before the Chicago sewer rat lied his way into the White House:

Finally, imagine what would happen to freedom of speech if:

1. The Fairness Doctrine was still being enforced.

2. No Social Media —— the only place where freedom of speech FOR EVERYONE hangs on.


Media liberals always enforce their own UNFAIRNESS DOCTRINE by practicing OMISSION, outright doublespeak, and misdirection. They simply did not publish or broadcast anything that exposed the fraud that liberalism is.

Liberals have an attitude that says: I am not going to make your case for you. Their behavior is fair game in a debate, but they do not debate. Look closely and you will see that liberals are determined to find ways to make you listen to their garbage when they cannot shut you up. The crime is that they always got away with it by using tax deductible advertising dollars.​

Media Got Your Tongue?

The Chicago sewer rat always hated the U.S. Constitution. The slimy little bastard thought he was going to blow individual liberties away with “Positive Rights”. Obama never had an original thought in his entire life —— that is why I am betting that he got this crap from the Communists who mentored him in the gutter.

NOTE: Democrat party Socialists focused on Circulation of the Wealth through the income tax rather than Communism’s violent Equal Distribution of the Wealth. The result of Socialism’s incrementalism is pushing America’s freedoms to the same totalitarian form of government.

Most of all the sewer rat hated the First Amendment because it DID NOT guarantee liars the Right to be heard. I assume his gutter mentors also taught him how to twist free speech into government-controlled speech à la politically correct speech.

Obama should be pleased. FOX did join all of the other hardcore big government networks. Question: So what is he complaining about? Answer: The Party of Liars is heading back to the gutter from whence they came as the number of Americans who believe anything liars say on television has already been reduced to a ever-shrinking small minority.

p.s. Poor Typhoid Nancy. She has to choose between two lying lawyers:

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lol at the Fox heirs falling over themselves to suck up to the left wing sociopaths right when media credibility is already damaged beyond repair and they're jumping on a sinking ship. Morons who didn't learn an ounce about critical thinking in all that expensive education.
I know a couple of lawyers that I wouldn't trust to mow my lawn. Not every doctor graduates at the top of his/her class and not every lawyer is fit to practice law even though they squeek by the bar exam. The problem for politics is that too many lawyers who couldn't make a living in the private sector enter the political arena. Maybe that's why we elected President Trump.
I know a couple of lawyers that I wouldn't trust to mow my lawn.
To whitehall: How does lawyer Obama grab you? Media TWICE elected the filthy lying piece of garbage. For as long as he lives media will treat him with the same respect given to former presidents who were loyal to the country.

Two Democrats in Indiana have been found guilty of submitting unauthorized names on the petition that placed then-Sen. Barack Obama on the 2008 presidential election primary ballot, meaning he likely did not qualify.


The report found vote fraud occurred in the 2012 presidential election and cumulatively was likely enough to decide the outcome.

“In reality, although no single instance or aspect of vote fraud was likely enough to tip the election for Obama, the aggregate of their [Democrats] corrupt activities – including illegal campaign donations, taking advantage of states without voter ID requirements, military ballots delivered too late … may well have been,” the analysis said.​

This day in WND history: Jury finds fraud put Obama on '08 ballot
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 04/25/2017 @ 9:04 pm

This day in WND history: Jury finds fraud put Obama on ’08 ballot
the sewer rat hated the First Amendment because it DID NOT guarantee liars the Right to be heard.
There is no Right to be read either:

A free speech group has sent a letter to President Donald Trump, demanding the tweeter-in-chief unblock dissenting Twitter users because, according to them, the practice violates the First Amendment.

The @realDonaldTrump Twitter account has blocked a handful of users that have replied to the president’s 140-character posts with comments that criticized, mocked, or disagreed with his actions and rhetoric, according to a letter sent to the White House by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University in New York.​

Free speech group says Trump is violating the First Amendment with his Twitter account
Tré Goins-Phillips 1 min

Free speech group says Trump is violating the First Amendment with his Twitter account

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