Should the first act of Congress in a Hillary presidency be to impeach her?

Should Congress do what the FBI refused to do?

  • Yes

  • No

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If the Republican'ts in Congress refuse to approve of any Supreme Court Justice she appoints or do any of this 8 year old 'I'm not playing with you neeaayahhh', she should just tell the American people 'I am going to veto every bill sent to my desk from Congress until they start doing their jobs and end this childish stranglehold they want to put on the country'. That would include any spending bill. Of course the Republicans would whine and bitch about 'government shutdown' but all HRC has to do is immediately veto any bill sent to her by Congress, thus the ball would always be in their court to come up with a compromise and move everything else in the government forward. It's called separation of powers. Congress was never intended to be able to hold the entire country's government hostage and make hostage demands. Most of the government welfare goes to red states and much of it goes to defense contractors located in red states, so soon enough the Republican'ts will have people bleating down their necks.

Apparently this is the only thing Republicans will understand as they've retreated into a childish hissy fit and believe they can continue perpetating this on the nation as long as they wish. It's time to cram this bullshit back down their throats.
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I believe if she wins they should do EVERYTHING in their power to have her removed or imprisoned.


During her tenure in office if she is found to have committed some act that call for Impeachment then yes but because of stuff the House has investigated over and over before she became President, then no!
I believe if she wins they should do EVERYTHING in their power to have her removed or imprisoned.


During her tenure in office if she is found to have committed some act that call for Impeachment then yes but because of stuff the House has investigated over and over before she became President, then no!

The House has the authority to impeach her for nothing more than being a woman President- or a Democrat President.

And Gramps hopes that is what they will do.

Yes would be my fail safe answer.
I believe if she wins they should do EVERYTHING in their power to have her removed or imprisoned.


During her tenure in office if she is found to have committed some act that call for Impeachment then yes but because of stuff the House has investigated over and over before she became President, then no!

The House has the authority to impeach her for nothing more than being a woman President- or a Democrat President.

And Gramps hopes that is what they will do.

I don't believe they will do this. it would be political suicide and with what Donald Trump has done to the GOP it is best they let things slide for two years until the Mid-Term Election...

Now if something happen between now and then, well then do the investigation and see where it leads to but do not do the witch hunt that happen in the 1990's because again political suicide!
After six years of a do nothing congress, what else can we expect from Republicans?

We can't get our agenda through......why don't we impeach Clinton?

Haven't done that in 17 years
Impeached for what?
Don't you have to put something on the bit of paper?
Lying to congress & destroying subpoenaed documents.
Such is the reprehensible right: presume guilt, absent evidence.
Say hello to Mr Trump. I'm sure he will appreciate your defense of him since, you know, the absence of evidence regarding the bimbo squad.


How about a taped confession?
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
That was some shellacking giving the Senate to Republicans on the midterms. And the house to them on the midterms before that.
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
That was some shellacking giving the Senate to Republicans on the midterms. And the house to them on the midterms before that.

Other than gridlock the Supreme Court by refusing to do their job......what have Republicans done ?
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
That was some shellacking giving the Senate to Republicans on the midterms. And the house to them on the midterms before that.

Nothing would ensure the destruction of the GOP than for the GOP to seem even more blatantly anti-American and partisan than to be seen trying to overturn an election.
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
That was some shellacking giving the Senate to Republicans on the midterms. And the house to them on the midterms before that.

Nothing would ensure the destruction of the GOP than for the GOP to seem even more blatantly anti-American and partisan than to be seen trying to overturn an election.
Yes....a coup would sit well with the American public
I see wen the whiney ass Republicans are threatening investigations after investigation on Hillary if she wins. Block all USSC nominees.

You would think the shellacking Obama gave them & the embarrassing ass kicking Hillary will given them might have taught them how well that works.

Republicans are getting worse & worse & worse.
That was some shellacking giving the Senate to Republicans on the midterms. And the house to them on the midterms before that.

Nothing would ensure the destruction of the GOP than for the GOP to seem even more blatantly anti-American and partisan than to be seen trying to overturn an election.
Don't care
I believe if she wins they should do EVERYTHING in their power to have her removed or imprisoned.

If you remember this election, then you'll understand what is going to happen. Ronald Reagan worked with a hostile congress for 8 years, and he was able to persuade them to go along with a lot of things. There was no investigations, much less accusations coming from the other side. They didn't like him for certain, but they typically went along with what he wanted to do. WHY?

Because of this? An electoral college MANDATE. This country had voted, and it was very clear that Americans liked Ronald Reagan, so Democrats didn't argue with that. This was out of fear they would lose their own seats when their time came up for re election.


The same thing is going to happen in 2016. Hillary Clinton is going to win in a landslide election, and those once "vocal Republicans" in the house or Senate are going to be silenced, once and for all. They will agree to disagree, but eventually be persuaded to work with her, most likely from other Republicans. A landslide victory insures that you'll never hear about Benghazi, or emails ever again, especially coming from House or Senate Republicans.

This is what you can expect on election night, but I think it's going to worse. Texas, Arizona & Georgia (deep RED states) are now in the toss up column.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Hillary Clinton may be our 1st--50 state landslide victory. There is no doubt she will have a MANDATE victory regardless. Trump may win 49 electoral college votes, out of a few states that are considered certain wins for him, but It's still going to be a complete wipe out of Donald Trump, and with him he is certain to take the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country. We may even see Red turn to Blue in state legislatures, and Governor seats all across this country.
The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton
Dallas Morning News endorses Hillary Clinton, backing first Democrat in 76 years


You were warned about Trump, and you ignored it. Now your barn is going to burn down to the ground.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen
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I believe if she wins they should do EVERYTHING in their power to have her removed or imprisoned.

No. Because neither house has the constitutionally required numbers to do it. And I doubt there's any way to get around it either. I mean, it would be nice if they did, but let's face facts. It ain't gonna happen.
Because holding power in the government means unlimited revenge against your opponent right.

The highest calling of those in the Soviet Union.

You're welcome


A President can't be impeached for actions taken before being President.

Nor is trying to negate a legal election "Justice". That's called being a sore loser.
So you're saying congress can not hold her accountable for lying to them? I know you'll say WHAT LIE?!?! so just spare me the bullshit and give me a straight answer.

Nope they can't...

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