Should The President Invoke Emergency Powers Under Article VI & the 14th Amendment..

So, the premise here is that the President can basically call out the troops because Congress, who btw, holds the purse strings, won't let him spend what ever amount he wants?

How colossally stupid is this?


Here we have a classic example of the liberal faith in the democratic process.
Any president can't just allow the US to be held hostage to the unwillingness of Congress to meet the constitutional obligations of the US to pay our legally incurred financial obligations because Congress fails to fulfill its constitutional requirement to raise the debt ceiling in order to insure that America does not default on its debt.

It's all part of the liberal desire to criminalize not being liberal
So, the premise here is that the President can basically call out the troops because Congress, who btw, holds the purse strings, won't let him spend what ever amount he wants?

How colossally stupid is this?


Here we have a classic example of the liberal faith in the democratic process.

It's the liberal faith in the "D"emocratic process...
Are you saying that conservatives might rise up to try to overthrow the gov't? That would warrant the sending in of troops, which a president is perfectly within his rights to do as the head of the executive branch under the constitution AND current laws.

Sending in troops? You do remember what side of the poltical spectrum the majority of a soldiers come from? If ordered to suppress civilians after the president declares a state of emergency do you really think they will follow orders?

This is all laughable at face value. What I find disturbing is your apparent glee at having the president basically nullify congress.

Military units are trained to follow orders.

Following orders without question died at Nuremberg. I have a request for you below:

Besides, look at past left wing military states. Lefties LOVE using violent force to mold their homeland society into their image.

And Right wing governments never ever do this? Never ever? Never?

I've found it hilarious how quickly Conservatives forget just how many dictatorships GOP administrations helped get into power and support. Part of the reason the Middle Eastern and Latin American countries are such a mess is because GOP presidents as a rule find democracies too messy and instead support dictatorships because they're easier.

Obama and The GOP are playing chicken right now, an both sides are threatening pretty unspeakable things. Too claim innocence or the high ground is the height of hypocrisy.
...if there is no budget agreement by Aug 2nd, and the US is at risk of defaulting on its constitional obligation to pay its debts?

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

How do people feel about this?

Any president can't just allow the US to be held hostage to the unwillingness of Congress to meet the constitutional obligations of the US to pay our legally incurred financial obligations because Congress fails to fulfill its constitutional requirement to raise the debt ceiling in order to insure that America does not default on its debt.

LMAO. YES, please ....PLEASE have the Hussein invoke this and just abolish Congress. Because you know, he knows best and we can trust him.

Holy FUCK you libs are insane.
...if there is no budget agreement by Aug 2nd, and the US is at risk of defaulting on its constitional obligation to pay its debts?

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

How do people feel about this?

Any president can't just allow the US to be held hostage to the unwillingness of Congress to meet the constitutional obligations of the US to pay our legally incurred financial obligations because Congress fails to fulfill its constitutional requirement to raise the debt ceiling in order to insure that America does not default on its debt.

LMAO. YES, please ....PLEASE have the Hussein invoke this and just abolish Congress. Because you know, he knows best and we can trust him.

Holy FUCK you libs are insane.

What'd ya expect? They think a system whereby you tax the shit out of 1% of the population and let 50% skate makes sense.
Besides, look at past left wing military states. Lefties LOVE using violent force to mold their homeland society into their image.

And Right wing governments never ever do this? Never ever? Never?

I've found it hilarious how quickly Conservatives forget just how many dictatorships GOP administrations helped get into power and support. Part of the reason the Middle Eastern and Latin American countries are such a mess is because GOP presidents as a rule find democracies too messy and instead support dictatorships because they're easier.

Obama and The GOP are playing chicken right now, an both sides are threatening pretty unspeakable things. Too claim innocence or the high ground is the height of hypocrisy.

Ok, I gave over 10 examples. Give me examples of right wing, conservative small-gov't situations where the gov't turned the military to commit horrors on it's own any?
For the record: if Obama does call out the military over the debt ceiling he'd face a 49 state rout in November and flat hand the GOP the House and Senate for 20 years. If the GOP allow a default, they'll lose every single House and Senate seat up in 2012 and hand Obama a second term.

Right now they're both going to lose big if they follow through, so there will be a compromise. I'd bet money on it.
Besides, look at past left wing military states. Lefties LOVE using violent force to mold their homeland society into their image.

And Right wing governments never ever do this? Never ever? Never?

