HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the most effective and consequential Speaker


Yes, huge congratulations! No one deserves it more! What do you think?

LOL, you realize you are helping us!

Maybe you don't, and yes, this site is small, but here is truth---------> if we win a state by a small amount of votes, YOU HELPED-)

I thank you!

Personally, I believe it could go either way. But hey, you want to help us, I am all for it-)
And Limbaugh got one for being a liar for Trump.
Wrong as always, Clap.

He got one for speaking the truth to power for so many years.

But, you’re once again off topic. The topic is the groveling on behalf of Nancy Pelousy. 👍

Yes, huge congratulations! No one deserves it more! What do you think?

"Woe unto ye hopeless Pharisees! Frauds! You love sitting at the head table (and receiving awards), and love preening yourselves in the radicance of public flattery. Frauds! You're just like unmarked graves: People walk over that nice grassy surface, never suspecting the rot and corruption that is six feet under."
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Wrong as always, Clap.

He got one for speaking the truth to power for so many years.

But, you’re once again off topic. The topic is the groveling on behalf of Nancy Pelousy. 👍
Wrong, Trump humper. The topic is Pelosi getting the medal.

It frosts your ass which shows that she deserves it.
Wrong, Trump humper. The topic is Pelosi getting the medal.

It frosts your ass which shows that she deserves it.
The topic is exactly What I said it was, Clap.

And it burns you to think that lots of folks recognize it for the nonsense it is while you and your fellow brown-nosers jockey to kiss that nasty shithead’s ass.
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The topic is exactly What I said it was, Clap.

And it burns you into think that lots of folks recognize it for the nonsense it is while you and your fellow brown-nosers jockey to kiss that nasty shithead’s ass.
Up yours. It wasen't nonsense when Limbaugh got it from your traitor boy just for kissing Trump's ass.

Trump & Limbaugh made a good pair. Two self serving assholes.
The topic is exactly What I said it was, Clap.

And it burns you into think that lots of folks recognize it for the nonsense it is while you and your fellow brown-nosers jockey to kiss that nasty shithead’s ass.
If Trump wins I'll take some consolation in the fact that he's going to fuck assholes like you who support him along with everyone else.

Welcome to the coming hell, Trump humper.
Up yours. It wasen't nonsense when Limbaugh got it from your traitor boy just for kissing Trump's ass.
No. He got it from the last great American President. Justifiably. You’re just a hack, Clap.

Class dismissed.
So they give them freedom medals for being treasonous bitches?

Look at the anger and frustration in her ripping up a SOTU. It’s like her husband couldn’t bring the hammer but could clearly take the hammer.

Four years later, Trump is more relevant than she is.
Off topic posts aren’t good.

Well, at least if I’m the one anonymously alleged to be posting off topic posts.


Now, to be ON topic, let’s just remind everyone that the melting bitch, Nasty Pelousy, got her medal of freedom from the demented incumbent President.

Why? Because she tore up a President’s State of the Union address as he was speaking before the joint houses of Congress?

Yeah. That must be it. For Lord knows she never did anything beneficial to America or for Freedom while she was Mumbler of the House.

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