*Should Ten Men Be Wed?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Times they are a changing.
2. Anything goes.
3. Mix and match, get a mixture of races, maybe 100 people should marry?
4. We must protect their rights to marriage.
5. Throw in a dog or cat too, lets not forget them pets!
6. Yeah, let it all out, do what you want.
7. Times wasting on your life styles.
8. Countries Where Polygamy Is Legal 2022

Sorry bout that,

1. Times they are a changing.
2. Anything goes.
3. Mix and match, get a mixture of races, maybe 100 people should marry?
4. We must protect their rights to marriage.
5. Throw in a dog or cat too, lets not forget them pets!
6. Yeah, let it all out, do what you want.
7. Times wasting on your life styles.
8. Countries Where Polygamy Is Legal 2022

Tell me when to start worrying about this.
Sorry bout that,

1. Let them marrying.
2. And then let them have sex parties in the front yard, they pay their taxes.
3. Dozens of men walking around in their front yard, ejaculating in each others mouths.
4. Don't judge them.

Sorry bout that,

1. Let them marrying.
2. And then let them have sex parties in the front yard, they pay their taxes.
3. Dozens of men walking around in their front yard, ejaculating in each others mouths.
4. Don't judge them.


Is this really the right forum for posting your sexual fantasies?
Is this really the right forum for posting your sexual fantasies?
Sorry bout that,

1. The was a law passed in DC that insures gays can marry, pretty sure DC is the center of politics in America.
2. No i put this in its proper heading.
3. Gay lover?
4. You have the shirt and all?

Sorry bout that,

1. The was a law passed in DC that insures gays can marry, pretty sure DC is the center of politics in America.
2. No i put this in its proper heading.
3. Gay lover?
4. You have the shirt and all?


What does any of that have to do with the sexual fantasies you are posting on here?
Sorry bout that,

1. Times they are a changing.
2. Anything goes.
3. Mix and match, get a mixture of races, maybe 100 people should marry?
4. We must protect their rights to marriage.
5. Throw in a dog or cat too, lets not forget them pets!
6. Yeah, let it all out, do what you want.
7. Times wasting on your life styles.
8. Countries Where Polygamy Is Legal 2022


What the hell is wrong with you?
Sorry bout that,

1. You have to have some morality to know the reason why i posted this.
2. I'm not gay, or perverted, in anyway.
3. But i do see where this is going, and its ending will not be well.

Sorry bout that,

1. You have to have some morality to know the reason why i posted this.
2. I'm not gay, or perverted, in anyway.
3. But i do see where this is going, and its ending will not be well.


2. Then why do you post gay sexual fantasies on this forum?
Sorry bout that,

1. Defend this.
2. You've begun the moral decay, go ahead and defend what you've done.
3. I didn't start it, you did.
4. Now live with it, or defend it at least.

Sorry bout that,

1. Sure wear your rainbow shirts to the beach, but not defend gay marriage here, and now.
2. Maybe go get your shirt and put it on, come back here and defend gay marriage!

Lol, who gives two shits? Does not effect me one little bit. Lol got us some people just all worried about it effecting them some how though. Let em do what they want does not effect me.
1. The was a law passed in DC that insures gays can marry, pretty sure DC is the center of politics in America.

You really should learn about what it is you want to discuss rather than just regurgitate the pablum your masters feed you. There was no law passed that insures same sex marriage...

The Respect for Marriage Act does not legalize a right to same-sex or interracial marriage nationwide. That means it does not require states to perform same-sex and interracial marriages. States are free to deny marriage licenses to same-sex or interracial couples if the Supreme Court precedents were overruled. What RFMA does do is require the federal government and all states to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages if they were legally performed in the past or are performed in the future in places where they are still legal, including other states.

This means that all same-sex and interracial couples who are legally married today and going forward cannot be denied the civil benefits of their unions in any state if court precedents were to be overruled.

RFMA also offers explicit protections for religious groups with moral objections to same-sex or interracial marriages: They are not required to provide goods or services to the marriages they object to and their tax-exempt status cannot be rescinded for refusing to perform or respect a marriage.
Sorry bout that,

1. No, no, no, no no no.
2. You underestimate what they just did.
3. Cause you are a imbecile.
4. Gays can now freely marry, and next up, groups will be doing it too.
5. With an odd animal thrown in some times, children brides, and bride dudes.
6. If you had one shred of a moral you would know.
7. It soon turns into a pig farm, morally, and anything goes.
8. Welcome to the cesspool of the world, USA.

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