Should liberal country clubs like Beverly Hills Country Club refuse poor people?

Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

The nice thing about access codes is they can be changed in an instant. Private clubs by their very nature are not open to the public and not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are even getting more private with residents voting on who to admit as a fellow resident.
Our society is full of walls, cops and security perimeters that protect the elite from the rabble, not going to find a lot of liberals who will defend them, that's more of a conservative thing.
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

The nice thing about access codes is they can be changed in an instant. Private clubs by their very nature are not open to the public and not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are even getting more private with residents voting on who to admit as a fellow resident.
Funny thing about walls, sometimes it's hard to decide is it keeping something out, or is it keeping something in? Either way, you know where to look.
I camp for days at a time in places you would shit your pants just to find yourself, go into an alligator infested swamp and listen to that kind of silence for a few days and the modern world begins to seem like the more perilous place to be.

And why do you come back to the evil corporate world and bang away on your shit stained fingers on your computer produced by evil corporations, after you enjoy so much time with the alligators in the swamp?

You have no clue who I am, and what I have experienced in the outdoors. I am pretty certain I could live out there pretty well. Better than most hypocritical liberals. That is for sure.

My life is a simple one, by design, I do not have a TV, I do not really know who celebrities are, I make a lot of my own stuff, buy the rest second-hand and live off the grid as much as possible. It takes a fair amount of courage and self determination to live that way but I am debt-free, I live in a natural paradise where rich people pay big bucks to simply visit and my commute to work is breathtaking. Do not lump me in with your stereotypes because I am not like that in any way, I hate society as it is, there is practically noting there worth fighting over.

Yeah, you have a "simple life," with a computer and an internet connection.

Who are you trying to kid?
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

The nice thing about access codes is they can be changed in an instant. Private clubs by their very nature are not open to the public and not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are even getting more private with residents voting on who to admit as a fellow resident.
Funny thing about walls, sometimes it's hard to decide is it keeping something out, or is it keeping something in? Either way, you know where to look.

They're keeping riff-raff like you out. I know it sucks to realize that.
Building the walls is like posting a big sign that says if you want good stuff and guns, come on in. When you wall yourselves off it makes it easier to keep an eye on you, and you are free to do so actually. And if you think you have protected yourself well behind the wall, that big black guy at the gate with the gun has friends and cousins, just like the little brown fellows who keep the lawns nice and neat who have lots of cousins. When the world starts to crash, they have the access codes. Sleep tight, for now.

You sound just like the lowest denomination of thug. At bottom, every liberal is nothing but a thug who uses government to accomplish his thievery and assaults.
And you sound like an idiot but I'm sure you have plenty of like-minded supporters here.

That's the kind of intelligent response we've come to expect from someone who has been a member of this forum for so many years.
You sound just like the lowest denomination of thug. At bottom, every liberal is nothing but a thug who uses government to accomplish his thievery and assaults.
And you sound like an idiot but I'm sure you have plenty of like-minded supporters here.

That's the kind of intelligent response we've come to expect from someone who has been a member of this forum for so many years.
I just joined, but I've seen it all before.
The nice thing about access codes is they can be changed in an instant. Private clubs by their very nature are not open to the public and not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are not subject to public accommodation laws. Private communities are even getting more private with residents voting on who to admit as a fellow resident.
Funny thing about walls, sometimes it's hard to decide is it keeping something out, or is it keeping something in? Either way, you know where to look.

They're keeping riff-raff like you out. I know it sucks to realize that.
Keep me out? Who do you think keeps their systems online, Jesus?
The KKK is a private club. Should they be allowed to refuse blacks? This thread makes just as much sense. I guess right wingers don't understand what the word "private" means.

Now if they are doing business there and are using the place as a way to keep "others" out, then it's a different story.
The KKK is a private club. Should they be allowed to refuse blacks? This thread makes just as much sense. I guess right wingers don't understand what the word "private" means.

