Should rapists be killed?

They also say that this would just encourage rapists to kill their victims in order to hide evidence, since they'd be getting their plug pulled regardless.
That’s an idiotic argument. There is a significant step between rape and murder. There are many people who are rapists that would never be able to take a life.
Capital punishishment is the only morally acceptable punishment for crimes such as voter fraud, rape, and murder.
Kill all child rapist even if they only did it once. Rapist. First offense let the victim cut his dick off. Come to think of it just kill them.

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Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.
since 'rape' is incredibly easy to commit, to leftists, please define your idea of rape.

Rapist or just a rape supporter?
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.
In other words, your solution to the rape problem, is more rape? If so, You're fucking disgusting.

When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

Kill em? IDK maybe if it were a violent rape

Any rape? How bout cutting it off & shoving it up their ass :thup:
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.
In other words, your solution to the rape problem, is more rape? If so, You're fucking disgusting.

When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
Rape is not about sex. It's about violence. And what you call justice is actually revenge. Justice is carried out through a system of law. What you cannot understand is revenge is as far from justice as you can get.
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.
In other words, your solution to the rape problem, is more rape? If so, You're fucking disgusting.

When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
Rape is not about sex. It's about violence. And what you call justice is actually revenge. Justice is carried out through a system of law. What you cannot understand is revenge is as far from justice as you can get.

Rape is definitely about sex. Who do you think is more likely to be raped; a 23 year old playboy model or an 83 year old great grandma, provided all other circumstances were the same?

I hate this "rape isn't about sex" bullshit. "Rape is about power". Well, actually, sex is about power, and rape is about sex, so yes, rape is also about power.
They also say that this would just encourage rapists to kill their victims in order to hide evidence, since they'd be getting their plug pulled regardless.
That’s an idiotic argument. There is a significant step between rape and murder. There are many people who are rapists that would never be able to take a life.

Believe me; if it were up to me, I would enjoy executing rapists with my own two hands. I won't deny that I'd take great pleasure in killing them. If that makes me a sick bastard, then so be it.
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.
In other words, your solution to the rape problem, is more rape? If so, You're fucking disgusting.

When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
Rape is not about sex. It's about violence. And what you call justice is actually revenge. Justice is carried out through a system of law. What you cannot understand is revenge is as far from justice as you can get.

Rape is definitely about sex. Who do you think is more likely to be raped; a 23 year old playboy model or an 83 year old great grandma, provided all other circumstances were the same?

I hate this "rape isn't about sex" bullshit. "Rape is about power". Well, actually, sex is about power, and rape is about sex, so yes, rape is also about power.
You don't know what you're talking about. Rape is crime and has been edjudicated hundreds of thousands of times. People who study that crime will tell you what I'd said, not your narrow opinion.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.
In other words, your solution to the rape problem, is more rape? If so, You're fucking disgusting.

When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
Rape is not about sex. It's about violence. And what you call justice is actually revenge. Justice is carried out through a system of law. What you cannot understand is revenge is as far from justice as you can get.

Rape is definitely about sex. Who do you think is more likely to be raped; a 23 year old playboy model or an 83 year old great grandma, provided all other circumstances were the same?

I hate this "rape isn't about sex" bullshit. "Rape is about power". Well, actually, sex is about power, and rape is about sex, so yes, rape is also about power.
You don't know what you're talking about. Rape is crime and has been edjudicated hundreds of thousands of times. People who study that crime will tell you what I'd said, not your narrow opinion.

No they absolutely won't say rape is not about sex. That is a completely moronic statement. It was one of the first "modern myths" in pop psychology we talked about in psych 101. How can the act of forced sex NOT be about sex? That makes no damned sense at all.

That doesn't mean it's all about sex. It's also about violence and domination. People don't rape just because they're horny as hell; obviously pretty much everyone on the planet would go around raping each other in that case. You have to be a sick fuck to rape someone. But to say it has nothing to do with sex is a claim only those very loosely familiar with the subject matter, or with very outdated opinions, will express.
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When a guy does another guy, its not rape, dummy, it is sodomy. If they both happen to be gay, then it is a love proposal. When it's punishment like an eye for an eye so the rapist can experience what he put someone else through, its not disgusting at all, then it's called JUSTICE.
No! Duuuuude! By definition, If you are a male who wants to put your cock into another guy's bunghole, for sexual gratification, then, by definition, you are a fag. A homosexual. If you were not a fag, then why would you want to bugger a guy in the first place?
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Rape is definitely about sex. Who do you think is more likely to be raped; a 23 year old playboy model or an 83 year old great grandma, provided all other circumstances were the same?
You are 100% spot-on. If rape were really about “power”, men would be raping other men to show they are the ultimate alpha-male.

Rape is about sex. The rapist gets off on it. And like you said, an 83 year old geriatric is almost never raped. It is always young, attractive women.
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.
since 'rape' is incredibly easy to commit, to leftists, please define your idea of rape.

Rapist or just a rape supporter?
complete moron or fucking moron?

Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

Only if they kill their victims. The death penalty should be reserved for actual murder and I would also suggest attempted murder. Crossing the line and trying to take a life, and failing, should not keep you from the death penalty..... since that individual victim would be dead if not for random chance.
Should we promote vigilante justice against violent rapists (not including ambiguous, drunken sexual encounters)? Why is Brock Turner still alive? I thought they'd have found his head rolling around in a gutter somewhere by now.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Rapists ought to simply be brutally buttf---ked gang raped until they plead for death.

Then we would have more rapists to kill. No thanks. Let's stick with killing rapists and not creating more of them.

For one thing, what I said was a joke but how do you figure killing rapists will stop new rapists from occurring but making old rapists so sorry they ever raped that they'll never do it again doesn't? You need to reexamine your thought process more closely.
The purpose of prison rape is to deter people from raping. Like if I was thinking about it I’d say I’m not going to do it because if I get caught I’ll get raped in prison.

But for some reason it doesn’t deter rapists or pedos.
I see you've never worked in a prison.

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