I've found it hilarious how quickly Conservatives forget just how many dictatorships GOP administrations helped get into power and support. Part of the reason the Middle Eastern and Latin American countries are such a mess is because GOP presidents as a rule find democracies too messy and instead support dictatorships because they're easier.

Obama and The GOP are playing chicken right now, an both sides are threatening pretty unspeakable things. Too claim innocence or the high ground is the height of hypocrisy.

Ok, I gave over 10 examples. Give me examples of right wing, conservative small-gov't situations where the gov't turned the military to commit horrors on it's own any?

Ok, I gave over 10 examples. Give me examples of right wing, conservative small-gov't situations where the gov't turned the military to commit horrors on it's own any?

Your criteria was left wing governments, and most of your examples are sketchy at best. You're moving the goal posts.

But if you'd like I'll point you back into the Cold War and the GWoT. GOP administrations regularly claim to be small government and support dictatorships or corrupt oppressive government. We can point at Pakistan, Iraq, Cuba (pre Castro), Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Iranian coup, China pre-Mao, Saudi Arabia and a whole host of middle Eastern regimes.
Don't you know pro military governments with Religious ties are left wing? I mean unless it's Israel or the United States or the current government of Iraq or Afghanistan or....

This is the same reasoning by the way that allows Cons to pretend that a nationalistic, anti-Communist, pro-Military, pro-Corporation government is left wing, especially if it fits their agenda. There isn't a dictatorship in Latin or South America that would last 3 days without the support of big business.
So, the premise here is that the President can basically call out the troops because Congress, who btw, holds the purse strings, won't let him spend what ever amount he wants?

How colossally stupid is this?


No, that's the premise you made up. I'm really not sure if you're stupid or a liar. My sense is your both.
The military won't be called out. What would likely happen is Obama would likely declare emergency powers, sign an executive order to let the treasury stop a default, then rescind his powers. Most folks wouldnt even understand what a seismic event that would be and there's no risk of civil war. Hell, he'd probably jump up a few points in the poles for finally showing some spine.

The GOP would likely fume and fuss and let it go. You'd probably never hear about it on the campaign trail and the next time a Democrat Cogress got uppity the next GOP President would use the precedent and do the same thing.

I was thinking something along the same lines as far as how it could happen.

An interesting side note is wondering what would happen when invariably RW radio hosts later took to the airwaves to rail against the gov't, especially if they called for some kind of resistance, armed or otherwise. Would that constitute some form of treason or sedition, thereby warranting, in the eyes of the gov't, taking them off the air or some kind of house arrest for the remainder of the crisis?
The U.S. Constitution does not allow the President to send out the Military if he doesn't get his way. It it did, we wouldn't need Congress or the Judiciary.


"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

I'd add: check out the powers a GOP House and Senate handed a GOP President post 9/11 and you'll find martial law can be declared for much less.

What good would martial law do? Is the Army going to confiscate the wealth from the rich so Obama can distribute it? John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi better watch out if that is the case.
Sending in troops? You do remember what side of the poltical spectrum the majority of a soldiers come from? If ordered to suppress civilians after the president declares a state of emergency do you really think they will follow orders?

This is all laughable at face value. What I find disturbing is your apparent glee at having the president basically nullify congress.

Military units are trained to follow orders.

Following orders without question died at Nuremberg. I have a request for you below:


I haven't advocated this, dufus. It's just something I thought would make an interesting debate and intellectual exercise. The fact that some people are freaking out about this is kind of hilarious, frankly. It's like reading about Orson Wells radio broadcast of "War of the Worlds."

I was thinking something along the same lines as far as how it could happen.

An interesting side note is wondering what would happen when invariably RW radio hosts later took to the airwaves to rail against the gov't, especially if they called for some kind of resistance, armed or otherwise. Would that constitute some form of treason or sedition, thereby warranting, in the eyes of the gov't, taking them off the air or some kind of house arrest for the remainder of the crisis?
Short answer is no.

Long answer is that the big names wouldn't risk their media empires to call for revoloution. Limbaugh and Hannity are too chicken shit to even endorse candidates out of fear of being wrong or losing those paid subscribers.

The fringe guys like Savage were probably put under FBI surveillance post 9/11 anyways. Arresting them is pointless. They've been calling for revolution for years already, but truthfully they're more useful where they're at as they help identify the really dangerous fringe groups.

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