Should propaganda outlets like MSNBC be allowed to exist?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.
Sorry, but your fascism has no place in America.
News outlets enjoy their 1st Amendment protection just like anyone else. It's counter productive to suggest that they be shut down by the government even if they engage in propaganda rather than news. On the other hand they should not be propped up by taxpayer funding when it becomes evident that they are no longer supported by viewers.
The winger networks on both ends are a symptom, a reflection of us.

And that ain't a good sign.
I'd suggest that unbiased evaluation of "news outlets" like the Harvard study that gets quoted and re-quoted a lot as "the metric" for evaluating bias for various political personas, such as Trump, or the democrats. Those metrics can be used by the public to decide whose news they want to watch and whose they want to avoid. Its providing info so the public can make informed decisions.

"While all the other networks are far left liberal rags, Fox has had the most balanced coverage of Trump, proving once again that Fox is the most balanced news outlet. CNN, NBC and CBS are basically the equivalent of MSNBC now, far left propaganda that belongs in the garbage."
Harvard study proves Fox is the most balanced network. | Elite Trader

I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.
Sorry, but your fascism has no place in America.
True. The left is using up all the Fascism in America right now.
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.
Sorry, but your fascism has no place in America.
I don't see what's fascist about it, I'd merely argue my stance is a centrist one, as pretty much any well-adjusted normal person would agree with me wouldn't miss it if those propaganda outlets were shut down like the noise pollution they are.

Hell, I'd even venture that, were intepretations of "freez peach" as they actually are in court, there would be plenty of leeway, on either a state or federal level to use in legally censoring and shutting down said repugnance, such as use of "fighting words", or inciting riots or violence (something which isn't protected by the Constitution to begin with; the only right being peaceful protest or assembly).

In practice, I'm aware that such strict definitions aren't often enforced to the letter, and many if not most wouldn't be bored enough to spend their time policing the blather of leftist rabble and social maladapts in mass media or social media, nevertheless, I certainly wouldn't mind it if more of it was taken to court, to the rightful chagrin of those degenerates, who puport to having anything remotely worthy of being consider "speech" to begin with, by any good, true, or beautiful definition, as opposed to something more akin to the grunting, groaning, and moaning of a feral and rapid animal in need of speedy euthanasia.
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.
Should Questioner be allowed to question?
If it is "entertainment" it should have an entertainment disclaimer on it unless it is actually news and not propaganda. I see nothing wrong with giving ratings to media. They would still get there freedom of speech whatever that may be.
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.

YET ANOTHER whiny bitch thread by fascist-boi wailing about "waaaah, everybody I disagree with should be eliminated, waaaah". EVERY DAMN TIME it's the same lame shit from the Russian troll brigade.

You've never in your life heard of the First Amendment, have you.
I'd suggest that unbiased evaluation of "news outlets" like the Harvard study that gets quoted and re-quoted a lot as "the metric" for evaluating bias for various political personas, such as Trump, or the democrats. Those metrics can be used by the public to decide whose news they want to watch and whose they want to avoid. Its providing info so the public can make informed decisions.

"While all the other networks are far left liberal rags, Fox has had the most balanced coverage of Trump, proving once again that Fox is the most balanced news outlet. CNN, NBC and CBS are basically the equivalent of MSNBC now, far left propaganda that belongs in the garbage."
Harvard study proves Fox is the most balanced network. | Elite Trader


That chart is useful, but not here. Because it tells us absolutely nothing about veracity.

Negativity SELLS. That's not news, we've known that since the invention of the printing press.
They have first amendments rights which are not forfeited by being a Pravda-like outlet for the Democratic Party.

But, CNN in particular, and likely MSNBC, are probably losing money, considering their dismal viewership numbers---and so the losses cause by what is clearly campaign propaganda should be considered campaign contributions to the Democratic Party and reported as such---and if that puts them in violation of Election Laws, then legal should be taken.

But, no real harm is being done to America, in any event. The only people who watch that shit are hopeless Pussy Hat wearing half-wit Morons---and so are dedicated Democrats anyway.
I'd suggest that unbiased evaluation of "news outlets" like the Harvard study that gets quoted and re-quoted a lot as "the metric" for evaluating bias for various political personas, such as Trump, or the democrats. Those metrics can be used by the public to decide whose news they want to watch and whose they want to avoid. Its providing info so the public can make informed decisions.

"While all the other networks are far left liberal rags, Fox has had the most balanced coverage of Trump, proving once again that Fox is the most balanced news outlet. CNN, NBC and CBS are basically the equivalent of MSNBC now, far left propaganda that belongs in the garbage."
Harvard study proves Fox is the most balanced network. | Elite Trader

That chart is useful, but not here. Because it tells us absolutely nothing about veracity.

Negativity SELLS. That's not news, we've known that since the invention of the printing press.

"Veracity" can be a metric used to evaluate news outlets. Right now we have "viewership ratings" to show us who is the best. Nothing succeeds like success. I can watch CNN when they have a balanced panel to hear all viewpoints. MSDNC rarely has any Republicans on, FXN always has democrats on to liven the debates. Veracity would be tough to evaluate when there are always "alternate facts". Even "fact-checkers" disagree occasionally.
I'd argue that we have enough mass media outlets with a natural conservative bias, ranging from the Weekley Standard, to Fox News, and others, known for their factual reporting and mere reflection of reality's natural conservative bias, as reflected in non-partisan polls such as Pew Research and others.

