Should Teachers Grade Parents???

And another little tid bit from the wtf file.

Mass. dropout reform plan eyes paid parent leave

Mass. dropout reform plan eyes paid parent leave

BOSTON - A new proposal targeting Massachusetts' high school dropout rate would track students as early as third grade for warning signs and would require businesses to give parents up to 24 hours a year in paid leave for student academic needs.

Talk about the fucking schools overstepping their bounds. Now they want to tell businesses that they have to give people an extra 3 days off with pay.

Who gets to "grade" the teachers? And are they up for other teachers grading their own parenting?

What are you afraid of?

That the peanut butter sandwich you made for your kids lunch got a C- ??
That the other mothers get higher grades than you?
That other kids will display "My mother is an honor parent" bumper stickers?

You will also be graded on:

How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale
What you were wearing when you let junior out of the minivan
How well junior did at the science fair since everyone knows parents do all the work

What's the matter parents? Afraid of a little competition?

"How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale"

Not in my city: Nanny-state in full effect!

“There shall be no cupcakes. No chocolate cake and no carrot cake. According to New York City’s latest regulations, not even zucchini bread makes the cut.
In an effort to limit how much sugar and fat students put in their bellies at school, the Education Department has effectively banned most bake sales, the lucrative if not quite healthy fund-raising tool for generations of teams and clubs.” A Crackdown on Bake Sales in City Schools-s'Cool Food Initiative
What are you afraid of?

That the peanut butter sandwich you made for your kids lunch got a C- ??
That the other mothers get higher grades than you?
That other kids will display "My mother is an honor parent" bumper stickers?

You will also be graded on:

How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale
What you were wearing when you let junior out of the minivan
How well junior did at the science fair since everyone knows parents do all the work

What's the matter parents? Afraid of a little competition?

"How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale"

Not in my city: Nanny-state in full effect!

“There shall be no cupcakes. No chocolate cake and no carrot cake. According to New York City’s latest regulations, not even zucchini bread makes the cut.
In an effort to limit how much sugar and fat students put in their bellies at school, the Education Department has effectively banned most bake sales, the lucrative if not quite healthy fund-raising tool for generations of teams and clubs.” A Crackdown on Bake Sales in City Schools-s'Cool Food Initiative

No kidding?

Not even low fat granola tofu sawdust bars?
You will also be graded on:

How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale
What you were wearing when you let junior out of the minivan
How well junior did at the science fair since everyone knows parents do all the work

What's the matter parents? Afraid of a little competition?

"How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale"

Not in my city: Nanny-state in full effect!

“There shall be no cupcakes. No chocolate cake and no carrot cake. According to New York City’s latest regulations, not even zucchini bread makes the cut.
In an effort to limit how much sugar and fat students put in their bellies at school, the Education Department has effectively banned most bake sales, the lucrative if not quite healthy fund-raising tool for generations of teams and clubs.” A Crackdown on Bake Sales in City Schools-s'Cool Food Initiative

No kidding?

Not even low fat granola tofu sawdust bars?

Wingy, see- you support a gov that tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can use, or which toilets, or trans fats, salt, cigarettes, etc., etc. it comes back to bite you in the butt:
That's right- no low fat granola tofu sawdust bars for you totalitarians!!
"How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale"

Not in my city: Nanny-state in full effect!

“There shall be no cupcakes. No chocolate cake and no carrot cake. According to New York City’s latest regulations, not even zucchini bread makes the cut.
In an effort to limit how much sugar and fat students put in their bellies at school, the Education Department has effectively banned most bake sales, the lucrative if not quite healthy fund-raising tool for generations of teams and clubs.” A Crackdown on Bake Sales in City Schools-s'Cool Food Initiative

No kidding?

Not even low fat granola tofu sawdust bars?

Wingy, see- you support a gov that tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can use, or which toilets, or trans fats, salt, cigarettes, etc., etc. it comes back to bite you in the butt:
That's right- no low fat granola tofu sawdust bars for you totalitarians!!

Ok, thread went to food, got it.

Grades for parents? No. Many parents need help that schools can provide? Yes. I believe they could get teacher volunteers, if the message is positive. That's the reason to approach at birth or close, not after kindergarten.
"How good your cookies were for the Bake Sale"

Not in my city: Nanny-state in full effect!

“There shall be no cupcakes. No chocolate cake and no carrot cake. According to New York City’s latest regulations, not even zucchini bread makes the cut.
In an effort to limit how much sugar and fat students put in their bellies at school, the Education Department has effectively banned most bake sales, the lucrative if not quite healthy fund-raising tool for generations of teams and clubs.” A Crackdown on Bake Sales in City Schools-s'Cool Food Initiative

No kidding?

Not even low fat granola tofu sawdust bars?

Wingy, see- you support a gov that tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can use, or which toilets, or trans fats, salt, cigarettes, etc., etc. it comes back to bite you in the butt:
That's right- no low fat granola tofu sawdust bars for you totalitarians!!

