Should liberal country clubs like Beverly Hills Country Club refuse poor people?

While you bang away with your shit covered fingers on your computer.

My sense is you, more than any of us, rely more on the amenities that this evil corporate world provides for you than most of us.

If not, then stop using the computer produced by an evil corporation, take your clothes off that you wear that was also produced by an evil corporation, give your car away that was also produced an evil corporation, give your house to a native American, so that you can pat yourself on your back, and go live like a hermit in the woods.

While all of us know that you could not live 48 hours with out all of those amenities, why don't you spend the day looking at a bloviated ass in the mirror.

I camp for days at a time in places you would shit your pants just to find yourself, go into an alligator infested swamp and listen to that kind of silence for a few days and the modern world begins to seem like the more perilous place to be.

And why do you come back to the evil corporate world and bang away on your shit stained fingers on your computer produced by evil corporations, after you enjoy so much time with the alligators in the swamp?

You have no clue who I am, and what I have experienced in the outdoors. I am pretty certain I could live out there pretty well. Better than most hypocritical liberals. That is for sure.

My life is a simple one, by design, I do not have a TV, I do not really know who celebrities are, I make a lot of my own stuff, buy the rest second-hand and live off the grid as much as possible. It takes a fair amount of courage and self determination to live that way but I am debt-free, I live in a natural paradise where rich people pay big bucks to simply visit and my commute to work is breathtaking. Do not lump me in with your stereotypes because I am not like that in any way, I hate society as it is, there is practically noting there worth fighting over.
I camp for days at a time in places you would shit your pants just to find yourself, go into an alligator infested swamp and listen to that kind of silence for a few days and the modern world begins to seem like the more perilous place to be.

And why do you come back to the evil corporate world and bang away on your shit stained fingers on your computer produced by evil corporations, after you enjoy so much time with the alligators in the swamp?

You have no clue who I am, and what I have experienced in the outdoors. I am pretty certain I could live out there pretty well. Better than most hypocritical liberals. That is for sure.

My life is a simple one, by design, I do not have a TV, I do not really know who celebrities are, I make a lot of my own stuff, buy the rest second-hand and live off the grid as much as possible. It takes a fair amount of courage and self determination to live that way but I am debt-free, I live in a natural paradise where rich people pay big bucks to simply visit and my commute to work is breathtaking. Do not lump me in with your stereotypes because I am not like that in any way, I hate society as it is, there is practically noting there worth fighting over.

Is your arm tired from patting yourself on your back?

I do agree with how the society is. Not much we can do about it. The monetary system is not going anywhere. There is no such thing as a utopia. Beware of those that sell the notion of utopia to society. It is nothing short of the manipulation of the masses. Manipulating the masses to give over their liberty to a principality.

The main problem with the notion of liberty is the other side of the sword tends to make individuals more accountable. Responsibility and accountability. Rather than this notion of "rights and privileges."

Life, at every level is simply unfair. That is what ought to be taught on a mass scale. Rather than constantly making individuals (groups) into victims. It is imperative for entities to push the victim card, so that those masses always stay defeated. Many people will not see it, for rather obvious reasons.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” - Booker T Washington. 1911.

How does that statement apply today?
Absolutely not. If they can pay the dues without government assistance then they should be allowed to join.
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.

Naive to the point of mental retardation.
Never seen it. It's supposed to be good I hear.

It's more than good, it will transform your perspective on the lie of consumerism and the empty decadence of western society.
Ah, I think Marx covered that for me pretty well but I'll keep in mind. Unlike most, I actually read him, which can be a pain but the world never looks the same again.

I'll bet. Karl Marx was a lunatic who described his own work as swine..his use of four letter words I won't repeat here. He was a loathsome man whose own children commited suicide ( mental illness can be heritary ) along with their spouses ( at least 2 ) he didn't attend his own wifes funeral ( or his mothers ) complained his uncle wasn't dying fast enough in a letter to Engels in which he said he wished he'd hurry up and die as he was in need of the money - he lived off of the generosity of Engels. His son and wife both wrote letters referring to his involvment with satanism. His gravesite is frequented by satanist / occultists who believe they can tap into the evil energy he generated during his time on earth. If Marx is youre role model that would explain everything. ( almost everything )
Isn't that racist?

