Should Putin Help To Do What Our Military Has Failed To Do??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Putin, in his own news conference following the meeting, likened both Black Lives Matter protests that raged across the U.S. and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot to the pro-democracy movement led by opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Russia. The Russian president was asked about the long list of his opponents who are dead or in jail -- "What are you so afraid of?" ABC’s Rachel Scott asked Putin.

Putin first said that Navalny’s organization had called for mass disorder and was extremist in nature. "Many people were declared as criminals, threatened with imprisonment from 20 to 25 years -- these people went into the Congress with political demands."

Putin brilliantly owned the press in his news conference as he always does and his coming out in support of the brave patriots on January 6th --- that was huge. Why? Because the patriots who stormed the Capitol in hopes the election would be overturned if they did, they needed an ally.....the patriots who longed hoped that audits and court cases would re-install the rightful president back into power; they needed an ally -- our military was suppose to step in and save our autocracy...but they didn't......Maybe with Russia's military support; we can save America from communism....

How so? Well, one thing is clear....Russia is far more morally superior to our own country...Putin being the staunch free-speech advocate he is; he doesn't engage in holding political prisoners just because they disagree with him....Putin frequently welcomes spirited debate and even protests (as long as they are not protesting the wrong things) -- and he would definitely welcome them into the Kremlin if they so chose...the evidence is clear.......

However, the US -- under Dem rule -- has a long history of assassinating any reporter, politician or everyday citizen that disagrees with them...Ashli Babbit being one of them...but there are frankly too many to name...If our military is too weak to defend the Constitution from sharia law, critical race theory and Communism -- maybe true patriots have an ally in Russia.
Uncle Pooty loves having Sleepy Joe as US President.

He's a Russian Patriot looking to get the best deal possible for his own people.

Biden has discontinued the Keystone Pipeline as well as ANWR drilling, while authorizing the Russian pipeline to Europe. The Russian Federation will be able to regain its former position as the world's leading oil and gas producer and get Western Europe under its thumb.

You must think that Putin is awfully stupid to want to jeopardize the Democrat Regime in Washington.
Uncle Pooty loves having Sleepy Joe as US President.

He's a Russian Patriot looking to get the best deal possible for his own people.

Biden has discontinued the Keystone Pipeline as well as ANWR drilling, while authorizing the Russian pipeline to Europe. The Russian Federation will be able to regain its former position as the world's leading oil and gas producer and get Western Europe under its thumb.

You must think that Putin is awfully stupid to want to jeopardize the Democrat Regime in Washington.
You are always wrong, the Keystone Pipeline is flowing with oil and has for several years. The Keystone XL is what you are thinking of. We do not authorize any pipelines in Europe.

The United States houses the greatest number of oil pipelines in the world. As of 2020, there were 111 operational oil pipelines in the country and a further 25 under development. The United States is also the country with the most gas pipelines in the world.
Again, since the summit we have seen how many Russian trolls inhabit USMB, practically every Trump supporter is also a Russian supporter...Since you turds like Russia and Pootin so much why don't you move there(you probably already do)?

The US doesn't need to help Russia become any more totalitarian we do just fine on our own with strong arm tactics of citizens.
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Uncle Pooty loves having Sleepy Joe as US President.

He's a Russian Patriot looking to get the best deal possible for his own people.

Biden has discontinued the Keystone Pipeline as well as ANWR drilling, while authorizing the Russian pipeline to Europe. The Russian Federation will be able to regain its former position as the world's leading oil and gas producer and get Western Europe under its thumb.

You must think that Putin is awfully stupid to want to jeopardize the Democrat Regime in Washington.
California's economy is twice the size of Russia.....I repeat......California's economy is twice the size as Russia.....and has been for awhile...

So tell me how a Canadian company not transporting crude oil across the US will return Russia to being the leading producer of oil and gas??

I'll wait

"Putin, in his own news conference following the meeting, likened both Black Lives Matter protests that raged across the U.S. and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot to the pro-democracy movement led by opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Russia. The Russian president was asked about the long list of his opponents who are dead or in jail -- "What are you so afraid of?" ABC’s Rachel Scott asked Putin.

Putin first said that Navalny’s organization had called for mass disorder and was extremist in nature. "Many people were declared as criminals, threatened with imprisonment from 20 to 25 years -- these people went into the Congress with political demands."

Putin brilliantly owned the press in his news conference as he always does and his coming out in support of the brave patriots on January 6th --- that was huge. Why? Because the patriots who stormed the Capitol in hopes the election would be overturned if they did, they needed an ally.....the patriots who longed hoped that audits and court cases would re-install the rightful president back into power; they needed an ally -- our military was suppose to step in and save our autocracy...but they didn't......Maybe with Russia's military support; we can save America from communism....

How so? Well, one thing is clear....Russia is far more morally superior to our own country...Putin being the staunch free-speech advocate he is; he doesn't engage in holding political prisoners just because they disagree with him....Putin frequently welcomes spirited debate and even protests (as long as they are not protesting the wrong things) -- and he would definitely welcome them into the Kremlin if they so chose...the evidence is clear.......

However, the US -- under Dem rule -- has a long history of assassinating any reporter, politician or everyday citizen that disagrees with them...Ashli Babbit being one of them...but there are frankly too many to name...If our military is too weak to defend the Constitution from sharia law, critical race theory and Communism -- maybe true patriots have an ally in Russia.

Truly astounding. An American calling on Russia to invade the United States of America.

I remember Nikita Khrushchev telling Americans that one day the USSR would take over America without firing a shot.

The John Birtcher types always believed that the commies would infiltrate the unions and the leftist organizations but instead they took over the Republican Party.

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