Damn Libruls !

You convinced me.....I am a Republican now

Does this mean I have to hate gays?
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The public school system is broken who are they to grade parents? Our kids do not even know the difference of to, too, and two
The public school system is broken who are they to grade parents? Our kids do not even know the difference of to, too, and two

don't you mean 2,2 or 2 for our little darlings and their tweet speak?
[Florida state Rep. Kelli Stargel has introduced a bill that would require public school teachers to grade not only their students, but the students' parents as well. Moms and dads would be judged satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or "needs improvement," based on criteria like their kids' test preparation, appearance, and attendance. "We have student accountability, we have teacher accountability, and we have administration accountability," says Stargel, a Republican. "This was the missing link." Should schools, and parents, embrace the proposal?

can parents grade teachers?
No never. The parents that are concerned will always be concerned and available to the teachers to help their children.The ones that aren't will not care if you give them a failing grade you can't force people to be good parents or involved parents. The government needs to stay out of our lives unless we are doing something illegal. I was lucky to have grown up in a time that was like that people today are not that lucky.
Ya I think that it is must because parents are the first teacher of any student so it is must to grade to any parents.

teachers have no clue sometimes....teachers are human...they have their own issues and many times cannot help but let it spill over into the class room and on to their students.

i was a volunteer parent....i assure you....the teachers hated my ass....and one principal too....i didnt give a mal...if i had a concern i was there in their face with it....i didnt care if 'i was the only one it bothered' as long as it bothered me...the fire inspector didnt seem to be concerened with why was i?

the reason i am not being graded by a teacher...they spend very little time with my child compared to the time i spend with my child.....they are hired fucking help*...i am there 24/7

* no offense to the teachers but that is what you are..hired more less...sometimes i think teachers have vastly over inflated egos.
No kidding?

Not even low fat granola tofu sawdust bars?

Wingy, see- you support a gov that tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can use, or which toilets, or trans fats, salt, cigarettes, etc., etc. it comes back to bite you in the butt:
That's right- no low fat granola tofu sawdust bars for you totalitarians!!

Damn Libruls !

You convinced me.....I am a Republican now

Does this mean I have to hate gays?

Of course not...Republicans are the best friends of gays:

Here's how Coulter put it:

1. The media love describing the Republican Party base as “anti-gay”- as opposed to “anti-gay marriage.” Let’s see who’s anti-gay…

a. Gays are the victims of hate crimes, or as Republicans call them, “crimes.” But in the gay enclave of West Hollywood, law and order prevail…cops are everywhere…the average “Parking Restrictions” sign is longer than ‘Gone With the Wind.’

b. Gays have high incomes- a study a few years ago says 60 percent higher than the median income in America.

c. In Islamic countries, gays are punished with death.
Consequently, the three most important issues for any sane gay person ought to be crime, taxes, and the war on Islamic fascists…Manifestly, Republican policies are more pro-gay than Democrat policies and we don’t make a sport of outing political opponents who happen to be gay.

The Democratic Party supports criminals and Islamic terrorists but has no sympathy for taxpayers…

2. Democrats love using the tax code to enact lots of special-interest goodies with great appeal to suburban soccer moms but of absolutely no use to most gays, such as
a. Child tax credits
b. Tuition tax credits
c. Child-care credits
d. Education savings accounts
e. Student loans
f. The Family and Medical Leave Act
g. There is only one issue more important to Democrats than raising taxes, and that is keeping abortion legal at all stages of pregnancy. This is probably not a big issue for most gays.

3. After surrendering to Muslim terrorists and common criminals, aborting babies, and raising taxes, the Left’s favorite pastime is outing gay Republicans. Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…Liberals insist on letting ay men leas Boy Scouts on overnight camping trips, but won’t let a gay man be a Republican.

4. The media love describing the Republican Party base as “anti-gay”- as opposed to “anti-gay marriage.”…The purpose of marriage is not to sanctify the intense feeling people have for each other. The purpose is to harness men’s predatory biological impulses into a paired heterosexual relationship directed toward raising children. Mankind has never concocted a better scheme for civilizing men than marriage. And while we’re on the subject, animalkind has never developed a better mechanism for destroying civilization than liberalism.

5. We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?
[Florida state Rep. Kelli Stargel has introduced a bill that would require public school teachers to grade not only their students, but the students' parents as well. Moms and dads would be judged satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or "needs improvement," based on criteria like their kids' test preparation, appearance, and attendance. "We have student accountability, we have teacher accountability, and we have administration accountability," says Stargel, a Republican. "This was the missing link." Should schools, and parents, embrace the proposal?

can parents grade teachers?

Bingo, teachers have no right to grade a parent and absolutely no reason to. On the other hand, parents should be able to grade teachers and that grade along with justifications for it should be viewable by other parents. I want to know who is teaching my child and what they are like.

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