HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the most effective and consequential Speaker

The drug addict deserved prison.

NOT my words.........HIS.

On Aug. 5, 1995, a syndicated radio talk show host had this to say about those who are addicted to drugs, "If people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

On the same show, the same host claimed that the answer to the drug problem is "to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."

Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges

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Gainesville Sun › story › news › 2006/04/29
Apr 29, 2006 — Before his own problems became public, Limbaugh had decried drug use and abuse and mocked President Clinton for saying he had not inhaled when ...
/—-/ Not that you care, but there is a difference between addiction to pain medication and recreational use of narcotics.
what speaker in the last 50 years has been more effective?

you do not have to agree with her politics to admit she got shit done
I would say Tip O’Neil

But your problem is confusing effective and destructive

Nobody has been more destructive in history then Nancy P…the way she undermined Covid response for example, while going to Chinatown and telling people to come out and in act in close proximity together, then did a 180 with her let them eat ice cream speech from her house while maintaining her hair appointments, really just highlighted how she ushered in the demafasict take over of her party
Newts 2 balanced budgets shame her.

at what point did she work WITH Ttump?

Nancy made a deal to fund Trump’s wall, and Stephen Miller refused to let Trump do it.

Cooperation is a two-way street and Trump didn’t want to cooperate he wanted to win.

Trump is incapable of working with anyone. That’s why his business deals end up in bankruptcy and his partnerships in court.
/—-/ Not that you care, but there is a difference between addiction to pain medication and recreational use of narcotics.

There is absolutely NO difference between the two. .

Rush Limbaugh sold his listeners and subscribers contact information to grifters and snake oil salesmen so they could profit selling their fake cures to his listeners. That makes him MUCH, MUCH worse than your garden variety addict who mostly harms himself.

Limbaugh should have been imprisoned for that, but conservatives are allowed to abuse their loyal fans. The whole conservative movement has become this massive grift off the gullible.
what speaker in the last 50 years has been more effective?
At bankrupting the nation by printing trillions of dollars and wasting it on a bunch of horseshit? No one has been more effective at destroying our economy than Pelosi. The amount of damage she has caused future generations is incalculable, but i know you guys dont give a flying fuck about that. :dunno:
She did a great job enriching herself while selling out America, especially those in her district.

Well done!

She's the role model for American Congress toward the end of this version of American self governance: sell out while using your "public service" position for personal enrichment

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