Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Except we will never be able to do that by raising age requirements. Like I said we will only be taking people off of SS and putting them on disability which isn't helping our situation at all. Part of the solution is the private market; do what GW suggested and let us wean off of SS and depend on our own retirement accounts.
Dude, we have people who voted for Trump. You know what would happen if idiots like that tried to plan their own retirement?

They'd have a portfolio of less than worthless penny stocks, an attic full of commemorative gold-plated coins, and a graduation certificate from Trump University.
Hallmarks of a cult:
  • The leader is the ultimate authority.
  • The group suppresses skepticism.
  • The group delegitimizes former members.
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world.
  • The group relies on shame cycles.
  • The leader is above the law.
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods.
Which really needs to happen. The largest problem with SS in my opinion is that it prevents the poor from generating any real generational wealth. You should be able to save a portion of your SS (or all of it tbh) and then pass that on should you have some left over when you pass away.

Not only is this a good introduction in the process of creating long term wealth for a target populace that simply does not take part but also a means to ensure there is something there that can be passed on.
There was nothing wrong or destructive about Bush's idea to allow us the ability to privately invest a small percentage of our own money. Portraying that as trying to destroy SS was silly.
I am considered "rich" thanks to the stupid, naive people like you. I am not a footsoldier.
Sure you are. Because rich people always complain about paying a couple thousand more dollars into a society each year. Gimme a Break, liar.
So it is fair that a family struggling to pay for food and shelter pays the same rate as the Billionaire wondering where to buy his next yacht
What's wrong with everyone paying the rate?

As far as the billionaires yacht goes, who builds those yachts? Who manufactures the engines and necessary equipment to run these yachts? Who maintains them? How many jobs do these billionaires create?
There is no Trust Fund

Social Security taxes are spent on retirees as soon as they are received
We can thank Democrat president LBJ for that. He raided the trust fund to pay for the war in Vietnam. Now the trust fund is a collection of IOU's
We can thank Democrat president LBJ for that. He raided the trust fund to pay for the war in Vietnam. Now the trust fund is a collection of IOU's
That is not really true. The trust fund has always, since the very inception of the program, been funneled directly into the general fund.

The SS trust fund has never been 'raided.' You cant raid it, that would imply putting the money somewhere that it was not supposed to go. It has always been designed to go to the general fund.
There was nothing wrong or destructive about Bush's idea to allow us the ability to privately invest a small percentage of our own money. Portraying that as trying to destroy SS was silly.
Silly but it was effective.
None of that is accurate and you have no understanding of the subject
You aren't even clueless to know how stupid you sound.
So then the Democrats didn't control the house for
40 straight years prior to 1994.
I don't Tink So.
So Newt Gingrich's along with his New Republican Majority
in the house balanced the budget four straight years
and paid off $ 405 Billion in debt.
Plus how many audits of the Social Security were done.
Name the years that the Social Security Trust fund
had an audit.Same with the Gold Reserve at Fort Knox.
Ya knuckleheaded :
Horse shit.

NO one (barring absolutes) making average to below average pay can save that kind of money. You just can't set aside 10% of what is an already inadequate salary. Most of those people are living in a deficit to start with
Say what? You do know they contribute 6.2% correct
That is not really true. The trust fund has always, since the very inception of the program, been funneled directly into the general fund.

The SS trust fund has never been 'raided.' You cant raid it, that would imply putting the money somewhere that it was not supposed to go. It has always been designed to go to the general fund.
Then how come it never had an audit.You can't prove
something like that w/o going over the books.
This isn't Bill Clinton and Franklin Raines { his Fannie Mae
Director } who was caught Cooking the books.
Raines was embarassed and forced into retirement with
a considerable Golden Parachute.
He was accused of " abbeting widespread accounting
errors ".
We can thank Democrat president LBJ for that. He raided the trust fund to pay for the war in Vietnam. Now the trust fund is a collection of IOU's
Plus it took decades to understand how J.F.K.'s
Secretary of Defense { Robert McNamara } Lied
outright about Vietnam.He was " Wrong,Terribly Wrong "
about Vietnam.
I don't know about the other careers you mentioned, but truckers are not allowed to work 80 hours a week. They are strictly regulated.

And the coal miner of today is not as belabored as the old school miners. Their jobs are easier than in days of old with pickaxes and shovels. It is still tough work, yes, but there are not anywhere near as many coal miners today because they have been replaced by technology such as rock crushers and shovel springs.

And a coal mining job pays well. They should easily be able to support themselves in retirement.
Those were examples of the difference between doing office work all your life and physical work.

Also, truckers can work as many hours a week as they want, they just can't drive after they hit 70 hours, also, when you are otr, you run with a rolling log book, so you can legally drive every single day...for the most part.
You aren't even clueless to know how stupid you sound.
So then the Democrats didn't control the house for
40 straight years prior to 1994.
I don't Tink So.
So Newt Gingrich's along with his New Republican Majority
in the house balanced the budget four straight years
and paid off $ 405 Billion in debt.
Plus how many audits of the Social Security were done.
Name the years that the Social Security Trust fund
had an audit.Same with the Gold Reserve at Fort Knox.
Ya knuckleheaded :
When do you figure out that you're pissing in the wind?

No one can understand your posts and FEWER people care
Dude, we have people who voted for Trump. You know what would happen if idiots like that tried to plan their own retirement?

They'd have a portfolio of less than worthless penny stocks, an attic full of commemorative gold-plated coins, and a graduation certificate from Trump University.
Then how come it never had an audit.You can't prove
something like that w/o going over the books.
This isn't Bill Clinton and Franklin Raines { his Fannie Mae
Director } who was caught Cooking the books.
Raines was embarassed and forced into retirement with
a considerable Golden Parachute.
He was accused of " abbeting widespread accounting
errors ".
It is not a matter of auditing the fund. It is a function of how the fund operates. The money going into it are used to buy bonds that are sold to the fund. Money from the sale of those bonds goes into the general fund. It is, quite literally, designed so that money goes directly to the government to spend.
Dude, we have people who voted for Trump. You know what would happen if idiots like that tried to plan their own retirement?

They'd have a portfolio of less than worthless penny stocks, an attic full of commemorative gold-plated coins, and a graduation certificate from Trump University.

You don't have to worry about conservatives. We would do just fine. It's the Democrats that's the problem. It's the party of irresponsibility. It's the party where the constituents think that government should be the first to change your diaper and the first to put the shovel of dirt on your grave. It's the party that blame rich people for all their woes instead of themselves.

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