Should masks be mandatory in the Government schools?

When you see this ….
In Israel, 60% of hospitalized patients are now vaccinated.
Yeah but hospitalizations are way, way down in Israel because of the vaccine. The same holds true for Iceland which also high % of vaccinated citizens.

And masks do work. Why do you think surgeons wear them? A cloth or paper mask may not filter the air for the wearer due to gaps around the nose/cheeks, but they protect others from the mask wearer's aerosols.

The only masks that DO protect the wearer is a respirator type of mask that has a tight fit around the cheek/nose area.
My suburban school board voted to make masks voluntary. Seven parents got a Federal District Court judge to kill that, making masks mandatory.

What a country.
My suburban school board voted to make masks voluntary. Seven parents got a Federal District Court judge to kill that, making masks mandatory.

What a country.
Madison warned us about this.
Yeah but hospitalizations are way, way down in Israel because of the vaccine. The same holds true for Iceland which also high % of vaccinated citizens.

And masks do work. Why do you think surgeons wear them? A cloth or paper mask may not filter the air for the wearer due to gaps around the nose/cheeks, but they protect others from the mask wearer's aerosols.

The only masks that DO protect the wearer is a respirator type of mask that has a tight fit around the cheek/nose area.

Masks do not protect against aerosols. Honestly after all this time I'm amazed there is still so much misinformation around masks.

Surgical masks are paper. I repeat: paper. You can literally blow air through them. They ONLY block actual gunk from coming out your mouth and nose. They are used in surgery to block gunk from coming out the surgeon's orifices and into open cavities.

That's it.

Not aerosols. Ever. Not ever, not ever.

It might make you "feel safe" but that's it.
My suburban school board voted to make masks voluntary. Seven parents got a Federal District Court judge to kill that, making masks mandatory.

What a country.

Appalling. Almost breathtaking.

Every day at some point I say to myself, "I can't believe this is my country".

I won't go into details but I would definitely be a subversive in this situation.
Masks do not protect against aerosols. Honestly after all this time I'm amazed there is still so much misinformation around masks.

Surgical masks are paper. I repeat: paper. You can literally blow air through them. They ONLY block actual gunk from coming out your mouth and nose. They are used in surgery to block gunk from coming out the surgeon's orifices and into open cavities.

That's it.

Not aerosols. Ever. Not ever, not ever.

It might make you "feel safe" but that's it.
The masks were worn to stop bacteria --- organisms a thousand times bigger than viruses. Masks can't stop viruses, they are too tiny and go right through.

How do I know masks don't work? Because I look at the graphs of cases and hospitalizations: the curve is going up steeper and higher even than last January. If masks worked, they would work --- so many people so quickly wouldn't be catching Covid. The CDC said earlier in July that this Delta variant has an R-naught of 8: R8, eight people catch it from each infectious person. Who can escape catching it, now that the vaccine has failed?

My last hope is that they aren't lying about vaccinated people being less sick with Delta, less often hospitalized and dying. They've lied about so much else -- the masks, the vaccine, the lockdowns, everything -- that I'm afraid even that will turn out to be "non-operational."
The masks were worn to stop bacteria --- organisms a thousand times bigger than viruses. Masks can't stop viruses, they are too tiny and go right through.

How do I know masks don't work? Because I look at the graphs of cases and hospitalizations: the curve is going up steeper and higher even than last January. If masks worked, they would work --- so many people so quickly wouldn't be catching Covid. The CDC said earlier in July that this Delta variant has an R-naught of 8: R8, eight people catch it from each infectious person. Who can escape catching it, now that the vaccine has failed?

My last hope is that they aren't lying about vaccinated people being less sick with Delta, less often hospitalized and dying. They've lied about so much else -- the masks, the vaccine, the lockdowns, everything -- that I'm afraid even that will turn out to be "non-operational."

I have been a strong voice in opposition to the vaccines here ONLY because I don't like them being forced on people. At the same time, I acknowledge that for SOME, they are still a very good bet.