Now if they are doing business there and are using the place as a way to keep "others" out, then it's a different story.

Oh, so you supported Augusta National's right to be all men, or were you on the side of the feminists (liberals) who were saying it was wrong for Augusta National to not allow rich women to be members at their private club?

Beware and behold the liberal double talk when they answer that.
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The KKK is a private club. Should they be allowed to refuse blacks? This thread makes just as much sense. I guess right wingers don't understand what the word "private" means.

Now if they are doing business there and are using the place as a way to keep "others" out, then it's a different story.

Oh, so you supported Augusta National's right to be all men, or were you on the side of the feminists (liberals) who were saying it was wrong for Augusta National to not allow rich women to be members at their private club?

Beware and behold the liberal double talk when they answer that.

Golf is a white elitist pastime, not really a sport.

Hit a ball. Go find it. Hit it again. Not a sport because the ball can't hit back.
The book was better.

Out of curiosity, if country clubs are so "liberal" then why would they deny access to anyone? It's like when Conservative Republicans try to say that Democrats are racist because they formed the KKK. Yeah, Democrats today are so racist that they voted in record numbers to elect a black man as part of an insidious plan to get all the black people to vote themselves into poverty. It's frightening to think that there are people dumb enough to believe this shit, but since 25% of Americans don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
Isn't that racist?

Should all private country clubs be illegal, since they indeed refuse service to certain people?

Why do liberals, who supposedly care so much about the poor and down trodden, even belong to private clubs at all?

Remember when that feminist bitch Martha Burk protested that women should be allowed in at Augusta?

Ever notice when the media got all behind this hypocritical bitch that they never called her on her hypocrisy? Well, was she really fighting for ALL WOMEN, or just RICH WOMEN? It seems she did not have a problem with the fact that these clubs would not allow you in if you are not rich enough.

So, all of those little ***** holding their stupid signs did not even know they would never have a chance at being a member there.

When the Hollywood scumbags attend their self love awards ceremonies, can a poor person even get within 100 yards of their parties without getting their nuts squashed by a never ending line of armed guards or armed body guards?

So, a private business cannot have the freedom to serve who they want? If it was really a major problem, wouldn't the FREE MARKET work it out by itself? I mean, would they not risk revenues if it was a real problem if people simply did not shop there?

There is no end to liberals and their bullshit. They never acknowledge their hypocrisy.

Several years ago, I worked with a nurse who had gotten herself into a financial bind and was barely scraping by. Even though she had a decent job all her money was spoken for and she was, for all practical purposes, poor. There was a little soiree I was going to one night. I could invite someone and thought it would lift her spirits to get out, have a few drinks, and have some fun. Well, the event was a VERY expensive event catered with the best food, wine, and entertainment. She seemed to have a good time, but then when we got back to work she was very angry. She let me have it for going and for there even being such events because, 'look at how many poor people could have been helped with that money.' Never mind that poor people are pretty much like her, making bad decisions and putting their money up their noses. Yes, she was a recovering addict.

There ARE classes in this country, and they don't mix well. I learned that the hard way. After that event she was always huffy and minimally cooperative with me.
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The KKK is a private club. Should they be allowed to refuse blacks? This thread makes just as much sense. I guess right wingers don't understand what the word "private" means.

Now if they are doing business there and are using the place as a way to keep "others" out, then it's a different story.

The KKK isn't legally chartered as a business entity is it?
The book was better.

Out of curiosity, if country clubs are so "liberal" then why would they deny access to anyone? It's like when Conservative Republicans try to say that Democrats are racist because they formed the KKK. Yeah, Democrats today are so racist that they voted in record numbers to elect a black man as part of an insidious plan to get all the black people to vote themselves into poverty. It's frightening to think that there are people dumb enough to believe this shit, but since 25% of Americans don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.