In contrast, "left-wing" outlets ranging from MSNBC, AlterNet, all the way to the pro-pedophilia are nothing but propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation outlets, designed to peddle lies, nonsense, and absurdism to the lowest common denominator, preying on their conditioned victimhood, disaffection, and distain for reality's natural conservatism, as a means of selling the athetotic and morally and culturally vapid and nihilistic mouth breathers in question.

Much as a ship without a good captain can go adrift, so does the morally, intellectually, and aesthetically bankrupt underclass to whom being unable to so much as read or comprehending a book of cultural signfincance written at above the 6th grade level, or containing any more moral, intellectual or aesthetic worth or merit than a bad 1920s burleque show, would more or less render them and their silly leftist demagogues and disinformants without a job.

Perhaps, the conservatives, and those on the right side of history, should simply reclaim their rightful and natural role as shepherds to those who would otherwise be sheep, and easy prey to the media wolves in question, or as ships without a captain, adfrit in a sea of moral, intellectual, and aesthetic repugnance, without any moral compass to guide them in the direction of that which is good, true, and beautiful.

Much as free speech, and pretty much every other legal, moral, and cultural notion has already been perverted to almost beyond repair by leftist sub-humanity, it is time for us, rather to do everything we can legally simply shut down these propaganda networks and no longer allow their existence to misinform and morally denigrate those who otherwise, are akin to the Israelites lost in the wilderness, lacking any good, true, or beautiful conservative guidance, as well as doing what we can to stop their perversity from infiltration other media outlets, whether so-called "public" ones, such as the BCC, PBS, and NPR, as well as our entertainment media, our colleges, our universities.

Throwing out these perversions and propaganda with all the fervor with which Christ casted the money-changers out of the temple, and insuring that all networks, all media, all academia, public, private, or otherwise, staring in the US, and eventually working its way into the remainder of the English-speaking and European world as well, ensuring that only good, true and beautiful conservatism is the dominant and only viable media and academic ideology, for decades. centuries, millennia to come, leftist Neanderthals, degenerates, subhumans, terrorists, being nothing more to be regarded as than barbarians at the gates of Constantine's Rome, or remains of a bubonic plague, to be scourged, purged, and sanitized in the name of our nations, our cultures, our histories, our men, and our women, and our children.

YET ANOTHER whiny bitch thread by fascist-boi wailing about "waaaah, everybody I disagree with should be eliminated, waaaah". EVERY DAMN TIME it's the same lame shit from the Russian troll brigade.

You've never in your life heard of the First Amendment, have you.
I would say that he has indeed heard of the first amendment and his OP is an example of him utilizing it. Perhaps you, are the fascist?
I'd suggest that unbiased evaluation of "news outlets" like the Harvard study that gets quoted and re-quoted a lot as "the metric" for evaluating bias for various political personas, such as Trump, or the democrats. Those metrics can be used by the public to decide whose news they want to watch and whose they want to avoid. Its providing info so the public can make informed decisions.

"While all the other networks are far left liberal rags, Fox has had the most balanced coverage of Trump, proving once again that Fox is the most balanced news outlet. CNN, NBC and CBS are basically the equivalent of MSNBC now, far left propaganda that belongs in the garbage."
Harvard study proves Fox is the most balanced network. | Elite Trader

That chart is useful, but not here. Because it tells us absolutely nothing about veracity.

Negativity SELLS. That's not news, we've known that since the invention of the printing press.

"Veracity" can be a metric used to evaluate news outlets. Right now we have "viewership ratings" to show us who is the best. Nothing succeeds like success. I can watch CNN when they have a balanced panel to hear all viewpoints. MSDNC rarely has any Republicans on, FXN always has democrats on to liven the debates. Veracity would be tough to evaluate when there are always "alternate facts". Even "fact-checkers" disagree occasionally.

Viewership ratings ABSOLUTELY DO NOT show us "who is the best" in any way. Ratings show us who is getting the most ATTENTION, regardless of any veracity. The one -- and the ONLY --- function of ratings is to set advertising rates. They tell the buyers and sellers of commercial time, how many of what kind of viewers (/listeners/readers) that advertiser can expect from X number of seconds or column inches. THAT'S IT.

That, again, brings us back to "Negativity Sells", usually rendered as "if it bleeds it leads". Emotional hooks do not inform, but they do capture ears and eyeballs, which can then be exploited to sell Burma Shave. That's the whole name of the game for commercial media, full stop.

As far as veracity or quality, that's entirely subjective to the end user. And that again points back to the OP in his Russian troll farm or whatever alternate universe he's posting from, where he presumes to dick-tate to everybody else what their subjective analyses must be. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
There is more leftist media because there is more media. They all can't report the truth or the weak-minded wouldn't get the info they need to survive.
News outlets enjoy their 1st Amendment protection just like anyone else. It's counter productive to suggest that they be shut down by the government even if they engage in propaganda rather than news. On the other hand they should not be propped up by taxpayer funding when it becomes evident that they are no longer supported by viewers.

They never have been. They're supported by COMMERCIALS. Wtf do you think those are there for? Because CBS really thinks you should go buy a truck capable of towing an asteroid? Those aren't public service announcements.

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