That said, they are no where near to living up to their promise. They do not prevent transmission. Boosters are necessary some 8 months after second shot. And now they are not even preventing serious disease in those who need them most.

What a time we are living in
I have been a strong voice in opposition to the vaccines here ONLY because I don't like them being forced on people. At the same time, I acknowledge that for SOME, they are still a very good bet.

That said, they are no where near to living up to their promise. They do not prevent transmission. Boosters are necessary some 8 months after second shot. And now they are not even preventing serious disease in those who need them most.

What a time we are living in
Right, the virus won and we lost. The appalling thing to me is that governments at all levels keep trying to shift the blame onto humans, enforcing more and more draconian controls, none of which work. I suppose the strategy is to get people to blame each other so they won't blame the politicians. Why people have to scapegoat at all for an epidemic disease, I don't know. It's not people causing it, it's the virus.

But there is no doubt politicians lose their jobs from epidemics: Trump did, Newsom may, Merkel is out and probably her party, I don't know how Macron is holding on at all. People will blame other people, even when the blame makes no sense.

People do make the situation worse and worse, however. The terrible, disgusting masking, the lockdowns and forced health intrusions, all the interference with business and normal human interaction. And none of it did any good, only harm. The epidemic is surging, irregardless of all these miseries inflicted by people in charge. I suppose people want to DO something so they feel they have some control, even if they don't. So they make everything much worse, and it never does any good against the disease. At least they haven't started burning yet ---- they burned people during the Black Death (Jews), whole city areas during cholera outbreaks in India (the British did that) and Naples, and the Chinese areas in San Francisco after the Chinese did bring plague over in 1906; we still have plague endemic in rodents over the whole Southwest, as I guess everyone knows. But burning things up doesn't stop an epidemic, just makes it much more miserable. We are in such a panic now that politicians may do any crazy thing to pretend they can control it, though they can't.
Masks do not protect against aerosols. Honestly after all this time I'm amazed there is still so much misinformation around masks.

Surgical masks are paper. I repeat: paper. You can literally blow air through them. They ONLY block actual gunk from coming out your mouth and nose. They are used in surgery to block gunk from coming out the surgeon's orifices and into open cavities.

That's it.

Not aerosols. Ever. Not ever, not ever.

It might make you "feel safe" but that's it.
Wrong! Here's the science on it. Also surgical masks are not paper, they're a blend of microfiber and contain several layers.

How do I know masks don't work? Because I look at the graphs of cases and hospitalizations: the curve is going up steeper and higher even than last January. If masks worked, they would work --- so many people so quickly wouldn't be catching Covid. The CDC said earlier in July that this Delta variant has an R-naught of 8: R8, eight people catch it from each infectious person. Who can escape catching it, now that the vaccine has failed?
The vaccine hasn't failed. The hospitals are filling up with the UNVAXXED... so vaccines are quite effective at keeping people from getting really, really sick to the point they need to be hospitalized.

Masks do work.... but I think what happened is... when the CDC said in July the unvaxxed can go maskless... the unvaxxed decided to go maskless too. BTW, my state dropped its manadatory mask mandate around this same time.

Anyway... my state we only have about 50% of the population vaxxed and when the CDC made that recommendation and our state dropped its masking mandate... suddenly I noticed in my grocery store that 98 - 99% of the people were running around maskless... which meant there was a lot of unvaxxed individuals running around without masks.

And well... it wasn't long after that... the case numbers started rising again.

With that said, only a respirator type of mask that seals completely around the cheeks/nose will keep you safe... but even a cloth or surgical mask still provides significantly more protection than not using masks at all.

Therefore, I am completely for mandatory masking in schools.
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My suburban school board voted to make masks voluntary. Seven parents got a Federal District Court judge to kill that, making masks mandatory.

What a country.

It didn't make a diff in Pennsylvania.

Our Far Left guv is in the pocket of Big Mask, and mandated the wearing of them statewide.

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