Should Obama be on trial for treason?

Should Obama be tried for treason?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • No!

    Votes: 15 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
“Everything comes in circles... The old wheel turns, and the same spoke comes up. It's all been done before, and will be again.”

One word...Afghanistan.

We trained the
Mujahideen when their enemy was the Soviets...and it came back to bite us in the ass.

Can't we learn from our mistakes?
Treason is the highest crime in the United States, it is even specified in the Constitution:

Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

It is now revealed that Obama and his criminal racket have been training and arming Al Qaeda for quite some time, particularly in Syria, USA TODAY and CBS have both broken the stories (although many alternate news sources have been saying this for years):

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

U.S. training Syrian rebels at secret bases - CBS News

So I take it this is all fine with you? How's this a dumb ass thread when it's the truth and should be discussed?

The good thing about all these scandals is that the Authoritarian Pigs are exposing themselves and communicating their open contempt for the Rule of Law through the Constitution.

The scandals? You mean those things that amounted to nothing?
So I take it this is all fine with you? How's this a dumb ass thread when it's the truth and should be discussed?

Well, it's dumb ass in terms of "treason." In response to saudi sunnis killing 3000 in the Towers, and poisoning god knows who many more, W invaded a shiaa county with a secular baath govt to create more or less a puppet state to buffer Isreal, and presumably the West, from Iran, which is a Persian ethnicity and shiaa majority. And in doing so, W spent trillions, maimed tens of thousands, and had voer 4000 dead. I thought this very misguided, and still think long term, our interests and Iran's are not compatable.

Obama intially went directly after the Taliban and Al Queda, which was quite different from W. There's much less contact with the House of Saud on a personal basis than there was with the House of Bush. Europe more than the US pushed for Libiyan intervention. Obama avoided it as much as possible, though it appears Stevens death was more likely a cluster fk connected to the CIA arming the Syrian rebels with surplus equip from Libiya than anything to do with being an Ambassador. So, we've been involved more than we probably know. Now, it appears, Obama has decided that al queda type revolutionaries are better than Hezbollah and Iran. And we're sorta back to W.

I dunno. I don't see Iran as much of a danger to the US. To Israel, quite possibly. I think I'd be on the other side. Yet, McCain and Graham are all for the rebels. Tre bizarre.
This has got to be one of the most absurd posts I have read on this site. Resign, no, Hang, for what? Treason and diplomacy are polar opposites. As for his insistence on arming a known terrorist group to overthrow a questionable regime and replace it with a new haven to spawn terrorists, that is just plain incompetence and lack of foresight, but then again we are discussing the foreign policy position of a Messiah.
This has got to be one of the most absurd posts I have read on this site. Resign, no, Hang, for what? Treason and diplomacy are polar opposites. As for his insistence on arming a known terrorist group to overthrow a questionable regime and replace it with a new haven to spawn terrorists, that is just plain incompetence and lack of foresight, but then again we are discussing the foreign policy position of a Messiah.

No, it is treason as prescribed by the constitution.
Uhm, no. He isn't working with Al Qaeda.. just proposing negotiating with them... Now, I doubt the wisdom of that.. but hanging him for high treason?

That's a bit much.

So arming them in syria and handing them Libya isn't aiding the enemy? That's laughable.

The problem nobody seems to be addressing is that some of the weapons we provide Syrian rebels will without a doubt end up being used against our troops in Afghanistan. And that IS treasonous.
Stupidest poll ever- just like Fox Noise. Absolutely no evidence of any such thing, of course.

Hypocrite Pubs and silly dupes taking on the whole religion, and way to turn 100 criminals into thousands of jihadists, fools.
Where does that leave Ronald Reagan?

At least Ollie North is still around

What does this have to do with the topic, shit stain?

What it has to do is that Conservative icon Ronald Regan directly sold weapons to terrorists and there was no prosecution for treason

He's dead now, would you like to dig him up and give him a posthumous trial?

This has got to be one of the most absurd posts I have read on this site. Resign, no, Hang, for what? Treason and diplomacy are polar opposites.

The Constitution defines Treason, not you.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
So I take it this is all fine with you? How's this a dumb ass thread when it's the truth and should be discussed?

The extreme measures suggested make it a non-sensical discussion. Should he be entertaining negotiating with Al Queda? Fair question...suggesting it's treasonous or that the President of the US should be hung makes the OP sound as if he was dropped on his head at birth. I'm guessing he was spiked to get the dumb look off of his face...didn't help apparently.

You should know better.
So I take it this is all fine with you? How's this a dumb ass thread when it's the truth and should be discussed?

We should discuss hanging the President? ooooooooooooooooooooooooookay

Better than discussing the hanging of Snowden, a genuine hero, who UPHOLDS THE CONSTITUTION.

By spying on the government and putting people who have sworn to protect the country into even more danger? Got it!
Stupidest poll ever- just like Fox Noise. Absolutely no evidence of any such thing, of course.

Hypocrite Pubs and silly dupes taking on the whole religion, and way to turn 100 criminals into thousands of jihadists, fools.

I'm not advocating stringing up Obama , but remember how you dem dupes called for stringing up Booosh?

hypocrite fuckofudgepackerdupeHFW
Better than discussing the hanging of Snowden, a genuine hero, who UPHOLDS THE CONSTITUTION.

By spying on the government and putting people who have sworn to protect the country into even more danger? Got it!

"Spying on the government"

Shouldn't be a problem for an honest transparent government, right?

Do you hear yourself talk? Do you reflect on the implications of what you're typing?

The Fourth Amendment protects the PEOPLE not the government.

Here's the PREAMBLE to the Bill of Rights:

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
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Should Obama Hang for High Treason

Hang, lethal injection, electric chair or shot at dawn..... it's all fine with me.
The ol' gipper loved radical muslims so much, he essentially created the taliban, invited them to the white house, and called them "the moral equivalents to america's founding fathers"


Who could forget him making illegal arms deals with radical islamists?

Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and lastly he showed his love for islam by dedicating the space shuttle columbia to them

Oh yeah, I forgot, Reagan is worshiped like the 2nd coming of christ to the brainwashed right wingers,...
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