Yet, this so called black president (funny how liberal stations always put WHITE in front of Hispanic when they describe Zimmerman but not for Obama, yet Obama is as white as Zimmerman) has increased those blacks that he cares o much for on food stamps.

Obama and the democrats sure love their black president. They sure demonstrate real intelligence.

Maybe you did not notice that. We all certainly know you brainwashed assholes that claim to care so much about the poor, could not possibly care less.

Democrats (pathetic left wing knobs like you) are the most intolerant bunch of dickbags. You have no idea how you are used as pawns in order to make sure those so called victims, remain victims. So long as they remain victims, the more the democratic political machine can gain power by giving free little gifts, and blaming their favorite boogie men. The right wingers and specifically the white right wingers.

Look at how you bloivited, pathetic hypocritical liars claim the Tea Party is the same thing as the KKK. Look you could not even resist from putting KKK in your pathetic cliche ridden post.

In the mean time, tinsel town limousine liberals are the biggest fucking jokes in the country. Just love those parties, and the acceptance from each other. It is beyond clear that is the real concern, and the best you get those two things is hating on republicans enough and being a good enough socialist.
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The book was better.

Out of curiosity, if country clubs are so "liberal" then why would they deny access to anyone? It's like when Conservative Republicans try to say that Democrats are racist because they formed the KKK. Yeah, Democrats today are so racist that they voted in record numbers to elect a black man as part of an insidious plan to get all the black people to vote themselves into poverty. It's frightening to think that there are people dumb enough to believe this shit, but since 25% of Americans don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.

Yet, this so called black president (funny how liberal stations always put WHITE in front of Hispanic when they describe Zimmerman but not for Obama, yet Obama is as white as Zimmerman) has increased those blacks that he cares o much for on food stamps.

Obama and the democrats sure love their black president. They sure demonstrate real intelligence.

Maybe you did not notice that. We all certainly know you brainwashed assholes that claim to care so much about the poor, could not possibly care less.

Democrats (pathetic left wing knobs like you) are the most intolerant bunch of dickbags. You have no idea how you are used as pawns in order to make sure those so called victims, remain victims. So long as they remain victims, the more the democratic political machine can gain power by giving free little gifts, and blaming their favorite boogie men. The right wingers and specifically the white right wingers.

Look at how you bloivited, pathetic hypocritical liars claim the Tea Party is the same thing as the KKK. Look you could not even resist from putting KKK in your pathetic cliche ridden post.

In the mean time, tinsel town limousine liberals are the biggest fucking jokes in the country. Just love those parties, and the acceptance from each other. It is beyond clear that is the real concern, and the best you get those two things is hating on republicans enough and being a good enough socialist.

The duck came down with the magic word there! If rdoofus and luddly nutcase cared about the poor they would be out working with them trying to make a difference. Instead they while away their time entertaining themselves on a message board! Hypocrites! All of them. My guess is they are both mentally deranged and spend their time at the drop in center for the mentally ill where computers are provided for their entertainment.
I'm with the OP! Down with Country Clubs!

Oh, you misunderstand my obvious rhetorical questions.

I try to keep my hypocrisy at a minimum, unlike left wing hacks.

Do I have a problem with people flashing their money and throwing it in the face of the poor? Yeah, I do. I do not. It creates jealousy, it causes kinds of strife, and quite frankly it is a type of oppression.

You ever find it pathetic how so many in the "hip hop" community use to say FIGHT THE POWER, or FIGHT THE MAN, move to Malibu, buy Bentlies, and chant bling bling in the faces of the same people they claim to love so much?


Never mind. Carry on in your hypocrisy and get your approval from your fellow pawns.
Funny thing about walls, sometimes it's hard to decide is it keeping something out, or is it keeping something in? Either way, you know where to look.

They're keeping riff-raff like you out. I know it sucks to realize that.
Keep me out? Who do you think keeps their systems online, Jesus?

Being en employing is not the same thing as being a resident. They also let in illegal aliens to mow their lawns.

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