Should all private country clubs be illegal, since they indeed refuse service to certain people?

Why do liberals, who supposedly care so much about the poor and down trodden, even belong to private clubs at all?

Remember when that feminist bitch Martha Burk protested that women should be allowed in at Augusta?


Ever notice when the media got all behind this hypocritical bitch that they never called her on her hypocrisy? Well, was she really fighting for ALL WOMEN, or just RICH WOMEN? It seems she did not have a problem with the fact that these clubs would not allow you in if you are not rich enough.

So, all of those little ***** holding their stupid signs did not even know they would never have a chance at being a member there.

When the Hollywood scumbags attend their self love awards ceremonies, can a poor person even get within 100 yards of their parties without getting their nuts squashed by a never ending line of armed guards or armed body guards?

So, a private business cannot have the freedom to serve who they want? If it was really a major problem, wouldn't the FREE MARKET work it out by itself? I mean, would they not risk revenues if it was a real problem if people simply did not shop there?

There is no end to liberals and their bullshit. They never acknowledge their hypocrisy.

It's not discrimination to require fees of a certain amount which might then exclude those unable to afford it any more than an expensive club or restaurant does.
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.

Naive to the point of mental retardation.

The saddest day for an occupier is when they learn they were occupying for the 10%ers when they thought they were occupying for the other 90%.

Oh the irony of that one. The communists were really hoping the Occupy movement would be the perfect front organization - but it fell flat and didn't go anywhere.
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It's more than good, it will transform your perspective on the lie of consumerism and the empty decadence of western society.
Ah, I think Marx covered that for me pretty well but I'll keep in mind. Unlike most, I actually read him, which can be a pain but the world never looks the same again.

I'll bet. Karl Marx was a lunatic who described his own work as swine..his use of four letter words I won't repeat here. He was a loathsome man whose own children commited suicide ( mental illness can be heritary ) along with their spouses ( at least 2 ) he didn't attend his own wifes funeral ( or his mothers ) complained his uncle wasn't dying fast enough in a letter to Engels in which he said he wished he'd hurry up and die as he was in need of the money - he lived off of the generosity of Engels. His son and wife both wrote letters referring to his involvment with satanism. His gravesite is frequented by satanist / occultists who believe they can tap into the evil energy he generated during his time on earth. If Marx is youre role model that would explain everything. ( almost everything )
Your response was so good I had to print it, on my HP ToiletPaper Pro1000.
occupied is hilarious!

typing full-bore left-wing stupidity; on a computer plugged into electricty almost certainly powered by coal-fired electricity plants. no doubt living in a space filled with corporate logos as most of us do.

better she should wander off to the forest; go live like Ted Kaznski ( the Unabomber). at least then she wont look like a silly hypocrite
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.

Naive to the point of mental retardation.

The saddest day for an occupier is when they learn they were occupying for the 10%ers when they thought they were occupying for the other 90%.

Oh the irony of that one. The communists were really hoping the Occupy movement would be the perfect front organization - but it fell flat and didn't go anywhere.

What liberals chase.

Should liberal country clubs like Beverly Hills Country Club refuse poor people?

Derivative false analogy.

Let's move on.
Suggestion to Paintthehouse,

If that is all you've got perhaps you should look for a job? Unless there's an Engels in your life......
i hear North Korea is nice this time of year (well very cold but nice)

no mean ol greedy corporations; and the most "fair" income equality ratio on the planet; everybody is equally poor

it's a liberal paradise

planes leave hourly
I camp for days at a time in places you would shit your pants just to find yourself, go into an alligator infested swamp and listen to that kind of silence for a few days and the modern world begins to seem like the more perilous place to be.

And why do you come back to the evil corporate world and bang away on your shit stained fingers on your computer produced by evil corporations, after you enjoy so much time with the alligators in the swamp?

You have no clue who I am, and what I have experienced in the outdoors. I am pretty certain I could live out there pretty well. Better than most hypocritical liberals. That is for sure.

