Should Obama be on trial for treason?

Should Obama be tried for treason?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • No!

    Votes: 15 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No. As defined by the constitution the Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that no one can commit treason unless it’s with a country against whom our Congress has declared war. We are not in a war declared by congress.

OK, so then we should go for impeachment for not upholding the constitution and creating wars with nations without a congressional declaration. That works too.

We could also probably squeeze in the assassination of american citizens, abuse of power and with that aiding the enemy.

Impeachment is an up/down vote in the House. Theoretically the Republicans in the House could impeach him tomorrow. Of course the Senate needs a 67 vote majority to convict and remove from office.....but technically they could.
No. As defined by the constitution the Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that no one can commit treason unless it’s with a country against whom our Congress has declared war. We are not in a war declared by congress.

OK, so then we should go for impeachment for not upholding the constitution and creating wars with nations without a congressional declaration. That works too.

We could also probably squeeze in the assassination of american citizens, abuse of power and with that aiding the enemy.

Impeachment is an up/down vote in the House. Theoretically the Republicans in the House could impeach him tomorrow. Of course the Senate needs a 67 vote majority to convict and remove from office.....but technically they could.

While they're in gridlock, they should just do it for shits and giggles.
OK, so then we should go for impeachment for not upholding the constitution and creating wars with nations without a congressional declaration. That works too.

We could also probably squeeze in the assassination of american citizens, abuse of power and with that aiding the enemy.

Impeachment is an up/down vote in the House. Theoretically the Republicans in the House could impeach him tomorrow. Of course the Senate needs a 67 vote majority to convict and remove from office.....but technically they could.

While they're in gridlock, they should just do it for shits and giggles.

Sure. Why not waste even more time. Or they could vote for the 39th time to repeal Obamacare.
Or, instead of a jobs creation bill, the House GOP can argue about abortion and gay marriage.

When we lose the House to the Dems next year, Boehner has to be demoted. What an ineffectual leader.
I don't think obama should be harmed at all. He should live and be healthy. I would rather see him taken out of the white house in handcuffs and leg irons. See everything he did dismantled and the nation restored. I want him to live, a healthy life, long enough to see his daughters forced to change their names so they aren't tainted by his stink.

I would add that it would be enjoyable to see him publicly humiliated, but Putin is already doing that.

I would love to see him Impeached before he can do any more damage to us..

the guy is horrible as a president and human being
Impeachment is an up/down vote in the House. Theoretically the Republicans in the House could impeach him tomorrow. Of course the Senate needs a 67 vote majority to convict and remove from office.....but technically they could.

While they're in gridlock, they should just do it for shits and giggles.

Sure. Why not waste even more time. Or they could vote for the 39th time to repeal Obamacare.

Holding these ass to be Responsible is NOT a waste of time or money

with you all's thinking, that why this government is becoming like our wouldn't say that if it was a Republican? No you all were screaming for Bush to be impeached

damn people start holding these elitist asses feet to the fire/
This has got to be one of the most absurd posts I have read on this site. Resign, no, Hang, for what? Treason and diplomacy are polar opposites. As for his insistence on arming a known terrorist group to overthrow a questionable regime and replace it with a new haven to spawn terrorists, that is just plain incompetence and lack of foresight, but then again we are discussing the foreign policy position of a Messiah.

Sounds like you are discussing Reagan and arming the Afghans.
If Obama goes to prison, ten of million of Progressive families will lose their male head of household
When you fully understand the meaning of the term TREASON as it is used in our Constitution , get back to us.
This is so utterly ridiculous. It is as if every 5th post on here from the right wing crazies is about impeaching President Obama or bringig charges of treason against him.
Shit, you are all a one man show. No originality what so ever.

Treason is the highest crime in the United States, it is even specified in the Constitution:

Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

It is now revealed that Obama and his criminal racket have been training and arming Al Qaeda for quite some time, particularly in Syria, USA TODAY and CBS have both broken the stories (although many alternate news sources have been saying this for years):

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

U.S. training Syrian rebels at secret bases - CBS News
Now that might be a good case of looking into treason. But he gave poor Ollie the fall, literally threw him under the bus. But Ollie was stupid.

This has got to be one of the most absurd posts I have read on this site. Resign, no, Hang, for what? Treason and diplomacy are polar opposites. As for his insistence on arming a known terrorist group to overthrow a questionable regime and replace it with a new haven to spawn terrorists, that is just plain incompetence and lack of foresight, but then again we are discussing the foreign policy position of a Messiah.

Sounds like you are discussing Reagan and arming the Afghans.
While they're in gridlock, they should just do it for shits and giggles.

Sure. Why not waste even more time. Or they could vote for the 39th time to repeal Obamacare.

Holding these ass to be Responsible is NOT a waste of time or money

with you all's thinking, that why this government is becoming like our wouldn't say that if it was a Republican? No you all were screaming for Bush to be impeached

damn people start holding these elitist asses feet to the fire/
uhhh what? :lol:

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