My life is a simple one, by design, I do not have a TV, I do not really know who celebrities are, I make a lot of my own stuff, buy the rest second-hand and live off the grid as much as possible. It takes a fair amount of courage and self determination to live that way but I am debt-free, I live in a natural paradise where rich people pay big bucks to simply visit and my commute to work is breathtaking. Do not lump me in with your stereotypes because I am not like that in any way, I hate society as it is, there is practically noting there worth fighting over.


well there must be a reason you jump on a computer to rant about society "as it is"; something you arent getting from your life in paradise. you're here with the rest of the angry malcontents; and i'll include myself


a truly happy pwerson would just avoid all of this; the debate, which never ends..........all of it
If that is all you've got perhaps you should look for a job? Unless there's an Engels in your life......

Left wingers have been and will always be on the wrong side of every issue. They have been through out history.

They freaking idolize Che and Hugo Chavez. They espouse socialism and they still cannot see that Hitler espoused the same thing. They desire communism and they refuse to even acknowledge the mass atrocities committed by communist rule.

They then take things that Republicans have done (like freeing the slaves and actually do things for the environment) and take it as their ideas all along.

You have to really stand in awe in how their creepy toad minds bend and squirm.
Yeah, I have a friend (Jewish) whose grandparents belong to a Jewish country club in Florida. It is very elite, and they are about 90% democrats. Virtually all of them vote democrat.

I brought a friend (black friend) to play golf. My Jewish friend had made arrangements and the 3 of us got there.

We were questioned by at least 10 different members on how we got to play and who gave permission. Now, I had played there many times with my Jewish friend there before, and we were never questioned before.

You had to see it. It was so obvious it was because there was a black guy there. The interesting thing too is the black friend was a physician. That came as more of a shock to them.......

My Jewish friend was absolutely mortified by the treatment. I was just chuckling at the blatant hypocrisy.

But here is the real question. Did your friend quit the country club? And if he didn't, did you quit your friend? You know, for being the member of a club that discriminates.

Or is racial equality just for other people to practice? YOU wouldn't want to be thought of as a hypocrite now would you?

It is an all Jewish Country Club. His grandparents belong to it. And his grandparents kept him from quitting the club? LMAO Sure dude. Did you quit your friend?

Everyone is prejudice, none more so than liberals. Completely and totally intolerant. Especially ones like you, who actually believe you have no prejudices. Who you talking to? I am extremely prejudiced. Especially towards people like you. I just don't have a problem with gays or blacks.

Just that your prejudices are so accepted by society, that you cannot see it. Now, go get yor pats on your back from your pathetic liberal brainwashed sheeple and keep on thinking how great you are.
Pats on the back? WTF you talking about?
But here is the real question. Did your friend quit the country club? And if he didn't, did you quit your friend? You know, for being the member of a club that discriminates.

Or is racial equality just for other people to practice? YOU wouldn't want to be thought of as a hypocrite now would you?

It is an all Jewish Country Club. His grandparents belong to it. And his grandparents kept him from quitting the club? LMAO Sure dude. Did you quit your friend?

Everyone is prejudice, none more so than liberals. Completely and totally intolerant. Especially ones like you, who actually believe you have no prejudices. Who you talking to? I am extremely prejudiced. Especially towards people like you. I just don't have a problem with gays or blacks.

Just that your prejudices are so accepted by society, that you cannot see it. Now, go get yor pats on your back from your pathetic liberal brainwashed sheeple and keep on thinking how great you are.
Pats on the back? WTF you talking about?

Here is a question.

Have you ever made a post that makes any sense whatsoever?

Now, go get your pats on your back from your little liberal friends who are as brainwashed and as delusional as you.
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

You sound just like the lowest denomination of thug. At bottom, every liberal is nothing but a thug who uses government to accomplish his thievery and assaults.
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

You sound just like the lowest denomination of thug. At bottom, every liberal is nothing but a thug who uses government to accomplish his thievery and assaults.
And you sound like an idiot but I'm sure you have plenty of like-minded supporters here.

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